

She sat , then stood , then walked prancing up and down the room. She was getting a personal guard today and she trusted her parents to give her someone who would be utterly terrible and awful .

She knew she was stubborn but it was because she didn't want to be controlled, she didn't want to be like other people, like other . She didn't want to wear big , heavy dresses put on makeup just for people to see her and so she could smile sweetly and wave at them .

That wasn't that kind of princess , she was tough , she loved to wear trouser and talk loudly , climb trees , ride horses and say whatever was on her mind and did this things much to her parents dismay.

Because she was well into her thoughts, she jumped when she heard a knock on her door.

" come in".she told the person behind the door and a meek looking maid walked in.

" your Highness , the King and Queen demand for presence". The maid softly told her .

" Of Course". she sighed and walked out with the maid a few steps ahead of her to the rose garden . She found her parents and her older brother, along with a man she couldn't see from behind.

" Father, Mother . Nathaniel." She said letting them know of her presence.

Her father turned to her with a smile on his face while her mother had a smug look.

" Anastasia, there you are . we've been waiting for you , this is Lyon Colin and he's your personal guard. He's also going to escort you to your wedding which happens to be in three days , I expect you to be complaint and not strong headed , we will you two to talk and get to know each other better ". Her father says and walks away with her mother and just before her brother leaves he whispers to her

" Keep being who you are , you put in everyone in their place". And winks just before walking away.

Leaving her with Lyon who turned to her slightly and acknowledges

" Princess". and she nods . She didn't want to talk , her parents didn't know but she had heard about Lyon before .

He was known throughout out the kingdom as being fearsome, cruel and heartless. He fought wars without mercy and didn't do things half way , he was a thorough man .

She already hated him and would make sure to make him tire of her and everyone in the kingdom of Soriar , including her parents would know that she was not to be controlled.

As she thought of this , she smirked and turned to him, acknowledging him
