
A Deal With My Boyfriend's Billionaire Brother

Madisyn desired a simple colorful life taking care of her childs and being a devoted loving mother to them. After years of wrong loves she seemed to have finally found the perfect man. Soon she finds out he had never loved her and that the interest he claimed to have for her was instead directioned to her father, or better his rising successful company. He also admitted the brother he felt second rate to was a successful billionaire. He wanted what his brother had and Madisyn was the vessel for his mischievous plan. The day after his confession, Madisyn booked an appointment at her ex-boyfriend's brother's company. What plan did she have in mind? Will she finally get the revenge she so desperately needed?

ginandroses · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
35 Chs

Chapter Four

" I needed an important position in your father's company to earn and save enough to start my own business. Now that the time has come, I've met many clients who promised they would switch to my company, and everything is set."

"So you used me just to achieve your goal? That's deceitful and cruel, even for you!"

Madisyn finally managed to voice her true feelings.

"I'm sure my father will ruin your reputation when he finds out!"

Madisyn sobbed, her voice trembling.

"I'm not done yet. I am truly sorry from the bottom of my heart. I'm sure if I had met you under different circumstances, I would have fallen in love with you. You're beautiful, talented, smart, and very considerate. You would have made a great wife and mother. But I don't love you. I never did."

She didn't believe a word, she felt so nauseous looked at him after what he did.

She couldn't believe she loved such a monster.

"Your apology doesn't make up for the time I've lost and the disappointment I feel. You were the last person I thought would hurt me, and you ended up hurting me more than anyone else ever has. I hope you disgust yourself and feel ashamed every time you look in the mirror."

Her eyes squeezed shut as she clenched her fists in anger.

"I grew up in a complicated situation. My parents reserved all their love for my brother, who became one of the most important billionaires in the city. He's famous, successful, and handsome. He can attract women with ease. I always felt second-rate compared to him and resented him for never helping me reach his level. I wanted what he had and maybe even seek revenge by taking what's his. Your father's company could help me achieve that, and now I can finally pursue it."

Madisyn rubbed her forehead, overwhelmed by a terrible headache.

She didn't want to hear any more from him; she never wanted to see him again. She wished he would have disappear instead, as his absence might hurt have her less than knowing such cruel plan.

Five years of her life had been wasted loving a man she never knew. A man who didn't even deserve a glimpse of what she did for him.

Her entire family welcomed him into their lives like he was family himself. And he played everyone like a pro.

"Are you done?" Madisyn queastioned in a pleading voice.

"Yes, I am..." he murmured, trying to reach for her hand, but she slapped it away.

"Don't you dare touch me," she screamed with the last of her strength.

"I don't want to see you again. Go away, move to another city, or just disappear. I don't care. I don't want to see you or hear your name. I wish you had never existed!"

"Whatever you want... I owe you. Will you tell your father?"

"Take your stuff and leave!" she screamed again.

Thats all he mattered? Whether she would tell her fsther or not?

She couldn't take it anymore.

He sighed before nodding. After a moment of speechless silence, he gathered his few belongings and left. She heard his car start and drive away.

She had forgotten that the house was his, but since all his money was earned through her and her father, she felt that the house belonged to her more than to him.

She went to change out of the heavy, uncomfortable dress she was still wearing. She had also lost her phone when it fell earlier, so she had no idea if anyone had tried to contact her after the wedding.

However, she didn't care. She still couldn't believe that all of this was real. Her life had seemed perfect before, and now it had turned into a nightmare in an instant.

After changing and taking a quick shower, she reflected on the situation again. As strange as it sounded, everything made sense now, and she felt foolish for not having doubted him earlier. His obsession with her father had been obvious from the start. He had always asked Madisyn about her father's likes, dislikes, and expectations. She had naively thought he was just trying to make a good impression on her father, so she gave him advice. It didn't take long for him to come under her father's protection.

She wanted to tell her father about Joey's true nature, but she couldn't bear to break his heart. Her father cared deeply about Joey and was proud of him. Joey had even become one of his closest friends, and she didn't want to reveal that he was just a pawn.

Her father barely trusted anyone in the industry due to past betrayals, and he had believed Joey's intentions were genuine.

Madisyn hid her face in her hands and screamed inwardly. She had never hated anyone as much as she hated Joey right now. What could she do to get revenge on that bastard?

An idea suddenly came to mind. She turned on her laptop, since her phone was gone, and searched online for Joey's brother's company. It wasn't hard to find; his name was all over car magazines and sports car industry articles.

She clicked on a link labeled "Get to Know the Staff" and scrolled down the page.

"Here you are," she whispered.

"Ethan, nice to meet you."

She would give Joey what he deserves.