Thrown back in time to 1994 in the battle against Kronos, Percy finds himself exiled to the UK, barred from stepping foot in America to prevent damaging the fabric of time. However, amidst this exile, he discovers solace in a hidden world of magic—the wizarding world.
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Extra Chapter
Fleur didn't say anything, Percy was afraid he might have hurt her by being to forceful. But then she let out a wet cough, "merci."
Percy sighed, "it's okay. Just relax, everything will be fine Fleur," Percy held her hands as he rubbed his thumb over her wrists.
It was something his mother did whenever he was nervous, it helped him calm down, hopefully it would work the same with her.
For a long time neither person said nothing. Random drops of tears fell out off Fleur's eyes as she sobbed into Percy's shoulder. The demigod didn't mind the wet stains though, it was a minor problem.
Finally Percy's ADHD acted up, he needed to say something. "Do you want to talk about what happened?" Fleur shook her head. "Okay...we can stay here for as long as you need okay? I promise, nothing will happen to you here." Percy knew he was repeating his words, but right now she needed to hear it over and over again.
Half an hour had passed by the time Fleur's sobbs had finally died away. She wiped her tears and got up, "thank you Perzy, for coming when you did."
"No problem," Percy nodded as he stood up, "you okay? Oh what am I saying of course you're not, stupid Percy! Stupid!" Percy hit himself in the head repeatedly. Fleur laughed at him making Percy smile.
Percy walked out first and peeked outside, "alright, the coast is clear, no one seems to be looking for us," Percy and Fleur walked out as they walked quickly down the hall. "I'll walk you back to your carriage," Percy told her as they reached the stairs.
"No, you don't 'ave to do that," Fleur spoke softly and didn't sound convincing at all.
"Yes, I do," Percy told her Kelly poked her head out off her spot and nodded furiously. The mini veela had been quiet all this time but now she seemed to be demanding all the attention be on her.
"Thank you Perzy...not just for walkin with me, but for….that."
Percy nodded, "no problem...that happens a lot?"
"Yez….but never to that extreme."
Percy sighed, "damn, I'm sorry Fleur, I don't know what to say."
"Ztupid allure, it does nothing but ruin my life!" Fleur hissed, for the first time showing an emotion other than fear or sadness.
"Well think of it this way, if they piss you off too much you can just go all avian and throw fireballs on their ass!"
Fleur laughed, "I thought that form zcared you?"
"Yeah, so obviously if anyone else saw it they would be rendered catatonic," Percy smriked. Fleur threw her head back and laughed. Her voice sounded like birds chirping, the people around them turned and stared openly in lust.
Percy quickly walked her out off the castle and into the grounds outside. They walked down towards the Beauxbaton carriage. When it came into sight Fleur spoke again.
"Thank you….for what you did back there," Fleur said.
"You don't have to keep thanking me Fleur," Percy waved it off, "anyone would have done the same."
"Yez but you weren't just anyone, you don't fall victim to my allure, the only one I meet who actz like that and I….I pushed you away."
Percy chuckled, "yeah. By the way why were you angry at me in the first place?"
Fleur looked sad as she blushed in embarrassment, "it'z ztupid. I….I thought you wouldn't like me after I inzulted your friend."
Percy chuckled, "you're right, that was stupid!"
"Hey! Ne vous moquez pas de moi!" Fleur roared in french.
"I don't know what you said but I'm assuming you insulted me," Percy chuckled.
Fleur huffed as she smiled slowly. "Thank you Perzy, again."
Percy rolled his eyes, "I told you, you don't have to thank me."
Fleur nodded, "yez, but I feel I do. If you don't mind me azking, what were you doing there in the firzt place?"
Percy looked over the grounds and pointed at the Abraxans in their giant pen, "I was actually reading up on them."
"What? Why?"
"Simple curiosity," Percy shrugged, "I wanted to learn more about them. Not everyday that giant flying horses live in your backyard am I right?"
Fleur nodded, "I see. If you are curiouz I'm zure I could azk Madam Maxim to talk to you about them."
"No please, no need for her to trouble herself, I have everything I need right here!" Percy pointed at the book he checked out and smiled.
"I zee...well if you ever need anything from me pleaze, don't 'ezitate to azk," Fleur nodded as they reached the steps of the Beauxbatons carriage.
"Thank you Fleur, that's a nice offer," Percy nodded, "alright, take care now. If you need anything just ask," Percy smiled. As he walked Kelly popped her head out of his hoodie and stuck her tongue out at Fleur. The french veela couldn't help it, a small smile came on her lips.
Percy went back to the castle and quickly went to the Owlery. There he found Hoothoot and tasked him with carrying the letters to the veela cheerleaders while the one to Hecate he gave to a common Hogwarts barn owl.
After that he quickly returned to The Forest and began reading about Abraxans. The book itself acknowledged that Abraxans were a rip off of the greek pegasi.
It seemed that the Abraxans were descendants of the original pegasus, Percy's half brother, Gods was Greek mythology weird.
According to the book the Abraxans were the closest thing the wizarding world to pegasi but due to their large size and interbreeding their magic started to evolve, mutate.
They became larger and larger, but also slower. They lost the godly powers being a pegasus granted them and instead became something more mundane, the Abraxans.
If you want to read ahead by 20+ chapters you could take a visit on my patreon Or check it out.