Thrown back in time to 1994 in the battle against Kronos, Percy finds himself exiled to the UK, barred from stepping foot in America to prevent damaging the fabric of time. However, amidst this exile, he discovers solace in a hidden world of magic—the wizarding world.
If you want to read ahead by 20+ chapters you could take a visit on my patreon Or check it out.
"'re not pregnant?" Percy asked, Ula shook her head and the demigod sighed, "oh thank you Gods."
"What's happening?!" Juan yelled out, "will someone please tell me what the hell is going on?! Who are these gorgeous women and why did they think Percy knocked them up?!"
"Yez, we would alzo like to know," Hugo huffed, "'ow do you know the 'Owartz champion Catherine?"
Catherine blinked in surprise as she turned to Percy, "you didn't tell them?"
Percy sighed as he rubbed his temples, still recovering form the 'prank' the veelas played on him, "no, I didn't. I figured you wouldn't like me gossiping."
"Oh Percy! That's so sweet!" Amanda cried out as she hugged him, shoving his face into her cleavage, "you're so considerate!"
"Oye! Stop it!" Chanel yelled pulled Percy free.
Percy panted, "thanks for that."
"I'm sorry but will somebody explain what the hell is going on here?!" Gordan asked as the others nodded.
"Well you see Percy is an old friend," Chanel spoke carefully, "we meet him after the world cup and we got to know each other."
"Wait!" the twins cried out.
"You're Chanel?!" one of them asked.
"The one Percy snagged?!" the other clarified.
Chanel blushed as she rubbed her neck, "yes, I didn't realise you told them bout me Percy."
Percy blushed, "ah, yeah, they were annoying, kind of forced me too. Sorry I didn't tell you."
"Well this isn't fair at all," Amanda huffed, "you told them about Chanel but not me?"
"Did he snog you as well?!" the twins asked, the gathered students looking at Percy with more awe and admiration by the second.
"Well I would say we did a lot more than just kiss," Catherine huffed.
"You too?!" Hugo gaped.
"Catherine!" Chanel hissed.
"What' the point Chanel?" Ula shrugged, "the cat's out of the bag anyway."
"Does that mean it's my turn to kiss him now?" Ebele asked with a frown, "it's not fair, I'm always the last!"
The veelas bickered amongst themselves as the students just looked at Percy in awe. Percy gulped as he turned to the twins, "please don't make this a thing."
"My lord!" the fell to one knee.
"For as long as will it we shall be your servants," one began.
"Come what may, be it teachers of monsters of epic proportions-" the other continued.
"We will stay by your side, always."
"We crown you the stud of Hogwarts," they said together, "we give until you the unquestioning loyalty that all who claim to be a man!"
"All hail Percy Jackson!"
"King of studs!"
Juan blinked, "this is so unfair."
Percy groaned, "gods help me," he looked up at Fleur and gulped, "Fleur I-"
"-You zaid it was only one," she snapped her eyes at him, growling.
"I-I didn't know how to tell you," Percy felt scared, scared he was going to lose her, "it all happened so suddenly, we never even got a chance to discuss what we were and then I had to leave and-"
"Was I just zuppozed to be another veela in your 'arem?" Fleur spat, "another blonde floozy to kizz? Iz that all I waz?!"
"No Fleur it's not like that!"
"Fleur we don't see Percy that way," Chanel spoke up, "we are just friends," Amanda snorted causing the others to hit her up the head.
"Fleur I'm not a playboy or anything like that, please believe me," Percy begged.
"Non, I was a fool, don't ever talk to me again Perzy Jackzon," Fleur spat out as she ran away with tears threatening to break free. The Beauxbatons students followed her, sending Percy confused looks.
The Hogwarts students did know what to say, they remained silent as Percy watched Fleur run away from him.
"I'm sorry Percy," Chanel apologized.
"It's not your fault," Percy spoke in a defeated tone, "I'll see you all at the first task," and without another word he took out his board and flew into the air. He wanted to catch up to Fleur and tell her he didn't see her as a prize, but he knew she wouldn't listen, she would think the worst of him, the girl's ego was so fragile as it was. He instead flew back to Hogwarts, alone.
The next day found Percy on his board again, he tried his best to clear his mind of Fleur, but she kept coming back. So instead he went for a swim in the lake, meet up with Nick and had a nice long chat with the giant squid.
Percy's 'relationship' with the five veela cheerleaders spread out wide into the Hogwarts rumour mill. People didn't believe it of course, most just chalked it up to a rumor, but Fleur's reactions to him made the rumor seem more and more real.
Percy didn't want to deal with the bullshit that was school drama. He had just gotten over the whole American champion thing when this happened. And not to mention the fact that he made for an attractive woman was still popular talk in silent rooms made Percy unable to deal with the constant stares.
After breakfast he returned to the Forest, he didn't talk to anyone, he didn't look at anyone. He was focused on only one thing, working to keep himself busy.
The cape was still floating in one corner of the room, not moving an inch. Percy sighed, he took out Kelly's sleeping form and placed her on his desk, don't want her to see this. He walked up to the cape and wrapped it around himself, tightening the fastings.
Percy walked up to the window and pushed it open. Taking a deep sigh Percy stepped up and hoped forward. He mentally told the cape to take off and suddenly Percy found himself shooting forward into the sky.
"SHHHIIITTT!" Percy yelled as the cape seemed to blast off, ten times faster than his board. Percy turned his head to see how far he went and suddenly the cape stopped and did a sharp 'U' turn before flying back towards the castle.
'Fuck fuck fuck!' Percy yelled as the stone walls of the castle came closer and closer, he closed his eyes and put his hands up telling the cape to stop immediately. And just as he was about to hit the wall the cape stopped, billowing over him.
If you want to read ahead by 20+ chapters you could take a visit on my patreon Or check it out.