
Chapter 39: Do you love me, Kai? Part 3

And so, Hina kept crying loudly while her face was buried in my chest.

She didn't want to meet my gaze, perhaps out of shame or because she knew that I had seen what she did.

I had confirmation that Hina also had a hidden side.

She had killed many people in the building so easily, as if she were used to it.

Hina was a murderer, an assassin, a psychopath.

But in that moment, in my eyes, she was only a fragile girl crying in my arms because she felt guilty.

It's hard to explain, but all the feelings of fear that I had in my heart disappeared, replaced by a warm feeling of love.

I had a lot of questions in my mind.

The only thing I could confirm was that Hina was dangerous and that she needed help.

I had multiple decisions to make, like calling Yuki Nakamura or Detective Saito...

But those would have been my choices if Hina had hurt someone innocent like my friends or me.

"Hina," I whispered, gently lifting her chin so she would look at me.

Her eyes, red and swollen from crying, were filled with a mixture of fear and desperation.

"Why did you do it? Why are you here?" I asked, while petting her hair to relax her soul.

Hina closed her eyes for a few moments, leaning into the touch of my hand like she craved all this time for a little sign of physical affection.

Then , she finally managed to lock her eyes in mine.

She sniffled, her voice trembling. "I... I had to, Kai. They were going to hurt you, to hurt us. I couldn't let that happen."

"But Hina," I said, struggling to find the right words, "you killed them. You killed so many people."

Questions lingered in my mind.

When Hina arrived, it seemed like she didn't notice my presence.

She was fully focused on eliminate her enemies.

There were a lot of corpses all around the school, much more than the number of the men that i saw dying...

I also noticed that when Hina was about to eliminate the two intruders in my home, she said "How dare you hurt my precious Kai?".

To put it in short words, I didn't feel a sense of protection...

Only time could give me the answers I needed.

Then, Hina's grip tightened on my shirt, and her eyes filled with a childlike fear.

"Kai, please don't leave me. I'm scared. I don't want to be alone... I can't live without you..." She said, with a sobbing voice while still clinging to my shirt very tightly with her hands still dirt of blood.

The only things filling the atmosphere were the metallic scent of blood on her and the noise of her cry.

Hina didn't ask me what I was doing there.

Considering the situation, It was strange... 

I shouldn't have been there in the first place...

My heart ached seeing Hina crying and begging like this.

She wasn't just a killer; she was a broken soul, a girl who had done terrible things out of a twisted sense of love and protection.

"I'm not going to leave you, Hina," I assured her, stroking her hair.

"But we need to find a way to make this right... I don't want to see you killing people and dirt your hands..."

Her body shook with sobs as she clung to me. "I don't care about them. I only care about you. I did it for you. I'm gonna use all my strenght to protect you..."

Hina was still not asking why I was there.

She didn't seem surprised...

I realized that, in her own warped way, she truly believed that what she had done was justified.

That made her even more dangerous, but it also made me more determined to help her.

"We'll figure this out," I said softly, more to myself than to her. "But first, we need to get out of here." I added, while gently kissing her.

Her body twitched when our lips met and she immediatly returned the kiss with passion by wrapping her arms around my neck.

Her grip on me was tight.

I needed to do this sign of affection to calm Hina, otherwise she could have another crysis and go crazy.

After breaking the kiss, Hina looked at me with a warm smile.

"I love you, Kai..." She whispered.

She had some stains of blood on her face and the kiss felt really salty... perhaps because of her tears...

Then , while looking into my eyes with a loving gaze, she asked:

"Do you love me, Kai? Am i a bad girl?" She said with an empty and cold voice, while her grey eyes were open wide.

I had to say the truth.

"Yes, i'm starting to love you, Hina. I promise that I'll help you..." I said, while still stroking her hair.

Then, Hina's smile widened even more and she giggled a little.

That's what she wanted to hear.

"I'm happy... Thank you, Kai-Kun..." She said while getting off me.

After that, she stood up and offered me her hand.

I grabbed it she helped me to get up.

Then , we both decided to walk out, together.

But there was a thing that I didn't consider during the moment.

Hina actually made a massacre in that building, and it was only a matter of time since police would've discovered that very soon.

I had the feeling that I would've received a call from Yuki Nakamura or Detective Saito.

So, before going out, I had the idea to do something "Horrible".

"Hina, wait a second." I said, while taking a deep breath.

"Uhm...?" She said while tilting her head on the side.

It seemed like Hina's mood changed totally...

She returned to her normal self...

I took a look at the dismembered body of the boss in front of me and I must admit that I was about to vomit just from the sight and the disgusting smell of it...

But I took a deep breath, grabbed my knife from my pocked and leaned closer to his arm.

With the knife, I cut some of his skin off, writing the word "Traitor" on his arm.

I was disgusted and you could say that I was about to cry from the disgust.

Not a long time ago I was just a normal virgin boy who was only studying at school and hanging out with his small group of friends.

Then , when I was done, I stood up , put my knife back and looked at Hina.

I noticed that her legs were shaking a little and she was holding her skirt down.

She had a blush on her face and she was also covering her mouth.

More than that, she was breathing heavily and rapidly, like she was... aroused.

"H-Hina...?" I said, with a "scared" and confused tone of voice.

When she heard my voice, she raised her head towards me , like she snapped back into reality.

"O-Oh? What is it??" She asked, with a fake smile on her lips, with a drop of saliva falling from it.

"L-Let's go out of here..." I said to her.

Hina nodded in agreement and grabbed my hand.

I knew that despite this little thing that I had done, police would've come to me really easily...

Then , me and my girfriend started to walk trough the buildings and the corpses.

As we made our way out of the building, my mind raced with the implications of what had happened.

I needed to understand the connections between the gang, my friend Haruto, and why Hina was involved in all of this.

Hina's grip on my hand was tight, as if she were afraid I would disappear if she let go.

"Kai, please," she whispered, her voice small and trembling. "Always stay close to me... I can't lose you. I would die..."

She knew something that I didn't... but I pretended not to know anything...

She said that she wanted to protect me... but I had the feelings that she didn't notice my presence... 

What the hell was happening to me...?

I stopped thinking and squeezed her hand reassuringly.

"I won't let that happen, Hina. But we need to find out what's really going on.." I said, with a direct tone.

"All you need to know is that I'll always protect you, Kai... Don't ask anything more..." Hina whispered during our walk.

I remained silent, not wantint to ask further questions.

I had to wait some other time to receive some truths from Hina.

When we reached the outside, the cool night air hit us, a stark contrast to the suffocating atmosphere inside.

I was the first to get out from the door.

Sakura was waiting by the car, her expressions a mix of relief and concern.

I thought that she drove away.

"Kai!!! are you okay?" Sakura asked while running towards me.

My eyes widened.

I didn't expect that Sakura-San was still there, and meeting Hina would've been a big problem.

But it was too late.

Hina walked out and saw her aunt.

When Sakura saw her nephew, she stood frozen in her place and took some steps back.

I immediately felt an immense bloody tension of anger around us. 

Sakura's eyes were full of fear while Hina was completely normal and was not moving.

But despite the feeling of "calm" coming from Hina, her eyes were open wide and locked on her aunt, like she was ready to hurt her.

Hina's clothes and hands were full of blood and... I noticed that she had a knife hidden in her jacket.

Sakura-San once said that if Hina would've seen her, she would've been dead.

I forgot this important detail...

The tension between them raised up, to the level where you could literally feel it.

They were not moving.

Then, Hina's lips curved into a very sinister and malicious smile.

"Oh... Hello, Auntie~ Fufufu...~" She whispered, with a murderous intent.

"Oh no..." I thought in my mind.