
Chapter 6: Every Inch of my Skin

Edmond turned back to look at me. The next moment he was a blur. Unexpectedly, my vision was consumed by his gaze. His arms were around me as his hands pressed into my back nestling me close to him. His mouth hungrily claimed my own.

Edmond's kisses were overwhelming. I could feel his rapid breathing as he sucked and nibbled at my tongue. I clung to him and it seemed as if he wanted to fuse me into his flesh.

Edmond's lips began to move down my body again. His breath was warm and soothing as he breathed against my neck. I felt dizzy with my own rising desire for him but a warning went off in my head.

Wait… did Edmond misunderstand something?

"Mm... " I couldn't help but groan as I pulled away. "Edmond, let go of me. "

I pushed Edmond away, but he wouldn't let go. He buried his head in my neck, and I suddenly felt a wetness on my neck. Edmond was licking my neck! His breaths were hot and passionate. The tip of his tongue moved all around my neck, as if telling me how badly its owner wanted me.

The river nearby flowed slowly, and the sound of the water hitting the stones was very pleasant. It carried the sound of the wind into my ears, lingering and fine. It was very similar to the feeling of Edmond kissing me, and it made me want to go further.

I could hear the water from a nearby river flowing slowly and the sound of the waves hitting the stones. Wind carried the pleasant sounds into my ears, mixing with Edmond’s kisses, it felt so gentle and romantic… making me want him to continue.

"I... I haven't agreed yet!" I used all my willpower and strength to shout. I hated pulling myself away and reminding the both of us of reality.

"How long do you need?" Edmond moaned as he continued to suck on my earlobe. The strange tingling sensation returned.

Damn it, how much did he like my earlobes?

"Well, give me two days. I... I will definitely give you an answer," I said. I raised my neck unconsciously, wanting to escape once again from reality.

I bit the inside of my lip to help clear my head. I didn't want to lose myself like this. This kind of physical relationship wasn't what I wanted. I would need to think things through carefully. I knew that I couldn't give into this feeling and lose myself with Edmond.

Thank you, Moon Goddess. Edmond stopped himself and he let go of me.

"Okay, I'll wait for your answer," he said reluctantly.


Two days had passed! The time limit I had agreed upon with Edmond was almost up.

I wasn't usually so indecisive. So, why didn’t I have an answer for him yet?

I stepped into Nightsong and I was sure that worry and uncertainty were both etched all over my face. But, I halted in confusion to see that at the top of the stairs, Edmond was talking to Hank. I had no idea that he was back.

Their postures were so strange, and looked like two thieves conspiring.

My heart skipped several beats.

Edmond would not look in my direction! What were his eyes avoiding? Why didn't he dare look at me?

He and Hank seemed to be on the same team. They were so close.

Fury burst through my chest as I walked closer to Edmond.

"Edmond, I've thought about what you told me. Do you still need to talk to me?" Deliberately, I folded my tight skirt upward. I put my hands on my hips, which made the curves of my figure stand out even more.

I wanted to show my appreciation towards Edmond in front of Hank. I wanted Hank to suspect him. That was what he would get for betraying me!

"Mr. Karl, I will definitely take care of the matter of buying jewelry for Mrs. Karl, but this surprise seems to have been found out by her in advance!" Edmond looked at me meaningfully.

Hank obviously caught my words. His expression changed and he shouted at Edmond, "What matters do you have to discuss with Liana!"

Edmond smiled calmly, looking extremely magnanimous. "Mrs. Karl misses you too. She wanted me to buy a watch for you, but I was greedy. I asked Mrs. Karl to give me an expensive watch that costs the same as a reward."

"Then you're indeed in the wrong," Hank grumbled at Edmond, though there was no trace of his original outrage. "Oh, my Liana, you're my sweet darling. You're so considerate." Hank's pudgy hand squeezed mine and his thick lips landed on the back of my hand.

I suddenly felt sick. I turned around so Hank couldn't see the disgusted look on my face.

Out of Hank's sight, Edmond squeezed the palm of my hand pressing a note into it. He ran his thumb hard over the spot where Hank had kissed me.

He released my hand and when I looked at Edmond again, he was being dragged away by Irene, but I could still see his eyes lingering on me.


I clutched the note in my hand so tightly that it was almost unreadable. I stared at the phone number written on it.

I had been so impulsive and so foolish. Would it hurt Edmond that I had suspected him of betraying me after only one glance? Would he ignore me in the future? I really needed his help. I couldn't do this on my own, I needed an ally.

I was thinking maybe there was something I could do to make it up to him? Apologize to him, if needed. After all, it was me who accused him for no reason.

I asked the butler to prepare some produce, and decided to make a meal for him. I loved my own cooking, and soon, the kitchen was filled to the delicious smell of the food.

Rarely cooked steak was one of our kind’s favorites. I was pleased with how it came out. Then I prepared wine and a few side dishes.

The table was covered by an elegant table cloth, and the dimmed candlelight gave the room a soft glow. I burned a mild rose scent oil. The soft candlelight along with the smoothing scent finally helped calm my anxiety a bit.

Satisfied with my preparation, I stared at my phone for a moment, and eventually collected my courage to dial his number.

“Yes?” It was his deep voice.

“Do you mind stopping by?”

However, what answered me was a beeping sound on the other end of the line.

What?! What else did he want from me? Was he so mad that he couldn’t even give me a chance to apologize?

I stared at the candles and felt helpless. I couldn’t blame him. After all, it was my fault, and I really shouldn't have done that to him. He offered to help me out, yetI was so reckless and impulsive!

Suddenly, the door to my room was pushed open and I dropped the phone.

It was Edmond.

He turned around to lock the door, but he kept his back turned to me, which made me feel even more uneasy. I was really worried that he would take back his offer, so I said to him desperately, "Edmond, listen to me. I didn't do it on purpose today. It's my fault for being so irrational. You're a good guy. You're a very good ally. I really need your help. Please… could you please help me?I…. I'm willing to bear your child for you because there is no one else that I can trust. I have no one else but you!"

I told Edmond what I needed to say. I was ashamed of my vulnerability but I was finally willing to face the truth of what was in my heart. I was willing to give myself toEdmond because he was my only choice, and because… I was attracted to him..

He remained silent with his back turned to me. I saw Edmond's shaking shoulders. Was he crying? Surely a grown man wouldn't cry for such a small matter, right?

An unfamiliar sense of unease welled up in me. How could I comfort him and let him know that I was truly sorry? I put my hand on his shoulder and patted it gently. I tried to comfort him until Edmond was finally willing to turn around and look at me.

But when he did, I saw that he... was actually chuckling.

This guy had been snickering behind my back from the beginning. He watched my heartfelt and passionate apology from the shadows as if I were a clown. What a nuisance he was!

"Did you just say that you accepted my conditions?" Edmond asked me cheekily.

"No!" I retorted. I wasn't going to admit any such thing now!

"Shall I leave, then?" Edmond's hand reached for the doorknob.

"Go away. You'd better not come back!"

All he did was lie to me. I wouldn't fall for it this time. No way he would want to leave right now, right?

However, I was wrong. Edmond did open the door. He simply walked away, leaving behind a dull thud as the door closed.

The sudden silence made me feel a little sad. After being stunned for a moment, I hurriedly opened the door to find him standing behind the door with a look of triumph.

His strong hands gripped my arms before he quickly reentered the room, locked the door and pressed me against it.

"You're worried about me. Worried that I'll leave you." Edmond's lips curved into a smile. It was annoying, but I had to admit the man was incredibly handsome.

"I... I accept your terms." Since I had already decided, I wasn't going to play coy or beat around the bush with him.

"My sweet and beautiful girl." Edmond's eyes lit up. It was the look of a carnivore seeing its prey before he desperately kissed me.

As he kissed me rhythmically, he used his hands to slide the straps of my dress over my shoulders and down my arms.

Edmond's big hand gripped the hem of my skirt and he pulled it until it pooled onto the floor at my feet. I felt a sudden chill on my body.

I was left with a black lace bra and panties. The bra was thin enough that the important parts were faintly visible.

Embarrassed, I blocked the two spots with my hands.

Edmond wouldn't allow it. He took my hands away and stared at my body. His eyes glowed blue, just like when he looked at the starry sky painting. I suddenly felt like his gaze was so deep that he could see through my soul..

He lowered his mouth to my throat and his tongue worked to lick every inch of my skin, almost crazily.

I shivered in his arms until his tongue eventually stopped at the two areas covered by my bra. He seemed to like it there. He kept licking my nipples as they became firm and then finally he relieved them of the bra altogether.