Thrown back in time to 1994 in the battle against Kronos, Percy finds himself exiled to the UK, barred from stepping foot in America to prevent damaging the fabric of time. However, amidst this exile, he discovers solace in a hidden world of magic—the wizarding world.
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Harry nodded dumbly, "I think so."
Percy looked at Hedwig, "you what Hedwig, I like you," he scratched Hedwig's plumage as the owl purred in content.
Harry and Percy quickly attached their letters to their respective owls and sent them off into the night. Hoothoot kept making lovey dovey eyes at Hedwig as they flew away, much to Hedwig's irritation.
"So who did you send the letter to Percy?" Harry asked as he and Percy walked towards the Great Hall for dinner.
"Oh me? That letter was for the ministry, I was applying for a patent for my hoverboard and quick quill. I figure if I can do that then I can start selling them for some extra cash."
"Oh that's nice," Harry nodded, "can I pre-order one quick quill for myself?"
Percy chuckled, "sure. I'll get it to you as fast as I can. So….you gonna ask Susan out any time soon?"
Harry blushed red, but said nothing.
The next day Percy didn't even bother trying to wake his dorm mates up. Around 7 in the morning he walked outside Hogwarts with his hoverboard and walked along the ground outside the castle.
Percy took off his hoodie and carefully wrapped it around Kelly placing her on the ground, he didn't want to risk anything happening to her.
Percy started his board and kicked off. He lifted into the slowly at first before he started to gain more and more speed. He spun across the air like a leaf in the wind, twisting and turning, testing the limits of his board's ability.
He slowly let himself go, allowing the wind current's and his instincts guide his actions. He remembered the times he flew as a pegasus, the way the sky and him were one.
For a hour Percy was in the air, by the time he came down he had gathered a small crowd around the entrance of the castle.
Percy came down slowly and landed, he picked up his board and walked over to Kelly. The mini veela gave him as smile as he put on his hoodie and approached the gathered crowd.
Zack, the young Hufflepuff kid Percy meet the other day, came up to him along with a couple other younger kids. Percy gave them the board as they quickly started taking turns playing with it.
Percy spent an hour simply watching the kids play with his board, after which he took it back and told them all to go inside for breakfast. Percy himself wasn't really feeling hungry, maybe it was because of his morning fly, but he felt energized.
Percy walked around and sat down by the banks of the Black Lake with Kelly on his shoulder. He leaned back and sighed, the fresh wind hitting his face made his feel fresh as a daisy. The way the sun hit the lake made the water shine.
'You know what….I'm going for a swim,' Percy told himself, 'I'm a son of Poseidon, but I've spent more time in the air than in the water…..that's it, I'm going for a swim.'
Percy got up and looked around, people warned him not to swim in the lake, bad things have happened to those who did. But Percy wasn't people, he could handle anything and everything the Lake could throw at him.
But he didn't want people asking questions, so that meant he needed to hide before he went in for a swim.
Percy got up and walked around towards the rocky slope under the castle. He walked along the jagged shoreline until he was away from the people's line of sight.
He was right under the castle now, walking down a narrow strip of land between the flat slope of the castle base and the cold waters of the lake.
Percy turned to the slope and took out his wand, 'this should be far enough,' he closed his eyes and recalled the spells he would need. He needed the bombarda spell and the vanishing charm in order to create an enclave in the mountain of solid rock before him.
Doing a few quick mental calculations and mixing up the wand moments in the proper manner Percy figured out the spell he would need.
Percy first cast a silencing charm around him and the area, this was going to be loud. He then flipped and twisted his wand in a vertical angle before bringing it down hard like a whip and thrusting it forward.
The rock surface before him heated up for a second before it violently exploded.
Percy used his arm to cover himself and Kelly, but luckily the explosion was contained immediately as all the bidders were vanished as they came flying out. Percy smiled, he looked around, no one was coming over to look, the silencing spell must have held.
Percy looked at the clearing he made, it looked big enough for five people to sit in comfortably, the walls were a bit rough, but okay for his immediate needs.
Percy put his backpack in the cave along with his board and Kelly. He then stripped off his hoodie, shirt and shoes placing them inside the small enclave with Kelly sitting comfortably in the center.
She looked up curiously at Percy, tilting her head sideways in questioning. "I'm going for a swim Kelly," Percy told her as he stretched his arms and shoulder. The cold morning wind hit him hard, but he was used to the cold. Plus the excitement he felt of swimming pushed back the dread of the frigid water.
Kelly whined loudly, she looked panicked as she pointed at water. Percy chuckled, "relax Kelly, I'll do fine. Don't forget, I'm basically a fish," Percy casted a notice-me-not charm on his enclosure and Kelly and turned to the lake. He took as deep breath and rushed forward, running into the water.
The lake was cold, and when the water reached Percy's knees, he jumped in and began swimming inwards like a bullet out of a gun.
If you want to read ahead by 20+ chapters you could take a visit on my patreon Or check it out.