

its funny thinking back at when I first came through that portal Darkness all around me weapons I have never seen before pointing at me people with a confused look on there face not knowing what going on that is when the portal closed behind me, not knowing what's coming for me in this new world I surrendered an got arrested for no reason, I could explain but they would still tread me as a thread . They took me back to this town that almost looked like my home town but had a few changes to it. I wasn't court marshalled at all they took me straight to the holding cells and threw me in.

Month on end torture was awaiting me or so I thought, I looked out the small window into the nature thinking is this how I die is this how my story end, it felt like the longest night of my life, fearing for and yet giving in to the fact that I'm never getting out of here at all.

The next day came with a beautiful sunrise and the guards coming down to the cells with food, they threw mine on the ground like I was some kind of animal laughing as they walked away. That when my real hell started every day at midday the would come and beat me not asking questions just for the fun of it I guess. this went on for months even years.

After 5 years of torture the chief finally came down and spoke to me, he said for this to end you will have to tell me everything about this world that I came from. without knowing that they planned to me a killer to send back to that world I started talking, I told them about every danger in that world and what potentials that world had it was the first time I felt emotion in a long time tears rolling down my eyes as I spoke of my home. Hoping That they would give me a chance to make a living but they said no they made my life a little easier at least by letting me out of my cell and doing so work for them.

I had to start a new life without magic a life without my friends and family, It was so lonely. Only living on this one block cell was torture by its self.

After three years of extra torture from the guards they finally started to trust me enough to let me live on my own but I wasn't allowed to life in the city like the rest of the people, I had to make a home outside starting with nothing like a outcast but that didn't bother me. They at least let me into the city to work and buy supplies. they had a big party each year this big party which they never let me join .the night struck midnight and I sneaked in into the town and started to party with them they didn't seem to care or it was just that they will all to drunk to notice I came to a small pond in the middle of the town, I sat there just looking up into the sky light thinking back of all the fun I had with my brother in arms, then I was suddenly interrupted by three woman wanting to know if I had a lighter for them we transverse in conversation when I notice out of the three girls a beautiful maiden that looked like some I new from my past she had red hair and the my stunning blue eyes and she was constantly staring at me, being a little drunk I didn't think much about it and went back to my home up outside the town.

The following day drowning in headache and nausea I went back to the town to see if I can get a remedy for this headache, walking around the buildings I stumble upon this small shop. I took a deep breath and went into the shop bumping into her. helping her pick up her bags I apologized to her and asked for her name She said it was Sarah and without hesitation I asked her on a date. she looked shocked for a second then smiled and said yes, this was the best day of my life I thought. A few months went by spending time with her we decide to get married with the chiefs blessing. The chief still insisted that we stay outside the city for time being which I was fine with.

The night of our first anniversary we went to the mountain with our picnic bag and and a few blankets. We had open sky and the most marvellous sky light we could ask for. We were half way through the wine when she suggested that I should join the army, If only I knew what would happen next I would of said no, that night was the first night of may horrors yet to come.