
The intro

Hi my name is Yuna it's a very strange name isn't it? Yes it is I've always tried to figure out the meaning of my name but i never find it even in dictionaries I've asked my mom and she said my father was the one who came up with the name in his drunk state so i should ask him . I've asked but never got an at some point i got tired of asking my classmates always used my name as a joke 😂 they always teased my name.

Till i got used to it.

I grew up in Los Angeles with my parents before we later moved to London and that's where i base now it took me time to adapt to my new life and make new friends in my new school but with time i had one friend his name is George and we do go to the library together and do things together.

I'm 16 turning 17 very soon. I'm so excited I'm growing older and beautiful