Thrown back in time to 1994 in the battle against Kronos, Percy finds himself exiled to the UK, barred from stepping foot in America to prevent damaging the fabric of time. However, amidst this exile, he discovers solace in a hidden world of magic—the wizarding world.
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As they walked around the town Percy noticed several people gathered around the town center, forming a wide circle around, all watching something with interest.
"What do you think's going on?" Juan asked.
"Maybe it'z zome kind of performer?" Camille suggested, "they muzt come 'ere becauze of the tournumnt."
They all quickly walked up to a few wizards standing by one corner and looked at what the men were looking at, and they all gasped in surprise.
Standing near the water fountain in the middle of the town were five beautiful blonde haired women, each worthy to be the daughter of Aphrodite. The Hogwarts student's didn't recognize them, but the Beauxbatons' did, and so did Percy.
"It's Catherine!" Camille cried out causing the five veela cheerleaders to turn towards the group.
Catherine looked over and smiled, "Camille! So good to see you! Come here!"
The Beauxbaton students all ran over, the Hogwarts student's silently followed. The girls all gathered around Catherine as the squealed in joy, the other veela cheerleaders stepping aside politely.
"What are you doing here?" Hugo asked.
"We came because of the tournament of course," Catherine answered before grabbing Hugo in a headlock giving him a rap on the head, "and look at you! You've grown so big! I thought you would never be more than a little reed Hugo!"
"Hey get off!" Hugo cied as he pulled himself free, "damn veela."
Catherine then turned to Fleur who was smiling at her, "glad to see you once again sister. How have you been?"
"Well," Fleur smiled before she turned around and grabbed Percy by the hand and pulled him forward, "guess who I found!"
"Percy?!" Catherine gasped, alerting the other veela who now looked over with shock.
"Percy?!" Amanda cried out as she ran forward looking at the greek demigod, "it's you!" she jumped up and threw her arms forward.
Percy moved quickly catching her in his arms.
Amanda lips latched onto his as she snogged him hard, Percy was startled and fell on his back, Amanda pushed him into the ground kissing him as her fingers went through his hair.
The Hogwarts students watch in surprise, the twins had a look of envy and awe and Fleur looked horrified.
"Amanda!" Chanel ran up, grabbing the veela by the shoulders and pulled her off of Percy, "act decent! You know you're not supposed to act like this!"
"But it's been so long!" Amanda whined, "I haven't made out with anyone for months!"
"That doesn't mean you have to act like a slut," Catherine scolded her, "and remember what we promised, no moving on Percy until we know what his thoughts are. We all agreed."
Amanda pouted, "yeah...but..."
"No buts!" Chanel and Catherine yelled out.
"What the hell is going on?!" Hugo yelled out what everyone was thinking.
"Do you girls know Percy?" Juan asked with his jaw dropped.
"Yes of course!" Amanda smirked, "in fact I suppose you could say we know each other really well."
"Oh for the love of the Gods Amanda shut up," Ula walked up with Ebele besides her, "you're embarrassing us."
Percy got on his feet and looked around, "this is...what are you girls doing here?"
"We wanted to surprise you," Chanel spoke up with a soft smile, "the first task is soon, so we thought we could stay here until we see you then. We didn't think we would see you so soon."
"Yeah, well it's a Hogsmeade weekend," Percy explained with a blush as he rubbed his hair. He turned to Fleur who was stunned silent. Percy sighed, he gestured at Chanel, "this is Chanel Fleur."
The french student blinked in surprise before turning to Chanel and glaring, "I see," she then turned to Amanda, "and what is your relation with Percy?"
Amanda grinned, "same as Chanel's! And Catherine here too! And Ula and Ebele!"
"Actually mine is a little different," Ula chuckled. Percy turned to the greek veela and paused as his eyes landed on her belly.
Percy's mouth gaped open, [U-Ula! You're pregnant!]
[Wow! He finally noticed!] Ebele chuckled, [congratulations papa!]
[W-what?!] Percy yelled in horror.
[Didn't Amanda tell you?] Ula asked raising an eyebrow as she patted her pregnant belly, [I'm expecting it in May, you will be free then right? I wouldn't want you to miss the birth of your own daughter you know.]
"What?!" Percy's eyes went wide as in his shock he reverted back to speaking english, "how-what-oh my Gods!"
"I don't know why you sound so surprised," Catherine's shrugged, "we after all didn't use a condom. Frankly I'm surprised more of us aren't knocked up."
"What?!" Fred and George looked like they were about to die from a heart attack. The others looked at Percy in surprised and shocked while Fleur had a mask of horror on her face.
"Oh my gods, oh my gods!" Percy held his head up, "this isn't good, this isn't good! Oh shit, the baby...oh my gods it's going to be a legacy! I have to find a charm for her as well! And if Zeus….oh shit, I have hide her! And my mom! Oh my Gods she's going to kill me!"
Chanel rolled her eyes, "alright guys that's enough, I think we might have just traumatised him for life."
Percy looked up in surprise as the other cheerleaders laughed. Ula took out her wand and waved it over her stomach causing her belly to deflate to normal size as the others laughed.
Catherine gave a small smirk while Amanda was wiping tears as she held her stomach. Ebele looked like she was regretting it a little while Ula just gave an apologetic smile.
"What is going on?" Percy asked.
"Sorry Percy," Amanda finally controlled her laughter, "we couldn't help it! It was too easy! We have been planning this for days!"
Ula rolled her eyes, "and I ended up with the short straw."
"'re not pregnant?" Percy asked, Ula shook her head and the demigod sighed, "oh thank you Gods."
If you want to read ahead by 20+ chapters you could take a visit on my patreon Or check it out.