Thrown back in time to 1994 in the battle against Kronos, Percy finds himself exiled to the UK, barred from stepping foot in America to prevent damaging the fabric of time. However, amidst this exile, he discovers solace in a hidden world of magic—the wizarding world.
If you want to read ahead by 10+ chapters you could take a visit on my patreon Or check it out.
Tonks grumbled, "right...sorry about that," she picked up her pad and filled it out. "Okay, change back, I need to check it out fully and make sure you did mess something up. It will take a few minutes so keep the form up okay?"
Percy nodded as he did just that. Tonks then took over an hour examining every inch of Percy's body, she checked his legs distance, his wingspan, his mane and even his eyes.
When she checked his under side she avoided going near his groin, luckily for them both, avoiding a very awkward situation.
When she was done Percy transformed back, "so how did I do Tonks?"
"Well I have to say this is probably the first ever recorded magical creature transformation," Tonks looked over her notes, "the moment this gets out you are going to be famous Percy."
"Shit," Percy grumbled, "that's going to be a problem."
"Why? Percy you might become as famous as Harry Potter!"
Percy grumbled, "yeah, no thanks. It would just be a pain in the ass...look is there anyway you can keep this hush hush?"
"You're kidding right? The moment I submit my report people are going start asking questions. You are the 8th ever recorded animagus in the world and the first with a magical creature. People are going to go crazy over this!"
"It's okay Percy, we'll deal with the fall out together," Hecate reassured him, "thank you auror Tonks for your time. When can we expect Percy's form to be registered?"
"Well it should be done the moment I give in the paper work," Tonks informed them, "come with me and we can get it done right now."
Tonks lead them back through the DMLE office and into the an office in the back. Percy leaned towards Hecate, [do you have a plan?]
[Yes. Just leave it to me and stop worrying about it. Just go ahead and keep flirting with the auror Percy boy,] Hecate winked.
Percy growled, [I wasn't flirting with her Hecate. I was just being nice]
[Were you being nice when you grabbed her by the hips and forgot to let go?]
[That was….I was just…..I hate you.]
"Sure you do," Hecate smirked triumphantly.
"What language is that?" Tonks asked.
"That? Oh it's greek," Percy explained.
"Greek? I thought you were American."
"I am, my dad is Greek though and he taught me. So is my aunt so we talk in greek from time to time."
"Huh, cool. My mom's family was from Rome, but they have been here since like forever. She used to say that my family taught each generation how to speak latin in order to remember our roots, but I never really got the hang of it."
Percy shrugged, "might as well not bother. Greek is hundred times better than Latin."
"Really?" Tonks raised a challenging eyebrow.
"Yeah. Everything cool about Rome is just a cheap rip off of Greece. The Gods, the battle strategies, blah blah blah."
"Right, and unlike the Greek we romans managed to conquer half of Europe," Tonks grinned.
"Hey Tonks, I don't know if you know this, but apparently some greek guy named Alexander the Great conquered half the world. Pretty amazing right?"
"Roman orgies."
"Greek orgies."
"Roman established the basis of democracy."
"Based on the ideas the greek put forth."
"Romans have gladiators."
"We have the spartans."
"Romans had the longest lasting empire in history."
"And they still didn't figure out that a toga was simply a giant blanket."
Tonks chuckled, "okay, I'll give you that one."
Percy grinned back, "thanks. So you have been an aurora long?"
"Yup, I just started working here this year. Finished Auror training around June and I am not officially an auror. That's why I got stuck with the animagus registration duty instead of actually auror work."
"Well think of it like this, you are going to be the one who reports the first ever magical animagus transformation. Lucky you. Your name will be in bold letters right below mine."
"Fine, next too. But it will be in a smaller font."
Tonks shrugged, "fine. As long as they don't use my full name."
"Why do you hate your name so much? Anyway? Sure it's kind of boring but usually people would just use a nickname or something. I do it myself."
"Really? So Perseus is your full name?"
"Yeah, but please, call me Percy."
"Right, well I just don't like my name. It means 'gift of the nymphs' seriously who the hell names someone that?!"
Percy shrugged, "well it's bad, but you could shorten it, like say Nym or something. Or even Dora. I know Dora, used to be my lunch lady in school."
"Well that's nice, but I don't want to be called a lunch lady. Tonks are just fine."
Percy shrugged but said nothing. Hecate and Kelly walked back a few steps controlling their laughter as Percy and Tonks continued to talk about how Percy became an animagus.
They reached a small office in the back and Tonks walked inside. The room was filled with shelves as far as the eyes can see, both upwards and sideways. Behind the counter was an elderly wizard with a large beard reading a book.
"Oye Fargus! I got you a report to submit," Tonks walked over with a smile.
The wizard looked up and smiled, "ah little Nymphadora, so nice to see you."
Tonks growled, "don't call me Nymphadora. Here, an animagus registration form."
Fargus took the paper and looked at them, "I see. Ah, I haven't seen one of these in a long time. I remember Minerva McGonagall herself coming here to submit her own form. I was only a clerk at the time but….Nymphadora….what is this?"
"You aren't reading that wrong Fargus," Tonks grinned as she pointed to Percy, "his animagus form really is a pegasus."
"What?!" Fargus yelled as he jumped out off his seat with an agility that shouldn't be possessed by a man his age. "You boy? You are an animagus?!"
Percy nodded, "yeah, Percy, Percy Jackson. Nice to meet you."
Fargus turned to Tonks, "you aren't trying to take the mickey out of me are you Nymphadora?"
"No. And stop calling my Nymphadora, I told you to call me Tonks."
If you want to read ahead by 10+ chapters you could take a visit on my patreon Or check it out.