

A lone demon king is told by his seer, "the prophecy says that after the destruction of his village a chosen hero will rise up and destroy the demon king and free the humans". The demon king sits there and thinks of a way to avoid the prophecy.

After a bit of thinking he comes up with the plan to just free the humans and never invade the village, 3 months later a man in knight armor breaks through his door, using his holy sword he slaughters the demon king's army and kills the demon king.

The demon king then wakes up back in his throne with his seer just having got done telling him the prophecy, the demon king thinks over what happened but quickly adjusts to his situation, "it seems i've been given a second chance" he thinks to himself.

He sits there and gets the bright idea to just make sure the village never gets destroyed, the demon king has his army guard the village for safety. Soon he gets word that one of the humans started an argument with his general which led to them fighting.

Again, 3 months later a man in knight armor arrives slaughtering his army and then he breaks into the throne room and kills him. The demon king wakes up back in his throne with the seer having just got done telling him the prophecy, this time he thinks to himself, "well the prophecy says the demon king, so all i have to do is just not be him".

The demon king relinquishes his throne to his most trusted advisor, he goes on to start a family and lives a nice peaceful life, till 2 months later the seer catches a deadly disease and dies handing the title back to him, 1 month later the hero breaks in killing his family and then him.

The demon king wakes up at the same place as the last 3 times, he then thinks to himself, "alright then if i can't avoid him ill prepare and face him head on". He spends the next 3 months doing grueling training to boost his powers beyond the past levels.

As the hero arrives his holy blade starts shining nullifying the demon king's powers, he then asks him. "Why, why do you keep on killing me even when I haven't done anything", the hero lops his head off and with the few seconds before the demon king dies, he faintly hears words from the hero.

The demon king wakes up and tries his best to understand what it was, "i really couldn't make out anything", the demon king then sits there pondering deeper into the prophecy, "after the destruction of his village a chosen hero will rise up, destroy the demon king and free the humans", he ponders for hours what could that possibly mean. Is it merely a prophecy or is it just destiny?

The demon king thinks back to when he was a child, born in a worn torn barren land he did what he had to, to raise up his kingdom to what it is now. He never saw it as wrong or evil as he was doing exactly what the humans did to his land. He questions why it's him that has to die for the prophecy.

He then thinks over the prophecy again, "after the destruction of his village a chosen hero will rise up and destroy the demon king and free the humans", the demon king chuckles after realizing what it really means. "It's all 4 separate parts, no matter what his village will get destroyed, and the chosen hero will rise up, he's destined to slay me but whether I have the humans or not doesn't matter, he will free humanity".

The demon king patiently awaits for the 3 months to pass, the hero arrives getting through to the throne room with no needless slaughtering of the demon king's army, the demon king sits in his throne and does not resist when the hero pierces him through his heart.

Before he dies the demon king sees the hero take off his helmet, the demon king then asks him why he did this, the hero answers. "When I was chosen as a hero I read a scroll that said I'm not just a hero for humans but for everyone. After consulting with a well known seer I realized what I had to do to free everyone".

The demon king sheds tears, "i guess i could only read the part of the prophecy that correlated with me", the demon king tosses him the keys to the prison and dies peacefully.