
Will the horrors of past return?

The whole night Xiao Chen was twisting and turning around sweating continuously as if she is having a nightmare. With a scream she woke up realizing it was only 3 at the morning. She was convincing herself telling it's only a dream only a dream. She was holding herself not to cry. But the clear memories are haunting her again she wants to cry but no tears came. She feels suffocated yet she couldn't do anything.

After a solid 2 hours she calm herself and taught to take a shower when she saw the hickeys and bruises she hated her own self for being pathetic she scrubbed herself hard wanting to remove it but it only made it worse. She couldn't help but shudder maybe because of the cold water or knowing that someone saw her hidden scars. she cleaned herself.

She got out of her apartment before clearly checking if he was there or not and left. The world lot for her was very heavy that day. With also the continuous call from her boyfriend she couldn't help but feel guilty towards her boyfriend. She couldn't but blame herself for not being strong. She couldn't figure out how the hell he came in her room she decided to ask him the very evening.