

In a world of power and betrayal, Elena Montoya’s life is turned upside down when her family’s company faces ruin and her sister Sofia falls gravely ill. Desperate and out of options, Elena’s father strikes a deal with their sworn enemies, the Cruz family. The price for Sofia’s life-saving treatment? Elena must marry Damian Cruz, the cold and arrogant billionaire heir.Thrown into a loveless marriage, Elena is treated with disdain and cruelty by Damian, who sees her as nothing more than a pawn. Determined to escape her miserable fate, she begs her parents to pay off the debt, only to discover a heartbreaking truth: she isn’t their biological daughter. She was merely a pawn in their desperate bid to save their real daughter, Sofia. Watch as the story of love, romance and passion unfolds.

Liy_Lah · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs


Damian sat in his office, surrounded by stacks of documents and the constant hum of the city beyond his window. The ringing phone broke his concentration. He sighed, glancing at the caller ID. It was his mother.

"Hello, Mom," he answered, already feeling a knot of tension forming in his stomach.

"Damian, dear, we're here," his mother said without preamble. "Your grandmother, brother, and I have arrived. We'll be visiting soon, and I expect a proper introduction to your new wife."

She said calmly.

Damian's heart sank. This was the last thing he needed right now. "That's… great, Mom. When are you coming?"

"Tomorrow afternoon. We'll be at your house around three. Make sure everything is ready."

"Of course," he said, trying to keep his voice steady. "I'll see you then."

As he hung up, Damian ran a hand through his hair, the familiar gesture of frustration. Elena had been through a lot recently. He wasn't sure how she would handle his family, especially his critical mother and his doting grandmother. He needed to inform Elena about the impending visit. He stood up and headed towards her room, hoping to catch her before she left.


Damian knocked softly on Elena's bedroom door. "Elena? Are you there?" There was no response. He knocked again, a bit louder this time. Still no answer.

He pushed the door open slightly, peering inside. The room was empty. The bed was made, and there were no signs of her recent presence. Damian stepped inside, looking around. Her phone charger was still plugged in by the nightstand, but there were no other clues about where she might have gone.

A sense of worry started to gnaw at him. "Elena?" he called out, walking back into the hallway. He approached one of the household staff, Maria, who was dusting a nearby bookshelf.

"Maria, have you seen Elena?" he asked, trying to keep his voice calm.

Maria looked up, smiling politely. "Yes, Mr. Damian. She went to the mall about an hour ago. Said she needed to pick up a few things."

"The mall?" Damian repeated, feeling a mix of relief and concern. "Did she say when she'd be back?"

"No, she didn't. But she usually doesn't take too long when she goes out," Maria replied.

Damian nodded, thanking her. He walked back to the living room, trying to shake off his anxiety. Why hadn't Elena told him she was going out? He knew she valued her independence, but he couldn't help but worry, especially with his family's visit looming.

He sank into the couch, pulling out his phone to call her.


Meanwhile, Elena wandered through the aisles of the mall, picking up a few items for the house. She was still grappling with the revelation about her parents' orphanage. Her mind bothered with lots of unanswered questions. she wanted to know the Truth. she needed more answers but, no one was willing to help.

She turned a corner, not paying attention, and bumped into an elderly woman. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" Elena exclaimed, reaching out to help her up.

"No harm done, dear," the woman said with a warm smile. "I should watch where I'm going. These old eyes aren't what they used to be."

Elena smiled back. "I'm just as much to blame. Are you alright?"

"Perfectly fine, thank you. I'm actually looking for a gift for my granddaughter-in-law," the woman said, her eyes twinkling. "Any chance you could help an old lady out?"

"I'd be happy to," Elena said, feeling a strange comfort in the woman's presence. "What sort of gift are you looking for?"

"Well, something elegant but not too extravagant. Maybe a piece of jewelry?" the woman suggested.

Elena nodded. "There's a lovely jewelry store just around the corner. Shall we?"

As they walked, the woman asked, "What's your name, dear?"

"Elena," she replied. "And yours?"

"I'm Rosa," the woman said. "Thank you for helping me, Elena."

"It's my pleasure," Elena said, genuinely enjoying the company.

They entered the jewelry store, and Elena guided Rosa to a display of bracelets. "How about these?" she asked.

Rosa inspected the collection. "Oh, these are lovely. Which one would you choose?"

Elena pointed to a delicate silver bracelet with a small sapphire charm. "This one is beautiful. It's simple, yet elegant."

Rosa smiled. "Perfect. I'll take it. You have good taste, Elena."

"Thank you," Elena said, feeling a flush of pride.

As they waited for the bracelet to be packaged, Rosa turned inquisitively to Elena. "You remind me of someone I know. I can't quite place it, but there's something familiar about you."

Elena laughed softly. "I suppose I have one of those faces."

Rosa chuckled. "Perhaps. Are you married, Elena?"

Elena paused, caught off guard by the personal question. "Yes, I am."

Rosa's eyes sparkled with interest. "How wonderful! Marriage is such a special bond. My favorite grandson recently got married too, but I haven't met his bride yet. I hope she's as lovely as you."

Elena blushed at the compliment. "I'm sure she is. Marriage is indeed special. How long have you been married, Mrs. Rosa?"

Rosa smiled wistfully. "Oh, many, many years. My late husband was the love of my life. We had our ups and downs, but it was worth every moment. Do you and your husband have any children?"

"Not yet," Elena replied, feeling a pang of sadness from lying to the old lady. "We're still quite newly married."

"Well, take your time," Rosa said kindly. "Children are a blessing, but they also require a lot of patience and love. Enjoy each other first."

Elena nodded, appreciating Rosa's wisdom. "Thank you. That's good advice."

Just then, Elena's phone rang. She glanced at the screen and saw Damian's name. "I'm sorry, I have to take this," she said, stepping aside. "Hello?"

"Elena, where are you?" Damian's voice was tense.

"I'm at the mall. Why?"

"Can you come home quickly? We need to talk. It's important."

"Okay, I'll be there soon," she said, hanging up. She turned back to Rosa. "I'm sorry, I have to go. It was lovely meeting you, Rosa."

"You too, dear," Rosa said, watching Elena rush out of the store.


Elena arrived home to find Damian pacing in the living room. He looked up as she entered. "We need to talk," he said, his tone serious.

"What's going on?" Elena asked, feeling a pang of worry.

"My mother, grandmother, and brother are coming tomorrow. They want to meet you."

Elena's heart skipped a beat. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I just found out," Damian said, frustration evident in his voice. "I'm sorry, Elena. I know this is a lot to ask, but we need to make a good impression. We need to keep up with the happy couple act and Don't mention your family's last name to them."

Elena bursted out with fury "Do i always need to act, why is everything so complicated around you. Why do i have to keeo up with this fake life. Always following your rules like some random slave to you. I have to deny my last name this time, what next do i get to let go off. Damien this need to stop."

Damien stepped closer, his expression hardened as he pushes gently against the wall "Listen Elena, the day you signed the contract, you signed over your life to me. You would do as i say and nothing else."

"Clear?" He asked, pressing his body further on hers.

Elena took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing thoughts "Yes" she murmured not so audibly, wiggling her way out of his grip.