Thrown back in time to 1994 in the battle against Kronos, Percy finds himself exiled to the UK, barred from stepping foot in America to prevent damaging the fabric of time. However, amidst this exile, he discovers solace in a hidden world of magic—the wizarding world.
If you want to read ahead by 10+ chapters you could take a visit on my patreon Or check it out.
Percy shrugged, "why not?" Percy approached the cage and looked at the bird, "hey little guy. Do you want to come with me?"
The owl looked at him sideways and flapped it's wings.
Percy smiled, "I guess that's a yes." The called the shop keeper over and asked to pack up the bird. Percy reached home and set up a cage of the owl in his room. He opened the cage and the small elf owl, which was it's breed as Percy later found out, flew at perched itself on the stand.
Percy smiled, "okay little guy, what do I call you?" Percy stroked its plumage, when suddenly the owl bent down and bite him. Percy drew back his finger, "dude! Not cool!"
"Hoot!" the owl hooted back as it flapped it's wings and glared at Percy.
The son of Poseidon sighed, "great, guess you hate me then. That's not even fair, is it because I'm a son of Poseidon? Is this like the children of Athena and spiders? DId Athena curse me so that all owls hate me?"
"Hey Percy, how's our new friends adjusting?" Hecate asked walking in.
"Not good, he hates me," Percy grumbled.
"Really?" Hecate stroked the owl who purred at her touch, "he seems to like me."
"Good for you. He still hates me," Percy groaned, "stupid chosen animal of Athena."
"Hoot!" the owl screeched as it took off at started scratching Percy mercilessly. Fortunately for him the curse of Achilles was still in effect, unfortunately his robes were not part of the curse.
"Oh come on!" Percy looked at his ruined sleeves and groaned, "I liked this robe."
"Oh relax, you can just reparo it later," Hecate picked up the owl and cooed at it, "so cute! We need to name it. Any suggestions?"
"Yeah, dumb motherfucker," Percy grumbled as he cast the repairing charm on his robes making them look brand new again.
The owl shoot him a glare which Hecate mirrored. "Meany. Let's see….how about….Twister?!"
"No," Percy rolled his eyes, "I won't send mail through an owl that is named after a stupid game based on colours."
"No...too cold blooded."
"Winged death?"
"Now I know you're joking."
"No, and before you say 'Claw', no to that as well."
Percy raised an eyebrow, "not bad….although it is strangely familiar."
"Great! Hoothoot it is! Simple, uncomplex and funny!" Hecate grinned. Even Hoothoot hooted in joy. Percy however just grumbled, "oh relax Percy, I'm sure Hoothoot will come to love you as well."
"Yeah, sure," Percy grumbled, "anyway I'm going to write a few letters now, think Hoothoot will deliver them even if he hates my guts?"
"He's a well trained carrier owl, he will do it no problem. Just don't try and touch him too much, he might scratch you."
"It's okay, I have thick skin," Percy grumbled.
"Right, well then don't forget I want you up bright an early tommorow. I want you to train you animagus transformation more. It can be very useful for the future you know. And if you master partial transformation you can use it if you ever decide to have an orgy again with those five veela. Why if you wipe out your horse co-"
"Okay that's enough!" Percy pushed Hecate and Hoothoot out, "out! Out! Out!"
"Don't stay up too late!" Hecate chuckled as she and Hoothoot walked away.
The next day morning Percy a letter to Harry, telling him how excited her was too see him and start Hogwarts and a letter to his veela 'friends'.
Hecate took Percy and apparated him to the middle of a giant field of grass. There was a forest near the background and a small farm far away over a hill.
Percy looked around and found himself on the side of a mountain with the wind blowing strongly across the field.
"Why are we here?" Percy asked.
"Oh come on Percy, use your head."
Percy thought about it for a moment and replied, "you want me to fly here?! Are you serious?!"
Hecate grinned, "yup! Figured it was finally time! Now hop to it Percy! I want to see a son of Poseidon fly!"
"You realized you just said a oxymoron right?" Percy grumbled as he ran forward and jumped transforming into his pegasus form.
He trotted around the grassy field for a moment before he threw open his wings and flapped them.
They felt strange weird, heavy weights that he weren't used. Percy felt the way they moved, the way they were attached to his back. He looked across the field and lowered his head.
'Alright Percy think this true. Think of all the times Blackjack took you flying, how he moved, how he acted.'
Percy reared back and charged forward. He spread his wings out wide and felt the air rush through his wings. He stretched them out to their limits and kicked his legs up, jumping into the air.
Percy then flapped his wings, sending a gust of wind down while throwing him across the air.
'Steady! Steady!' Percy flapped his wings over and over, generating thrust upwards. Percy left his legs free as his wings took him higher and higher into the sky. He looked down and saw the field below grow more and more smaller as he flew towards the clouds.
Percy neighed in joy as he sword into the fluffy white clothes, feeling the moisture on his skin and feathers as he broke through to the air above. His legs galloped across the clouds, his heart beating faster and faster from pure joy. He let out a might cry as he flew up and over himself before flying down.
Percy let his instincts take over as he slowed down by cupping his wings. He reached the ground and safely landed trotting to a halt in front of Hecate.
"Had fun?" The goddess asked.
Percy turned into his human form and smirked, "Oh Gods yeah. Now I know why Zeus doesn't let the rest of us fly in his domain, he wants to hogg it all for himself!"
Hecate chuckled, "I think you are right Percy. Now, you think you are up for giving me a ride?"
If you want to read ahead by 10+ chapters you could take a visit on my patreon Or check it out.