
A Detective Conan Fanfiction Story: Fading Memories

When Ran found out Conan's identity, her life was in a tightrope and all bad luck in life came to their lives like a tornado. Ten years passed, he couldn't recognize her. She was a complete stranger to him. Will they be able to solve their complicated, tough case together? Credits to the true maker of Detective Conan, Gosho Aoyama.

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61 Chs

Chapter Fifteen: Dawn Radar

Shinichi's POV

"Shinichi... Shinichi..." Someone is calling my name in pure darkness. It keeps echoing in my ear. "Shinichi... Shinichi..."

I tried to open my eyes but I can't open them even when I forced it to. It won't flutter open. It won't budge, not even a little.


That voice again. That whisper... It keeps on whispering to my ears like someone is brushing its lips on my earlobe.


It was breathy. It gives me creeps. I want to answer but I can't. My mouth was being shut by some kind of unknown force that prohibited me from speaking.

"Shinichi... I love you..."

"Shinichi! Shinichi!"

My eyes suddenly fluttered open as I hurriedly sat up. Beads of sweat were going down my whole body as if I was on heat. My breathing is heavy as if I ran on a marathon.

"Shinichi..." I looked on my side to see a worried face of Ran.

Ran's POV

I go upstairs to wake Shinichi up but when I was about to open the door, I heard muffling sounds behind it. I hurriedly open the door and saw Shinichi swimming in his own sweat.

I hurriedly ran beside him and wake him up, shaking him in the process.

"Shinichi! Shinichi!" I shouted but he won't budge, he keeps on making those muffling sounds. "Shi-ni-chi!"

Suddenly, his eyes fluttered open and he shot himself to sit down on the bed.

"Shinichi, are you alright?" I asked. He suddenly looked at me. I became worried when I saw his eyes with fear. "Shinichi..."

My eyes widened when he suddenly pulled my arm and hugged me tightly. I could feel his sweat on my clothes.

"S-Shinichi, w-what--"

"I'm scared," he said that made me stilled. His hug tightened even more. "I'm scared, Ran."

I looked at him. I could feel him trembling. I hugged him back and caressed his back. "It's okay. It's okay. I'm here, Shinichi. I won't leave you."

His hug tightened, even more, his hands are gripping my upper clothes. I caressed his head and rested my chin on his shoulder as I try to calm him down from his fear.

"What did you dream about huh?"

"Just hug me. Please, Ran."

I sighed as I hugged him. "I'm just here."


"Feeling better now?" I asked Shinichi as he got downstairs. I ordered him to take a bath and to wear new clothes after he was done in hugging me.

I'm in the living room, dusting off the pillows. I put back the pillows and I went to the kitchen. I felt Shinichi's presence behind, following me.

I pour one freshly brewed coffee on a cup before handing it to him. "Here."

"Thanks," he said and sip to it. "Ahm..." He looked away. "Thank you... for being with me a while ago," he said and I saw his cheeks blushed.

I chuckled and smiled at him. "It's fine. It was just shocking that you hugged me so suddenly."

"Oh. Is that so? Sorry about that."

"You don't need to say sorry," I said. "Anyways, I'll be gone for two weeks so take care fo yourself here."

I saw him stopped drinking his coffee. He frowned. "When will you be gone?"

"Tomorrow morning," I answered. I smiled. "Don't worry. It'll be just two weeks and I'll be back immediately."

He glared at me. "But you know I'm a lazy person right?"

"So, you learn not to be lazy," I fired back. "I'll tell Ai-chan and Agasa Hakase to check on you every time."

"Where will you go?"

"In London. I'll just finish all my works there."

"Can't you just finish all your works from there here?"

I shooked my head. "I can't. My clients need me in person. I really need to go there."

He pouted. "But no one will take care of me."

"Idiot." I flicked his forehead.


"I'll be just gone for two weeks and you're acting like I'm going to stay away from you in a month."

He pouted. "But it feels like years if you're not here."

"Now, you're making a puppy look." I sighed. "Shinichi, be mature. I'll not be going to meddle around without any important reasons. Please understand."

He pouted even more. "But--"

"No buts, Shinichi. I'm an attorney, not an employee that could have a day off," I said. "I have enough rest even though it is really not a rest."

"I know you're an attorney but our time with each other is so short."

I glared at him. "Idiot. I've been here for almost three weeks. Are you crazy, Shinichi? Do you want me here in the house all the time? I have a life too, you know."

"But you said you'll babysit me."

"Adult-sit, idiot. You're an adult but you're still acting like an immature. Cheer up. I'll be here after those two weeks. It would not be too long."

I saw a hint of sadness in his eyes. I sighed. Geez. I can't even resist this man.

Yes, he couldn't remember me but his actions said that he'll miss my presence even I am in the house for just three weeks. That's how great my impact on his life.

"I'll call you in the morning and in the evening," I said.

He looked up and his eyes are glistening in happiness. "Really?"

"Idiot. Of course, I will. I can't see you with that pout in your face."

He grinned. "Thank you, Ran."

I smiled. "You're welcome."

And the next morning, I woke up early and went to the airport and left Tokyo. As the plane fly off to London, my mind is flying to another dimension where there is the only person I'm thinking of, Shinichi.

Shinichi's POV

I woke up as the alarm suddenly came so loud in my ears. I fluttered my eyes open and hurriedly got out of bed. My eyes went to see my phone.

I grab it and saw one notification. I clicked on it and I smiled as I saw who's the one sent a message to me.

From: Ran

Good morning, Shinichi. Wake up early, idiot. If you see this message, I am in London right now doing my work. Eat your food well and be safe. Love you! <3

I shooked my head as my smile never leave my lips. I got out of bed and fixed it up before I go to the bathroom to clean myself. I put some clothes on and cooked in the kitchen.

I learned culinary when I was in America and my Mom always asked me to assist her in baking so I knew quite a few.

Once I finished cooking, I took a picture of it and sent an e-mail to Ran with the picture clipped on it.

To: Ran

I cooked my breakfast. I'll eat well now. Did you eat breakfast yet? I miss your cook in the morning.

I put down my phone and started to eat breakfast. I also played music so that I could feel that I'm not alone in the house.

In the midst of eating, my phone suddenly vibrated. Getting excited that it might be Ran, I immediately picked it up but I soon became, disappointed when I saw another message from someone I knew.


Jimmy, baby, I'm outside the house. Can I come in and talk to you?

I closed the phone and finished my meal. When I put the dirty utensils on the sink, my phone vibrated again so I took it out of my pocket. It was Hayley again.


Can I go inside the house, please, baby? I need to talk to you.

I stared at her nickname. Why does her nickname has to be 'baby' anyways?

I go to the settings and changed her name to her original name before typing back.


Sorry. Ran said that I should be careful in talking to stranger.

Then, I hit send. A couple of seconds, she replied.


If you won't let me come in, I'll force to come in myself.

I ignored the message and closed my phone before walking to the library. I chose two to three books before I put them down the table in the living room.

When I was about to pick up the boom that's on top among the three, the main door suddenly opened wide so fast making me looked up.

My eyes widenee as I saw the heaving Hayley on the main door, bright sunlight behind her back.

She walked towards me. When she stopped in front of me, I stood up.

"Why did you ignore my reply?" she asked irritatingly.

I crossed my arms. "You know my answer," I replied.

"But I'm not a stranger. I'm your girlfriend!"

"EX-girlfriend. Don't feel like we're still in a relationship, Hayley."

"Where's Rachel? I need to talk to her."

I pulled her by the arm when she passed through me. I glanced at her.

"She's not here," I said and pulled her back. "She's gone temporarily."

"So, you're the only one here?" she asked.


She suddenly smirked and looked at me seductively. Suddenly, she wrapped her arms around my neck. "Jimmy, you know what this means..." She puts her finger on my chest down my tummy. She bit her lip.

I looked at her and smiled soullessly. "Sorry, but I think I could not do that with you," I said and unwrapped her arms on my neck. I pushed him slightly. "We're not together now, remember?"

"But I did not break up with you so that means we're still in!" She wrapped her arms around my neck again and looked at me with wide eyes, her eyes saying 'please'. "Please, Jimmy. Come back to me."

"I don't love you and we're breaking up. That's final, Hayley."

"Then, I'll make you mine again," she said.

I frowned. "What are you--"

My eyes widened as she suddenly leaned into me and our lips connected with each other. I froze in my position. I didn't move, even my lips just froze on its own.

She kissed me for goodness' sake!

I didn't kiss her back. I'm like a statue being kissed by a human.

She forced her tongue to open my lips but I closed it more, not letting her tongue invade my mouth.

When she pulled away, I just looked at her nonchalantly. She frowned. "Why didn't you kissed back?"

I pushed her away from me. "What makes you think I will kiss you back?"

"Because I became your girlfriend?"

"Because I do not love you and I don't feel something, not even a spark," I replied.

She laughed without any emotion and looked at me unbelievably with an awkward smile on her lips. "You can't just say you can't feel any spark. How come I became your girlfriend then? Is our relationship a joke to you?"


"Then, why didn't you kiss me?"

I put my hands on my pant's pockets. "As I said, I don't feel any spark unlike you. And our relationship? It just built because I like you. Now, I hate you."

"Because of Rachel, isn't it? Because of her, you started to hate me!"

"No, this is about us! Don't pinpoint other people here!" I pointed at her. "Your attitude is the problem here! You always bragged everything you wanted to do and forced me to come with you always."

"But that's what girlfriends do!"

"And what makes you think that girlfriends do that?"

We both looked back at the main door to see Haibara leaning to the door. She walked towards us.

Hayley raised an eyebrow. "Who are you?"

"Ai Haibara," she replied and looked at her soullessly. "And you must be Hayley Ford?" She crossed her arms. "Ran nee-chan said that let out the ex-girlfriend of Shinichi nii-san here."


"In short, go out, Hayley Ford," she replied and gave her the deadliest glare. "Kudo Shinichi was forbidden to touch by any girls except for his relatives and love."

"But I'm his lover!"

"Ex-lover," Haibara corrected and smirked. "Maybe, you're just dreaming your way to the fantasy world that you really forget that Shinichi-nii san broke you up."

"Oh, so kids nowadays knew our unstable relationship now, huh, Jimmy? Does your childhood friend a machine gun to talk about it to this young girl?" Hayley asked and rolled her eyes.

"I'm nineteen for your information, Hayley Ford," Haibara replied. "And please get out of the house before I called the cops."

"And why would you do that, young girl?"

"My name's Haibara, idiot."

"Even bad words were being learned now in school, huh?"

Haibara sighed. "People used their bad words on their own and learn on their own. Now, if you have a little more respect to this country, leave or I'll fire a word back."

"And you think you could push me away because Rachel said you so? No way. I would not go."

Haibara took out her phone and dialed someone. "Calling the cops now."

"No, you won't--"

"Hello? Yes, this is Haibara, Megure-keibu. Someone just barged into Kudo-kun's house. I think I need some police company here. Oh, yes, it is. Okay. Bye." Haibara looked at me after the call was finished. "I called the cops. They'll get here any minute."

"You're not serious," Hayey said. Her face was pale.

I looked at Haibara. "When will they be here?" I asked.

"A few minutes. Enough to make Hayley Ford escape if she wants to," Haibara said.

"Police can't arrest me. I did not tresspass--"

"You did," I said. "I'm the witness."

"But I asked you if I could come--"

"And I said no," I replied. "If you don't want to be arrested, then shut your mouth up and go."

She frowned. "Why are you doing this to me, Jimmy?"

"You're a stranger now. I don't want you to be my acquaintance nor a friend so be gone. Don't bother me. This is the last time, Hayley."

I'm surprised when she smirked. "Ha, I will make this not the last meeting, Kudo Shinichi," she said before she turned her back to us and left the main door.

I sighed as I sat down the couch. Haibara sat down to the other couch across me.

"Call the police again. Hayley is gone now."

"The police knew I called them because I needed a threat to that woman. And..." She crossed her arms and legs. "...Sato-keibu is the one who I talked to. She guessed that I just called because I needed help without them personally."

"Right. They're officers." I facepalmed myself. How could I forget it?

"So, how's your life in here?" she asked.

I sighed. "It's been hard since Ran isn't here but I managed to wake up early and texted her and I also cooked and eat breakfast."

"Well, that's a big improvement there." She smiled. "This will be a piece of good news to Mouri-san."

"Why are you here anyway?" I asked her. I frowned. "I thought you were with Agasa Hakase."

"Your girl called and asked me to check you up. As an obedient teenage girl, I followed Mouri-san's order. I heard the conversation by the way and I sent the video to Mouri-san."

"What video?"

"The rants of Hayley Ford and the kiss," she answered.

My eyes widened. "Wait, you sent the kiss?!"

"Yeah." She frowned. "What's the matter with--"

"What's wrong with you?!" I shouted at her. "She might be--" Suddenly, my phone vibrated and we both looked at it. It was on the table.

Haibara looked at me teasingly. "Ooh~ I bet you're wrong with your thought of mind."

I glared at her before answering the video call. "H-Hi," I said nervously as I saw Ran's face on the screen.

Surprisingly, she smiled and even waved at me. "Hi. Good morning from London," she said. "Haibara sent me some pieces of information about how you're doing there. Did that woman kicked out of the house yet?"

"Y-Yes, she is," I said, stuttering. "H-How are you there?"

"Fine. Chilling with a cup of coffee. I saw something unusual in the video sent by Haibara."

"A-Ahm, Ran, about that..."

She smiled making me stunned for a second. Her smile was beautiful and too shiny in my eyes.

Damn. What am I thinking?

"Don't worry about the kiss. I'll not be mad at you unless you kissed back at her." Her eyes turned into slits. "Did you..."

"No, I didn't kiss back!" I hurriedly defended. "I swear I didn't. Haibara is the witness."

"Hmm... The video was clear and it was clear to say you didn't kiss back. You didn't actually close your eyes so that's a surprise. For a woman who became your girlfriend, you didn't actually kiss her back."

"Well, I don't want to and I don't think I can either. I only want to kiss the woman I truly love."

"And that is?"

"Hmm... Not yet, Ran. I still can't remember you enough."

She chuckled from the other line and shook her head. "Okay, okay. I'll wait," she replied. "Anyways, I think I'll be there for less than two weeks. I think I might not video call you anytime. I'm a busy woman."

I smiled sadly. "I know and I miss you here."

She looked at me softly. "Same here, Shinichi. Take care of yourself. I love you."


"Ai-chan and the rest of the Shounen Tantei will take care of you for the days I'm not available. They could help you regain your memories fast."

I smiled. "Thank you, Ran, for everything."

She smiled back. "You're welcome, Shinichi. Always. I'll go now. Bye."


"I love you."

"Well, that's a wrapped up," Haibara said making me look at her. "Would you want to join me and the Shounen Tantei later? We're going to the cafe down the Mouri's Agency."

I smiled. "Sure."

I looked at my phone again and stared at it for too long. Those three words are repeating on my head many times.

'I love you...'

I smiled. God! That damn woman is making me go crazy for her.

What enchantment does she use for me to fall for her slowly but so surely?