
Chapter 122:Killing Curse!

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"Harry give it some time, he'll come around, you'll see," Hermione softly patted Harry's shoulder calming him down.

Percy smiled, "she's right Harry, he'll come around….although at this point I don't really think you should bother waiting for him."

"Percy!" Hermione hissed.

Percy shrugged, "what? It's the truth. I have known Harry for a few months and even I can tell shorty isn't the type to do shit like this. If Ron is that stupid then may Athena help him," Percy grabbed a plate and started filling up on food.

"He's right Hermione," Harry growled, "he of all people should believe me! How can he just treat me like this?!"

"Harry calm down, you know how jealous Ron can get, he's just having a tough time right now," Hermione insisted.

"Either way you'll be fine," Percy assured him, "after all you now have the smartest witch of her year helping you out."

Hermione blushed while Harry chuckled, "you know Percy if I didn't already know you had a thing for blondes I would say liked them curly haired and bushy."

"Harry!" Hermione shrieked.

Percy chuckled, "actually Harry the first girl I ever had a crush on was blonde and a genius, so I think I prefer them smart rather than blonde."

Hermione blushed even more as she lowered her head into her plate while the two boys surrounding her laughed.

The first period of that day was DADA and Percy managed to get there just in time. Moody began the class with a small lecture on the uses of the unforgivables and ways people used them.

The imperio was unsurprisingly used to make women sex objects by evil wizards. This was a big problem especially during the middle ages were dark wizards would often take over the mind of kings and queens forcing them to do their bidding.

Freeing these people were a pain, because the moment they are free they become hysterical about being possessed, giving the magical community even more of a bad name.

Then came the torture cure, most often used for interrogation purposes. Obviously it was very effective as more and more people began to use it, at one point it was even allowed free reign by any auror out on the field, but after they discovered the side effects it had on the brain the ministry outlawed it.

And then came the third curse, the killing curse. Funny thing about said curse, it was actually meant to be a humane way to kill off various creatures.

It was considered a mercy since there was so many other ways a wizard or witch could die, like a botched self-transfiguration or even a switching spell aimed at one's heart.

The killing curse wasn't banned because it killed someone, no, it was banned because it became too easy to kill someone. Just point and zap.

To the surprise of the entire class after the speech Moody started to demonstrate the three spells. He used a spider for this purpose, he first imperialised it and made it dance, many people laughed, but Percy was horrified.

Seeing something under the complete control of another person, Percy valued his free will above all else, and to see a simple spell, just four syllables take that away, it was horrifying.

Then came the cruciatus, the spider screeched in pain. Percy didn't even know spider's had vocal cords to scream with.

Annabeth hated spiders, she wouldn't care if one was squashed and killed. But seeing this….Percy doubted even she would just stand by and let this happen.

And then the spider was put out of it's misery, a simple point, a flash of green light and it was gone.

"These curses are unforgivable because that is what they are," Moody spoke in front of the silent class that sat horrified at what they had just seen.

"The ability to take away someone's free will, the ability to torture someone to insanity and the ability to simply wave one's wand and kill something is far too great a lure of power."

"This is why a small group of witches and wizards were able to toss the entire British wizarding world on its head. Not because they were smarter or more talented, but because they were willing to go places that no mortal soul should ever go."

"T-this is crazy!" Fred yelled out.

"What are we supposed to do if someone uses it on us?!" George asked.

"Run, hide," Moody explained, "if you think you can take them then stand and fight, but be prepared to die or be tortured into insanity."

"So we are just supposed to run? We can't do anything to protect ourselves?" the ravenclaw girl that hated Percy's guts asked.

"No, you can't. For the killing curse all you can do is jump away or hide between something solid, preferably some kind of mineral, like marble."

"For the cruciatus...well to take a great deal of concentration and hate to use that spell, your only chance to avoid that is to out think your opponent while they are consumed with their hatred for you. Difficult to do, but if done can save your life."

"And the imperious?" a Slytherin asked.

Moody smiled, "now that I can help you with. The imperious is a unique spell, while it is unblockable, that is not the reason it is banned. The reason it is banned is because of what it represents, total control over another, but this spell, unlike the others, isn't absolute. It can be broken. If one is strong enough to break it."

The class whispered amongst each other, Percy himself felt a little happier knowing this, he could defend himself, the spell wasn't absolute.

"Now everyone get up and form a line, I will cast the spell on you and you will attempt to break free. Understood?" The class looked nervously at each other, they didn't want to willing be put under the imperius curse. Moody however wasn't having it, "I said get your lazy butts up! Now!"


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