
A Day Of Joy

A Day Of Joy - The Cycle of Life Trilogy Volume One This book consists of 12 poems and 3 acts. New poems will be released every Wednesday and Friday. A Day of Joy talks about its main themes of joy, hope and desire. Desire for a better future, a better life, and for the satisfaction of one's own desires. It also tackles topics about depression and happiness, loss and victories, hope and despair. This collection of poetry does not focus on one person. If these words speak out to your heart, embrace it and I hope it gives you a better and positive side of life.

tom_x_seokjin · Realistis
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6 Chs

3 - Daylight

The waters engulf me,

As the darkness surrounded me,

As I drown, I thought to myself, this is it.

I'm about to give up

Give up everything I fighted for

This slow torture brought me back to my senses.

I need to think straight

I need to act fast

I need to breathe.

As I willed myself to go up,

to light, to life, to air....

I awakened to my truth

It's worth it to fight

It's worth to be happy

It's worth it to live.

But I wondered, do they appreciate me?

Or am I some kind of pawn

Only recognized if someone wanted to use me

I felt alone in the dark

I never felt such freedom,

My peace of mind and my freedom, all gone

I even wondered what would happen if I die?

Would someone cry or even laugh?

Would someone even worry or maybe someone doesn't even care that I ended my own existence.

And would someone even remember me after all those years that I was gone?

In my mind, someone said, "No one will remember you for the rest of their lives. Their so-called sweet words were just a facade. You need to go."

But in my heart, my conscience speaked. And that was enough reason to live again. Conscience.

I had the courage to go up and finally I was up in the surface.

I am in the raging seas full of angry, tall waves and stormy clouds


And I woke up,

Realizing that I am still trapped in my own delusions.

My mentality is a fight between angels and demons

My mentality contains a dark storm inside it.

But I don't need to worry about it.

Because I have the hope that someday. Somehow. Somewhere.

I will finally see daylight.