Thrown back in time to 1994 in the battle against Kronos, Percy finds himself exiled to the UK, barred from stepping foot in America to prevent damaging the fabric of time. However, amidst this exile, he discovers solace in a hidden world of magic—the wizarding world.
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Extra Chapter.
It was like he could see something past the room door and he sighed, "excuse me for a moment Mr. Jackson, it seems young Harry has been sidetracked."
Percy blinked in confusion as Dumbledore walked out of the room only to return moments later with Harry in tow and an older looking witch with bright lime green robes curly blonde hair and a strong jaw line.
She wore thick glasses with cheesy rhinestones embedded in them and long nails painted crimson.
Percy shivered at the sight of her, she looked so bloody cheesy!
She had a notepad and an acid green quill out that was taking notes for her, Percy recognized it as a quick quote quill, a failure in every word of magical quills.
It was highly inaccurate, the semi sentience it possessed was useless. Either the woman was an idiot for using it or she enjoyed the way the quill worked.
Percy waved Harry over, the two quickly moved to one side of the room as Dumbledore and cheesy woman started talking. "Who's the blonde?" Percy asked Harry.
"Rita Skeeter," Harry said with a shudder.
"Skeeter? I've heard about her, nasty writer, apparently she has ruined many a life with her writing," Percy grumbled, he noticed Harry looking uncomfortable, "what happened? Did she push you into a broom closet and start to make out?"
Harry looked like he was about to puke, "ew! No! She just...she just wanted an interview."
Percy winced, "I think you would be better off having her tongue stuck down your throat."
"No! Are you kidding?! Susan would kill me!"
Percy smirked, "I see, so you're afraid your girlfriend would kill you huh? So that means if you weren't with Susan you wouldn't mind making out with Skeeter?"
"No! Merlin Percy that's not what I meant!" Harry growled.
Percy laughed loudly as Harry kicked in in the shin only for his toes to pain. The two continued to talk for a while before Dumbledore told them all to gather around.
The champions sat down on the four chairs before the table. Percy at the far left, Fleur next to him and Harry next to her.
As usual Krum chose to sit away from them all near the right end, choosing instead of close his eyes and wait for when he was called.
Bagman came up and gave a long boring speech about what the wand weighing ceremony was about, going on and on about how it was a way or the public to meet the champions.
If anything Bagman himself looked bored, he was probably forced into this by Crouch.
"Now, I hand the ceremony over to our wand expert, Mr. Ollivander!" Bagaman exclaimed. Percy turned and was surprised to see Ollivander walk out off one corner of the room.
'That's impossible! I didn't even see him! Does he have some kind of invisibility cloak or something?!'
The man smiled as he stepped behind the desk, "hello all. Let's begin. May I have Mr. Jackson up first?"
Percy smiled as he got up and drew his wand. As he placed it in Ollivander's open hand and he prayed to Hecate that they wouldn't detect Poseidon's hair she had placed inside.
Ollivander examined the wand with a smile, "ah, I remember selling you this. It was just a few months ago if I recall. English Oak, the very same wood Merlin was rumoured to use. 15 inches, larger than ordinary in order to compensate for the extra power put through it, with a phoenix feather core, rare and very unique. Very rigid, unchanging. And what's this?" Ollivander's eyes went wide.
Percy's breath hitched, 'please don't notice my dad's hair!'
Ollivander smiled as he continued, "you have already won its allegiance! Well done my boy, well done! Aguamenti!" Ollivander yelled as he summoned a fountain of water out off Percy's wand tip.
The wand maker nodded and gave the wand back, "very good my boy, very good. You have maintained it well, though I would recommend you polish your wand more often."
Percy chuckled, "yeah, okay, I promise I'll polish my wand tonight." Percy gave him a node and quickly sat back down.
Harry looked across to him and raised an eyebrow. Percy shrugged as he mouthed 'what?' Harry shook his head and they both waited for the ceremony to be over.
Fleur's wand was 9½" rosewood, with a Veela hair core. The hair was donated by Fleur's grandmother, which Ollivander called highly volatile as it is known to have a very negative effect on other users.
He also called the wand inflexible, which Percy believed was a jab at Fleur herself. But the veela held her head up high and didn't let him get to her, though she did glare at him a lot.
At this point Harry was frantically cleaning his wand using his robes, Percy chuckled at that but said nothing. As Fleur sat down Harry went up next.
"Stupid old man, what does he know," Fleur spat out like venom.
Percy chuckled, took Fleur's hand and squeezed it, "relax tweetie bird, you know how the British are, to quote Ollivander, 'very inflexible'."
Fleur laughed, "you are correct Perzy. Thank you."
Percy nodded, he let go of Fleur's hand as they waited for Harry and Krum to finish their turn. After the wands were done Skeeter had insisted on taking photos.
Harry and Fleur groaned, apparently they didn't like the attention. Percy and Krum couldn't care less, though the cameraman had to repeatedly tell Percy to stop making funny faces at the camera and pose seriously.
After many pictures, mostly because Percy's ridiculous poses kept ruining the older ones, the champions left.
Fleur had to leave with her headmistress, but she promised to talk to him at dinner. Krum gave them a node before leaving to Gods know where meaning Harry and Percy were left alone.
"So you and Fleur huh?" Harry teased as they walked towards the Great Hall for lunch.
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