
Chapter 97: Slogan!

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The castle was built on the base of a rocky mountain, but the path leading up to the gates was a nice sloppy hill that came down to the black lake and forbidden forest at the end.

Percy's saw a small wooden hut at the edge of the forest, apparently that was where Professor Hagrid lived.

The Puff's walked around the lake edge throwing stones into the water. Percy smiled as he smelt the fresh scent of the water, "this place is nice."

"Yeah, we come here to relax once in awhile," Heather explained, "unfortunately it doesn't really last as it becomes cold as hell once November begins. So we try and get a few days before that."

"Nice," Percy grinned as they found a place near the lake edge and sat near a large mass of stone that served as a resting spot for them.

"You know Percy, I've been thinking about what you said," Michael began as he yawned, "we should change our names. Puff's does make us sound like a pastries."

"Thank you!" Percy cried out, "Gods I was beginning to think it was just me!"

"So what should we change it too?" Miguel asked.

"How about….The Huffs?" Kristen suggested.


"Huffs? Really Kristien?"

"Your idea was bad and you should feel bad!"

Kristien rolled her eyes, "fine, what do you suggest?"

"Oh I know! We can call ourselves the Badgers!" Margaret exclaimed, "like the Gryffindors call themselves lions and we call Slytherin's snakes! We can be the Badgers!"

"Kind of obvious don't you think?" Percy said.

"Not really," Gordan said, "nobody really calls us that. But that's because Badgers aren't really all that intimidating."

"What? Are you joking? Of course they are!" Percy exclaimed, "Honey Badgers are actually one of the bravest animals on the planet! They fight bees, snakes, birds and even other honey badgers! Honey Badgers are awesome!"

"And how exactly do you know all this?" Kristen asked.

"Because my aunt took me too the zoo recently and I was bored as fuck," Percy explained as he recalled the day he and Hecate spent in Central Park Zoo.

He remembered the animals he saw that day, and honey badger was one of the coolest ones there.

"Okay...so we start calling ourselves the Badgers?" Juan asked, "not bad….but I still feel like we are missing something."

"Oh I know! We need to update you slogan!" Heather examined.

"Slogan?" Gordon asked.

"Yeah! Like Gryffindors are the brave lions, Ravenclaws are the smart eagles and Slytherin's were the sneaky snakes! We never really had one like that, we were just the loyal Puff's. So if we are going to call ourselves badgers than we need to come up with a cool slogan."

They thought for a long time but didn't come up with anything. Finally Percy grinned and spoke, "Honey badger don't give a damn." The students looked at Percy who grinned, "cool right?"

"Really? Honey Badger don't give a damn?" Juan scoffed, "come on Percy be serious."

"Hey I am serious! They think we Puff's-I mean, we badgers are useless. They don't think we are smart, cunning or brave. They think we don't care about anything, so, Honey Badger don't give a damn! It's perfect! They don't think about us, so we don't give a damn about them. We don't give a damn!"

"Well it is kind of appropriate," Miguel argued, "they hate us, so we don't give a damn about them."

"But how are we going to get them to call is that?" Michael asked, "I mean it's not like they are just going to do it if we ask them nicely."

"Don't worry, we'll think of something," Gordan waved his concern, "first we start calling ourselves badgers, and then whenever the Ravenclaws make fun of us or the Slytherin start bullying us we just say that we don't give a damn!"

The other badgers cheered as they quickly began talking about how the other would react and how to get there other year badgers fo agree.

Gordon said that it would be a problem, that most of the younger students would listen to them without question and the seventh years didn't really care what they did as they were to busy studying for their NEWT.

One could say they didn't give a damn.

That night after dinner Percy sat in a large velvet chair in the common room. It was pretty late in the night and the others had already gone to their rooms.

Percy and a few other younger Badgers stayed back down, talking into the night or in some rare cases doing homework.

Percy reached into his mokeskin pouch and pulled out the letters Hoothoot brought to him. He carefully opened the first one and the aroma of Chanel's perfume hit him like a bullet.

Dear Pudding,

Hello Percy, it's so nice to hear from you. We missed you very much, me most of all my little green eyed pudding.

I still remember that night we spent very clearly, somedays I wake up disappointed that we didn't have a repeat of that night.

It's sad, but that is the life of a cheerleader on the road.

I'm currently in Germany for a small time broom racing event with the other girls, our agency got us this job at the last moment, but it's good pay so I'm not complaining. I don't really have much to do when I'm not cheerleading.

Usually I like to read books or watch movies, but like you said shopping is one of the few things I do for fun.

The girls and I are planning to go around Germany on a tour after this event is over, hopefully by then I will have found a way to pass the time better.

I'm curious to know how Hogwarts is, Catherine is the only one who has seen the place in real life and as you know she isn't the most unbiased person around.

And you are right, calling yourself a Puff does make you sound like a pastry.

Also regarding the triwizard tournament, you should definitely join.

So what if it is unfair they select you over everyone else? You are clearly better than them and if they can't handle it tough.

Shine brightly little pudding, and if you do get selected I'll drag the rest of us to England and cheer you on!

1600 Power Stones for an extra chapter!


If you want to read ahead by 20+ chapters you could take a visit on my patreon Or check it out.
