
We've Never Been Normal Though

Jordan teased Hailey mercilessly about leeching off of Dallin once she told him that she was getting married but he let it drop after a few minutes and told her seriously that he was happy for her and would be there no matter what. She even got him to promise not to embarrass her when he came. 

That was something anyway. It barely appeased her after enduring his teasing. 

She enjoyed a lovely Christmas season with Dallin doing a bunch of fun holiday stuff and baking plenty of treats they often delivered to various people so they wouldn't overdose on sugar. A lovely trip to see his parents for the actual holiday too. 

That involved a lot of in-person wedding planning and video conference calls with all of Dallin's female relatives who wanted in on it. It was surreal because Hailey hadn't even been able to imagine sitting around planning a wedding before she met him. Marriage had been an impossible daydream then.