
What happened ?

I didn't know where I was. It was dark; I couldn't open my eyes, feel my body, or move. But I have to admit, it was almost peaceful—no noise, stress, or anxiety.

It was just a peaceful and comforting void. I remembered my life, though not my name. I had enjoyed superhero content in general.

I had graduated in robotic engineering, but I remembered the frustration of seeing my projects rejected over and over. They were good projects, but I never had the chance to build or implement them.

I had no family; my only relative was my mother, who unfortunately passed away when I was 6 due to cancer that was discovered too late.

So most of the time, I sought to relieve my frustrations through superhero content. I recall being particularly intrigued by the series " The Boys. " I liked how it portrayed "heroes" as just humans with superpowers—selfish beings with superiority complexes who thought they could do anything.

Somehow, I think we all liked to hate those " super-powered beasts. " I often found myself hoping that Homelander would simply snap and destroy everything, feeling relieved that I didn't have to live in a world with those monsters.

As I floated through the void, I felt my essence contract, which was extremely uncomfortable. I could see a faint light in the distance, even though I didn't exactly have eyes.

Then a beautiful voice, which sounded like calm and loving music, whispered in my mind.

~ This world needs you, be the hero they need ~

With that, I felt myself being carried away. I didn't know where to, but it was like traveling at thousands of kilometers per hour.

Then I could feel my heavy body, a gentle breeze passing over my skin, and my eyes were closed.

" I told you we shouldn't have put so much pressure on him. What would have happened if we hadn't stopped ? " said an irritated female voice, muffled in the distance.

" Yeah, but nothing happened. He's just unconscious; no physical damage was found. We just have to wait for him to wake up, " responded a male voice, also muffled, annoyed by the previous question.

" You're impossible. This kid cost Vought billions. You know Mr. Edgar won't be happy if he finds out you hurt him ! "

The voices continued to argue while I tried to open my heavy eyes. It felt like a huge effort; why was it so difficult?

With great effort, I managed to open my eyes and was temporarily blinded by light.

As my eyes adjusted to the brightness, I could see a white ceiling above me. I was lying down, and my entire body ached; even breathing was a tremendous effort.

But where am I ? What happened to me ? Who am I ?

" Look, he's waking up ! " shouted the female voice excitedly.

" John, look here ! " she said, and I heard some tapping on a glass window that made me squint. It was too loud!

Turning my eyes with effort, I saw a middle-aged man and woman watching me through a small glass window in a white door. Was this entire room white?

'What happened ?' I thought, extremely confused.