
A Day Of Joy

A Day Of Joy - The Cycle of Life Trilogy Volume One This book consists of 12 poems and 3 acts. New poems will be released every Wednesday and Friday. A Day of Joy talks about its main themes of joy, hope and desire. Desire for a better future, a better life, and for the satisfaction of one's own desires. It also tackles topics about depression and happiness, loss and victories, hope and despair. This collection of poetry does not focus on one person. If these words speak out to your heart, embrace it and I hope it gives you a better and positive side of life.

tom_x_seokjin · Realistis
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6 Chs

4 - Hope For A Better Life

Have you ever hoped for a better life?

Because all my life I did,

It didn't go well as I expected.

I hoped for sunshine, peace and prosperity

But instead, the universe gave me rainfall, chaos and loss

I wish I knew how to heal my broken heart

All my life, I've experienced rejection, betrayal and toxicity

It even made me feel like I'm an outsider

It made me doubt my existence

Then I wondered, "Is it still worth it?"

After so much negativity, I sunk down in the darkness

But even in the dark, a voice calls out to me

"You're worth it. Wait for the daylight"

Venturing through the darkness feels like hell

You have to go through every wound, every knife and every thorn

But then, I willed myself to move forward

As I am hoping for a better life.