
Chapter 144: Letter!

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"Fred, George, let's see just how close you two really are," Percy snarled, her wand moving in sharp, deliberate motions.

With a flick, the twins were forced to face each other, and then, with a permanent sticking charm, they were fused together.

Another wave of her wand hoisted them twenty feet up, pinning them to the wall like some grotesque decoration.

Satisfied, Percy turned to Harry, whose face had paled considerably. He looked like he was deeply regretting every life choice that had led him to this moment.

Percy's voice was low and menacing. "I'm going to make you regret this too."

Harry, to his eternal audacity, grinned sheepishly. "Well, for what it's worth, you really are beautiful."

Percy growled, flicking her wand again and pinning Harry to the opposite wall. Without another word, she turned and stormed out of the Great Hall, her anger trailing behind her like a storm cloud.

The silence left in her wake was broken when Cedric Diggory called out, "Did anyone manage to get a picture of her in that dress?"

"I did!" Colin Creevey's eager voice piped up from the Gryffindor table.

Before anyone could react, Percy reappeared in the doorway, her wand already raised. Colin let out a yelp as his camera flew from his hands, landing under Percy's foot. She ground it into pieces with her heel before setting the remnants ablaze with a snap of her fingers.

She didn't wait for the stunned silence to subside, marching out once more and muttering about finding a cure.

As the doors slammed shut, Colin reached into his pocket and pulled out a roll of film, grinning. "Good thing I kept the negatives."

A ripple of excitement spread through the hall as students immediately clamored for copies. The boys, though conflicted, couldn't deny the allure of Percy's transformation. Even some of the girls admitted to a begrudging curiosity, though their interest was often tinged with envy.

Meanwhile, Fred, George, and Harry exchanged glances from their respective positions on the walls.

"Totally worth it," Harry said, grinning.

"Absolutely," Fred and George agreed in unison.


Saturday morning found Percy up earlier than usual. He dressed simply in a blue shirt and jeans, throwing on his signature blue hoodie to ward off the chill. His shrunken hoverboard sat snugly in his pocket as he slipped out of the common room.

The crisp November air was sharp but invigorating as Percy soared over the grounds on his hoverboard.

The rising sun struggled to pierce through the dense morning fog, casting the landscape in muted hues. The cold bit at his face, but thanks to the curse of Achilles, it was little more than an annoyance.

After a few loops around the castle, Percy headed to the Great Hall for breakfast. As soon as he entered, the giggling began.

He sighed, rolling his eyes. Of course.

The infamous pictures of him in that red dress had made their rounds across the school. The boys clutched their copies like treasures, though Percy had overheard murmurs about their…dubious purposes. Even some of the girls had snatched copies, though they seemed more interested in using them for spell target practice.

Fleur had admitted—much to Percy's discomfort—that even she had felt a twinge of insecurity seeing him in that dress. Considering she was part Veela, that was a statement Percy could have lived without.

Heather, ever the informant, had gleefully informed him that a number of girls outright resented him. Apparently, being both handsome as a guy and stunning as a girl had cemented him as the unofficial nemesis of anyone remotely concerned with their appearance.

Fred and George had wisely taken to avoiding him, knowing full well that Percy was biding his time for revenge. Harry, on the other hand, seemed to think it was all water under the bridge. He was wrong. Percy was determined to make his retaliation particularly memorable.

As Percy settled down to eat, the morning post arrived. A barn owl swooped down, landing gracefully in front of him. Attached to its leg were two letters. Percy detached them and rewarded the owl with a plate of bacon, watching as it pecked eagerly at the food before taking off.

Curious, Percy opened the first letter.


Percy glanced at the letters in his hands, their pink envelopes faintly perfumed with a familiar scent. The handwriting was unmistakable—one from Amanda, the other from Chanel. The Great Hall was still mostly empty, the early hour ensuring his friends and year mates were still asleep. Figuring he had some privacy, Percy decided to read them.

He opened Amanda's letter first, the handwriting immediately bringing a smile to his face:

Dear Pudding,

Congratulations on becoming the Hogwarts Champion! You did it! Just like you said you would! We're all so incredibly proud of you!

And those awful things the papers wrote about you? That nasty cow Rita Skeeter! Catherine was livid when she read it—though, between us, I think part of her frustration was because Beauxbatons didn't get half the attention Hogwarts did.

But don't worry, Percy. We're all on your side. You earned this, and no one can take it away from you. You're amazing. Never forget that.

On another note… Ula's mood swings are getting worse. We're starting to think you really did knock her up, you cheeky demigod. Better watch yourself, baby daddy!

We know you're excited and maybe a little nervous about the tournament, but you'll do great. We all believe in you. After all, you're the guy who managed to shag five Veela. If that's not eternal glory, I don't know what is.

Looking forward to seeing you again!

With love,

Amanda, Catherine, Chanel, Ula, and Ebele

Percy chuckled, shaking his head as he reread the letter. Classic Amanda. Her casual mix of humor and warmth made him eager to see her again. Sliding the letter into his mokeskin bag, he turned to Chanel's.

He hesitated. Chanel's letters always left him conflicted. She clearly liked him, and he…liked her well enough, but there was also Fleur. And Fleur? Fleur was a complication all on her own. Did she like him? Did he like her? Could he handle the fallout of telling Chanel about Fleur?

Percy groaned, rubbing his temple. It was his third headache this week, and they all had one source: girls. Why couldn't relationships be as straightforward as fighting monsters? For a fleeting moment, he considered how much simpler life might be if he'd just stayed a woman.

He immediately shook the thought away. Bad Percy. Very bad.

Taking a steadying breath, he opened Chanel's letter and began to read:


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