
A Deal With My Boyfriend's Billionaire Brother

Madisyn desired a simple colorful life taking care of her childs and being a devoted loving mother to them. After years of wrong loves she seemed to have finally found the perfect man. Soon she finds out he had never loved her and that the interest he claimed to have for her was instead directioned to her father, or better his rising successful company. He also admitted the brother he felt second rate to was a successful billionaire. He wanted what his brother had and Madisyn was the vessel for his mischievous plan. The day after his confession, Madisyn booked an appointment at her ex-boyfriend's brother's company. What plan did she have in mind? Will she finally get the revenge she so desperately needed?

ginandroses · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
35 Chs

Chapter twenty one

It was finally the day of the honeymoon, yet Madisyn could barely sleep the night before. Her nerves were a tangled mess, twisting in her stomach as she lay awake, her thoughts racing. By the time her alarm blared in the early hours of the morning, she had barely gotten any rest. The sky was still a deep navy blue as she arrived at the airport, where Ethan was already waiting for her, both of them hoping to avoid any unnecessary delays.

The check-in line was longer than expected, and as they waited, Madisyn got her first real taste of just how famous Ethan truly was. People of all ages approached him, eyes wide with excitement as they asked for photos. Some didn't even bother with pictures, instead stopping just to tell him how much they admired him, how they had followed his career for years. Madisyn felt a sudden weight on her shoulders—the reality of who Ethan was beginning to sink in.