Thrown back in time to 1994 in the battle against Kronos, Percy finds himself exiled to the UK, barred from stepping foot in America to prevent damaging the fabric of time. However, amidst this exile, he discovers solace in a hidden world of magic—the wizarding world.
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Percy laughed as he offered her his hand, helping her to her feet. "If you think that's impressive, you should see what I can do with an Abraxan feather."
Fleur blinked, tilting her head. "W'at do you mean? Why are you zo curiouz about Abraxan featherz?"
Percy shrugged nonchalantly. "Not important. Look, I'm sorry for bringing up the tournament so much. This is supposed to be a break, right? Time to forget all of that."
Fleur sighed, her shoulders relaxing slightly. "Yez, I needed time away—from my zchool, from my carriage. Every time I am there, Madame Maxime iz alwayz pushing me to ztudy. 'Prepare for everything!' zhe zcreamz. And all I want iz to zcream back!"
Percy nodded empathetically. "Sounds exhausting. Well, no more of that today. Today's just about having fun."
A smile spread across Fleur's face, her tension softening further. "Agreed. Zo, what elze do you 'ave planned for uz?"
"Honestly? I'm not great at planning," Percy admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm more of a 'go with the flow' kind of guy. So, let's see… what can two ridiculously good-looking and smart magical people do in a magical town?" He suddenly grinned, pulling a shrunken hoverboard from his pocket. "What do you say? Fancy a spin?"
Fleur blinked, momentarily speechless. "You broug't zat wit' you?"
"Yeah," Percy said with a shrug. "Figured I'd need it if I did something stupid and you decided to chase me in your avian form."
Fleur chuckled. "Zo you planned on doing zomething ztupid."
"I mean, I know myself," Percy admitted with a sheepish grin. "I tend to mess up and, somehow, offend people the moment I open my mouth. It's like they hate the sound of my voice or something."
"Maybe it'z not 'ow you zay t'ings, but what you zay," Fleur teased, her melodic laughter making Percy grin as they strolled aimlessly down the cobblestone streets.
"Fair point," he said. "Honestly, Fleur, I'm not great at this whole… dating thing. In fact, this is the first real date I've ever been on."
Fleur blinked, her surprise evident. "Wait, really?!"
"Yeah," Percy replied, chuckling at her reaction. "Why do you sound so shocked?"
"Well," Fleur began, her cheeks slightly pink, "you're very… 'andzome. I thought—"
Percy laughed. "Yeah, no. Not exactly popular with the ladies. The first time I kissed a girl was only a few months ago, and… let's just say a lot of alcohol was involved. So yeah, I'm working with next to zero experience here."
"I'm zurprized," Fleur admitted, her tone sincere. "You're very kind, Perzy. You 'aven't found anyone yet?"
Percy sighed. "Not really. There is this one girl I've been in touch with, but she's always traveling. Meeting up is nearly impossible. I don't even think we're officially anything."
"Ah, I zee," Fleur mused with a knowing look. "Friendz… wiz benefitz, per'aps?"
Percy's face flushed. "Uh… something like that, I guess."
"Well," Fleur said, her tone playful as she held her chin high, "zat iz good."
Percy blinked. "Why's that?"
Without warning, Fleur wrapped her arms around his right arm, pulling him close. A confident grin lit up her face as she glanced at him. "Because now, I 'ave you all to myzelf."
Around midday, Percy and Fleur began to feel hungry, so they made their way to the Three Broomsticks. The inn was lively, filled with the hum of chatter and the clinking of glasses. Percy glanced around, already considering whether they should return to the castle for lunch, when he caught sight of Gordan waving at them from a booth near the right wall.
"Hey, guys." Percy greeted them, though his eyes narrowed slightly as his friends broke into quiet snickers upon noticing him and Fleur holding hands.
"Where were you two?" Camille piped up, her expression somewhere between curiosity and concern. "We were worried!"
"We turned around, and you two had just disappeared!" Anna exclaimed, quickly scooting over to make room for Percy and Fleur to sit beside her and Peter.
"There was no need to worry." Fleur smiled as she took her seat. "We simply wanted to spend a little time alone, that's all."
"So, when's the wedding?" Hugo asked with a sly grin, setting off another round of laughter from the Beauxbatons students. Fleur shot him a sharp glare in response.
"In June." Percy smirked as he leaned back against the cushioned booth. "We thought about spring, but with the tournament and everything else going on, there's just not enough time."
Everyone froze, mouths hanging open as their eyes darted between Percy's calm expression and Fleur's blushing face. The teasing came to an abrupt halt, and the conversation quickly shifted to other topics.
The inn's warm, inviting atmosphere softened the tension. The food was delicious, and the wireless played a catchy tune that Percy vaguely recognized.
"Hey, does anyone know this song?" Percy asked, gesturing toward the wizarding radio. "I've heard it a few times in the Hufflepuff dorms lately."
"It's 'Magical Force' by the Weird Sisters," Heather replied. "You've got to know them, right?"
Percy shrugged. "I know of them, but I wouldn't call myself a hardcore fan or anything." He smiled slightly as the lyrics played on. "Still, this one's not bad."
Before anyone could comment, Gordan suddenly leaned forward. "Did you hear about the flying horse incident?"
Percy choked on his water and immediately started coughing.
"Are you alright, Percy?" Fleur asked, gently patting his back.
"F-fine," he sputtered, still coughing. "Just went down the wrong pipe."
Gordan gave him a suspicious glance before continuing. "Anyway, remember that shadow people kept seeing around the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor towers at night? Someone claims to have gotten a picture of it!"
"What?!" Percy blurted out, his voice rising. "Who?!"
"Carrie Launcher," George answered. "We saw the photo, though. Honestly, it's not even worth looking at."
"Yeah." Fred scowled. "Just a big, blurry smudge. Can't even tell what it's supposed to be. She conned us out of our last galleon!"
"I'm sorry, but what are you all talking about?" Fleur asked, her brow furrowed in confusion.
"Well," Juan began, leaning in to explain, "a few days before you Beauxbatons students arrived, something strange happened. The Ravenclaws and Gryffindors swore they saw a flying horse near their towers. It's happened multiple times since then!"
"Really? That's incredible!" Camille gasped. "What kind of flying horse was it? A Thestral? Or maybe an Aethonan?"
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