
Chapter 106: Horse!

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'Oh shit!' Percy cursed, he was out past curfew. He had never been out past curfew! This was both exciting and nerve racking for the young demigod.

He needed to get to his common room without anyone seeing him, but the prefects and the teachers would be going through the hall, and Percy wasn't exactly a stealthy person.

'Wait a minute, if they are going to be walking around the halls...then the skies will be free!' Percy ran to the window and unlocked them letting in the cool September air. It hit him like a bulldozer, but that just served to excite him even more.

The Forest was a pseudo tower of sorts, with the roof tiles of the fifth floor corridor in front of Percy. He quickly grabbed his bag and Kelly and walked out off the room closing the window behind him.

He stepped on the tiles and made to remove his board to fly out on it. But he stopped, Percy realised something, right now was a golden opportunity for him to spread his wings. Literally.

The demigod grinned, he turned to Kelly and picked her out off his pocket, "hey Kelly, hand on tight okay?" Kelly nodded as Percy put her into his bag and slung it off off him.

He then focused and leaned forward transforming into a four limbed pegasus with midnight black skin and large soft wings.

Percy sighed proudly as he stretched his wings, it's been so long since he did this, he had also forgotten how good it felt.

Percy picked up his bag carefully with his mouth and held it tight. He then trotted forward and spread his wings, jumping off the tiled roof.

Kelly screamed in joy as Percy dived down faster and faster, he then threw open his wings and the updraft picked him up sending him soaring across the sky like a black comet.

"WEEE!" Kelly screamed as Percy wiped around Hogwarts with his giant black wings. He circled the many towers of the castle neighing in joy as he swooped down towards the castle mains gates.

He landed a good few feet away from the main entrance and transformed back into his human form slipping on his duffle bag.

Percy then managed to sneak back to the Hufflepuff common room, a few seniors saw him enter late in the night, but none of them said anything, it seems sneaking out was not uncommon.

The next day was Monday, and obviously Percy wasn't happy about another week of class. He sat in the Great Hall with his friends eating breakfast when Gordon asked him something, "so where were you Percy? You weren't in bed last night."

Percy gulped down his eggs, "I was out late last night exploring the place. I kind of lost track off time."

"Damn, that must have been some adventure," Juan chuckled, "I'm surprised you didn't get caught." Percy nodded but said nothing.

Just then Heather sat down at the table grabbing a plate for herself, "hello all, have you heard the latest?"

"What do you mean?" Gordon asked.

"The news about the flying horse of course!" Heather shouted. Percy started choking as he spat out a mouth full of orange juice. "Are you alright Percy?"

Percy nodded as he wiped his mouth clean, "ah yeah, yeah, just went up the wrong pipe," Kelly giggled, Percy glared at her but that just served to make her laugh even more.

"Wait what this about a flying horse thing?" Miguel asked.

"Well you see last night the a few Ravenclaw and Gryffindor were up late last night in their common rooms when they swore they saw a flying horse pass by their window!"

"Serious?!" Gordon said in awe, "that must have been amazing!"

"But wait, what is a flying horse doing here anyway? Aren't they like endangered or something?" Kristien asked.

"I don't know, but I personally know five people who saw it last night! They swore it was the most beautiful thing they have ever seen! Black coat with giant black wings," Heather sighed, "so beautiful."

"H-Heather, the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor common rooms, they wouldn't happen to be by the towers would they?" Percy asked dreading the answer.

"Yeah, they are, didn't you know that?"

"No, no I did not. But now I do," Percy said as his sulked drinking his glass of juice. Kelly however was having the time of her life, laughing so hard she threw her ball under the table and didn't even notice.

"Percy, is Kelly okay?" Juan asked, "she looks a little….excited."

"Yeah yeah she's fine, she's just temporarily gone mad," Percy growled, but Kelly still didn't stop laughing.

Percy swore he would never fly like that again, thought he found that he couldn't keep that promise as every weekend he would sneak out to The Forest and fly around as a pegasus.

He made extra careful not to be spotted, and avoided the towers like the plague. This however didn't stop the rumours of the flying horse, no, if anything they became stronger and stronger.

Slowly a month passed by. Percy spent every moment ether in class studying, hanging out with his ever growing circle of friends or in The Forest working on the potion or the map.

Percy had gotten all the ingredient he needed from the potion via owl order, though it did cost him a pretty penny. It really took a hit to the money the Fates gave him, but hopefully when his patent came through he would get a steady enough income.

The map also was coming along well, though Percy was forced to create a huge range of spells whose only use was for the creation of said map. Luckily it seemed the gains far outweighed the work needed.

As the weather got colder Percy found he felt more and more at home. New York always started to get cold at this time of the year, and since the curse of Achilles numbed him to the cold he found the weather quite pleasant. One could only guess how winter would treat him.

Extra Chapter. For completing 1500 Power stones.

POWER STONES~~ GOAL: To complete 2500 power stones this week.


If you want to read ahead by 20+ chapters you could take a visit on my patreon Or check it out.
