
Chapter 126: Greek!

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This is chapter 126: which was mistakenly uploaded yesterday by mistake, chapter 125 is updated you can read it.


"Hey Percy!" Harry called out as he and Susan Bones walked up to Percy.

Percy smiled as he nodded at them both, "Harry, Susan, nice to see you both," Harry was blushing red a little, and so was Susan. Harry wore very baggy clothes that didn't really suit him while Susan wore a very nice set of blue robes and a green scarf around her neck.

"Nice scarf there Susan," Percy said smiling.

Susan nodded, "thanks, I figured it might get cold later."

Percy nodded, "smart thinking, but I meant that it's nice because it matches Harry's eyes."

Harry's eyes widened as he looked at the scarf realising the truth. Susan blushed as she looked away in embarrassment, something Harry mirrored when he realised what she did. Percy couldn't help it, he chuckled, those two were so adorable!

"Relax you two, there's no reason to get embarrassed. If you don't learn to get over things like this you will be focused on that instead of on your date."

Harry scoffed, "and where is your date oh great master of dating?"

"Harry please," Percy pointed at Kelly who was glaring angrily at being ignored. The veela flipped Harry off, much to the Gryffindor's surprise, even Susan laughed at that.

They waited for a moment for the others to arrive. Hermione quickly came next along with Angelina and Alicia. The girls then began talking amongst themselves while Percy pulled Harry to the side.

"Harry, dude, buddy...why the hell are you wearing such shitty clothes?" Percy asked bluntly.

Harry looked down, not in embarrassment but shame, "these aren't mine..their Dudley's."

Percy narrowed his eyes, "okay, I really hate your family now. Fuck those rat bastards," Percy sighed, he took out his wand and waved it over Harry's clothes shrinking it just a bit, making it seem more form fitting. "There, sorry I couldn't change it more, but as you know I'm horrible at charms."

Harry looked down at his clothes and smiled, "no problem Percy, this is good."

"Yeah….but I can do one more thing," with another wave of his wand Percy transformed Harry's oversized jacket into a hoodie similar to the one he wore. This one however was grey and had the Crest of Gryffindor over it's left chest, "there, now it's stylish and covers your huge shirt underneath."

Harry gaped at the hoodie as he touched it feeling it for any fault, "amazing! How good is your transfiguration?"

"Better than my charms, but not as good as my potions or DADA skills. But the hoodie should last you for a few days," Percy said with a shrug, he looked over Harry's shoulder and saw Fred and George arrive, "alright then, time to go."

The group walked outside and took a carriage into town. The carriage was being pulled by Thestrals, Percy could see them, but not the others. They looked like zombie pegasi, with bat like wings and a skeleton body. Percy didn't like them one bit and he loved the fact that other people didn't know they were even there, because now they wouldn't talk about them.

The ride was a little rough, but the arrived quickly, though when coming back Percy thought it would be better to take the long way around, just to get a good look at the surrounding land. He always saw the place from high up while flying, but he never actually walked through it.

They got off at the edge of Hogsmeade. The town looked like it was ripped right out off Victorian England, much like the rest of the Wizarding world. The buildings were big and made of stone while the roads were muddy and mushy with street old oil street lamps at every corner.

The people walking around were dressed in old timey clothes, luckily they didn't smell or look like old timely townspeople, or Percy would had refused to go anywhere near them. There were several stores all around town, with bright neon lights. They weren't all confined to one region though like Diagon alley but spaced out like stores in a real town.

Percy whistled, "damn, it's like I stepped back in time."

"Yes the wizarding world is somewhat backwards," Hermione grumbled.

"Still on about the house elves thing?"

"Yes! I'm sorry Percy but I couldn't find a thing about them! What do mean when you say freeing them would kill them?!"

Percy chuckled, "figure it out on your own posh spice."

"Alright everyone we'll see you for lunch at the three broomsticks!" Fred called out as he and Alicia took off in one direction.

"The three what?" Percy asked.

"Don't' worry I'll show you," Hermione waved goodbye to Harry and Susan, who both looked very scared at being alone.

Percy chuckled, "take care Harry! Oh and Susan if he starts getting overly friendly don't be afraid to kick him in the nuts!"

"Damn you Jackson!" Harry hissed back while Susan just giggled.

Hermione glared at Percy, "what?" Percy asked, "they looked like they were going to fight Typhoon or something."

Hermione rolled her eyes as she walked ahead, Percy following her. "Typhoon, that's a greek monster yes?" Hermione asked.

"Yup! The father of all monsters in fact, don't know how he and Echidna had sex though, way too big of a size difference," Percy chuckled remembering the human sized woman and the mountain sized monster.

"I...I don't really understand what you mean," Hermione admitted.

"Don't worry, it's greek thing," Percy waved off her concern.

"You say things like that a lot you know, reference to greek myth."

Percy nodded, "yeah, my dad's greek, so he taught me a lot about our culture. My mom also loved the mythology and kind of encouraged me to talk like him a lot. So I just kind of grew up in that kind of place."

"So do you speak greek?"

Percy grinned, [what type of greek doesn't know how to speak greek?]


If you want to read ahead by 20+ chapters you could take a visit on my patreon Or check it out.
