
A Demigoddess' Adventure

Sam, a demigoddess faces a lot of challenges on her way to save the world that shape her destiny and enlightens her more on her past...

maple_law · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Protean Demons!

I ran into the hall of the school just in time, but the whole place was empty and DEAD quiet.

I looked down at my watch.


If the orientation was starting by 9:00, then where in the world was everyone?!

Suddenly, I heard some footsteps...a LOT of footsteps.

"Annabeth!" A familiar masculine voice called and I turned around to see a Mr. and Mrs. Chris with a bunch of random kids behind them.

Right beside them were two blonde gymnasts; a boy and a girl.

"Just in time! Get in line with the rest of the kids. We have a lot ahead of us." Mrs. Chris said with a stern look on her face.

I walked into the line and heard some bickering and laughter from the kids behind me.

Ok..So I know my mom may own the most popular bakery in town, but that doesn't make me a really popular kid. In fact, since I started kindergarten all kids have been avoiding me because they claimed I was weird and scary, all because I stuffed a pineapple in a kid's mouth and set the bathroom on fire..(I'll spare you the details). My mom eventually took me to the Transcendent Realm to learn and get trained to become a warrior, defending both realms.

[It's okay....It's fine, Sam. Stay calm] I told myself.... For me, staying calm is a chore considering the fact that my dad was once evil, so I try my very best to stay calm so I don't end up setting a kid on fire.

I looked in front of me, focusing my gaze on the gymnasts. Something was seriously off and I could see it. It wasn't long till I noticed an Iota sign on the nape of their necks.

THAT was good enough to show that they were Protean demons which fed on humans and demigod(ess)s.

"This is the cafeteria. But, it's off limits due to an incident which caused a lot of pain." Mr. Chris said with a quaky voice and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. I wasn't aware when a chuckle escaped my mouth and Mrs. Chris glared at me.

After what seemed like an eternity, we got to the gym.

"Allow me to present our school mascots, Mark and Maddie!" Mr. Chris said and the crowd roared in excitement.

"Hello students!" Mark cried and the girls screamed and leaped with joy.

"WE LOVE YOU, MARK!!!" They screamed hysterically.

"Hey everyone!" Maddie cried and did a cartwheel.

....Man, the crowd went WILD!!...

"WE LOVE YOU, MADDIE!!!" The guys screamed and I rolled my eyes. That was when I noticed a guy in the crowd. He didn't seem to be all hysterical about Maddie. Instead, he seemed rather scared. Really scared...almost like he saw what I saw...like he saw that those two were demons, not humans.

"I love you, hons." Maddie replied and blew a kiss.

"Welcome to West Crest High School! Where ordinary becomes extraordinary! He'll yourself to some refreshments." Mark screamed and the crowd disbanded.

I walked towards the strange kid. If he could see what I saw, getting him out would be the safest option, right?

He stood by the table, scanning the different varieties of pastries that lay on paper plates.

"Hi, there." I said remotely and he glanced at me. I felt a chill run down my spine as he said, "Hello.."

"I'm Annabeth... Annabeth Flourens." I said and he picked up a doughnut covered in sprinkles.

"Ryan Shaw." He replied, bit his doughnut and chewed silently.

The atmosphere was tense, awkward and silent, and I could hear the chattering of kids as they made new friends. I knew in about twenty seconds, Ryan would lose interest and go on with his business, so I realised it would be best if I got to the point.

"So...uh...Ryan ...." I started and he looked at me again, that was when I noticed the sparkle in his piercing green eyes.


"When you looked at Maddie, you seemed...scared...did you see anything?" I asked and suddenly felt stupid on the spot.

Suddenly, he eyes me suspiciously and the sparkle in his eyes dimmed. "You're one of them, aren't you?" He asked and backed away.

"What do you mean? I'm a human" I paused. "Like you" He seemed to calm down a bit after hearing the last statement.

"Alright everyone, I'm sure you're well fed. Now let's go to tour the third floor." Mark said. "Some of us have something to work on." Maddie mumbled and glared at me.

As we walked out the door, a hand pulled me back. "Not so fast, Sam." A voice said as I hit the floor.

Ryan turned around the moment he heard, 'Sam'. I thought he was gonna alert the others and my life would suddenly crumble, but instead, he waited for them to leave, then he shut the door.

"So, are we gonna fight 'em?" Ryan asked as he pulled me up.

"We?" I asked, pulling Eridaph out of my hair, and he smirked. Her bronze blade shimmered as the sun rays peeking in from the window landed on it and I felt adrenaline pump through my veins.

Maddie began to transform; her blonde hair turned into long, bronze stings dangling from atop her head. Her skin was the colour of steel, and she wore nothing but a very revealing bikini.

As for Mark, his skin also turned to the colour of steel and his body was bare. He wore no clothes, but his lower body was covered in lumps which resembled vines.

I turned to see Ryan staring me with an expectant look in his eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"Aren't you gonna transform too?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Are we gonna do this or what?" Maddie asked and launched herself at Ryan. He moved aside, and she picked a stance. She threw a punch at him, but he dodged, leaving a hole in the wall.

"Impressive for a human boy like you. A handsome and manly boy like you." Maddie said with a grin so wide it revealed her fangs.

Mark attacked me at once, but I dodged right before a blade stabbed me in the face. It was a close one, but it brushed my cheek.

I felt blood trickle down my cheek as I slashed. Mark dodged quickly and kicked me in the gut. I crashed into the table, toppling down some pastries and hitting my head.

"You know.... we'd make a great couple, my honey bun." Maddie said, running her long tongue over her fangs. "Ryan! She's going to eat you!" I yelled.

"I know. Besides, I never had a soft spot for girls and I never will." He said and kicked Maddie out the window. He fell out, turned into a bird and flew away.

Eridaph was on the floor, a few metres away from my reach. Right before I could reach it, Mark rushed at me with Soul crusher. Before he could slice me in half , I used to the leg of the table I crashed into to save myself.

"Once I'm done with you, I'll go after your mom, your friends, and soon.... everyone you love shall bow to the Lord of Skotia." Mark said , and the leg began to bend inwards. "Oh....and Lord Kakó sends his greetings." He added and I kicked him, rolled over and took Eridaph.

I formed a fireball and launched it at Mark. It hit him....or I thought it did. Only for me to realise that was my biggest mistake.

Mark had created a hole in his stomach, so my fireball hit a naked wire. Now I'm not much of a technician, but, apparently I don't know if something burnt, but the wire sparked, and all of a sudden, the big screen TV blew up, spreading fire and burning wires around the gym. Mark was no where to be found, leaving I and Ryan alone in this mess.

Suddenly, the door opened and Mr Chris stood there, watching me with eyes whose emotions I could not read.

"Anna?" He asked, and I backed away slowly. Unknown to me, I must've back away too much, because I fell out the window almost immediately. I quickly grabbed the branch of a tree which leaned in towards the building.

I climbed down and ran out immediately. With that, I wouldn't be going there anytime soon.....

Please comment and tell me what you think about the book. Feel free to ask questions and please tell your friends about it too...

Thank you

maple_lawcreators' thoughts