
Chapter 36: Savior

The empty eyes of the man who died moments ago were laying on the floor along his body in a pool of blood, looking at me with nothing more than his dead eyes.

His mouth was half open and blood was dripping from it.

I was… terrified after seeing such a scene… I felt like I could move a muscle from fear…

That was the first time I saw something like that… a dead man in front of my eyes, died in a horrible way…

I turned my head to avoid the sight of that horrific show… and looked back at my friend.

The other man who was trying to molest Naomi immediately stopped his actions to take a look around.

Naomi was silently crying, looking at me with such broken eyes…

I felt… so useless…

I wanted to save her , I needed to save her… but all I could do was watching…

"I'm so weak…" I said to myself, while biting my lower lip in anger.

Then, the boss looked at the me and then his pawns who were holding me and Naomi.

"I'm going to take a look outside. Don't do anything and be ready to any kind of danger." He said, while rapidly walking outside with the other men.

The pawns nodded and their pressure on us became stronger.

We couldn't move.

Breathing was also difficult… he was pressing my body to the floor so much that I could breathe properly.

Then, a loud scream came from the outside.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAS HAPPENED?!?" The boss screamed.

The two man beside him couldn't find any explanation.

"WHO THE FUCK IS THE CULPRIT? SHOW YOURSELF!" He shouted, while taking out a pistol from his belt.

His henchmen were still carefully looking around , but they weren't moving in order to protect their leader from any kind of danger.

Then, the lights disappeared from the everywhere and we found ourselves embraced by the darkness.

I felt scared with all the pain from the kick still embracing all my belly, but for some strange reason, my instincts told me not to worry.

When the light faded out , the boss immediately turned on the flashlight in less than a minute, but… when the light returned, the boss found out that one of his men was already dead on the floor in a pool of blood.

Stabbed a few times in the chest and with his throat open.

I didn't even hear any sounds, but I could see everything from where I was.

Another dead body was on my sight , and a wave of horror and disgust kept gripping deep into my soul.

Naomi was too shocked to realize what was happening.

"WHAT THE FUCK…!" The boss screamed with a shaky voice, while pointing around his flashlight to find the killer.

Suddenly, I heard the smell of… pee…

Someone actually urinated himself from fear.

"Hahaha…~" I heard the sound of a sinister but feminine laugh coming from outside and echoed in all the school corridors…

I felt a shiver down all my spine.

"WHO'S THERE?!?" The boss shouted again, while still looking around.

"Hahahaha…" the sinister laugh intensified, echoing even more while getting closer.

"GET OUT! REVEAL YOURSELF, BITCH!" The boss said, while still moving his flashlight around him.

I could see the fear in him since the flashlight's light was somehow shaking a little.

But this time… no response.

Meanwhile, the men on me and Naomi kept pressing themselves against us to stop any kind of movement from us.

They were silent and they kept following the orders no matter what.

I could take advantage of the situation to free Naomi, but I was pretty sure that the two guys holding us had a weapon with them, and mine was knocked away on the floor.

I had to find a way to break free…

"There must be a way…" I thought to myself.

Then, I heard another scream.


"YES!!" His henchman replied, while starting to fire with his gun in front of him.

It was a very loud noise and it was the first time that I heard something like this from "real life".

He kept firing until he finished his bullets.

That sound could easily break my ears, so I covered them.

Naomi did the same.

Then, I saw another flow of blood coming to the boss' feet.

After seeing that, he laughed maniacally.

"HAHAHAHAHAH! DID YOU REALLY THINK THAT YOU COULD HAVE ME? HAHAHAHAHAH!" The boss said while letting out a very malicious and mad laugh.

Then, like for magic , the light returned.

Someone actually turned the energy on again.

Then, when I could see the light again, I noticed a drastic change of expression on the boss' face.

His eyes widened a lot and his pupils became really small.

"What the...." He gasped, while taking some steps backwards.

I couldn't see what was happening, but I tried to have an idea.

"We… we killed… our comrade…?!?!?" The boss added, with a shaky voice.

The man beside him was also shocked.

"W-we… we killed… our…-" the pawn said, shocked.

"But… I was pretty sure that I saw a girl in the shadows…" the boss added.

When he said "a girl in the shadows" I immediately thought about Hina.

Then, my lips curved into a little grin.

"She is coming to save me…" I thought in my mind.

"What the fuck are you laughing about…?" The man holding me said, while pushing my head on the ground.

His action actually hurt me a little, but I kept smiling.

"You're already dead. She has come to save me." I said.

"What…?" The man said in a confused way.

Then, from the outside, the pawn spoke.

"Boss… I think that-" but he couldn't finish the sentence.

His voice was stopped by a drowned mumble.

The boss looked at him in a shocked way.

A flying knife flew directly into his throat like a lightinging, stopping his words.

A fountain of blood sprayed on all the walls.

Then, after some instants, he fell to the floor, with a knife stuck in his throat.

The boss saw his lifeless body falling on the floor , showing some spasms before stopping moving completely.

He then stood frozen in his place , before turning his head back again.

His eyes widened again.

"W-W-Who are you ?!!!?" He whispered with a shaky voice. "STAY BACK OR I'LL SHOOT YOU!" He said while aiming his gun towards him.

Then, I heard the sound of light footsteps , followed by the sound of a girly voice speaking.

"Oh… do you seriously think that you can kill me with that… toy? HAHAHAHAHAHA" Then, the voice became clearer and I finally realized that it was… Hina.

My heart felt a big feeling of relief.

The sound of footsteps was getting closer and louder, sign that Hina was walking closer.

"YOU ASKED FOR IT!" The boss shouted , while shooting with his pistol.

He shot something like 5-6 bullets.

"NOOOO! HINA!" I shouted, thinking about the worst.

He shot at my girlfriend…

The footsteps stopped…

"he… killed Hina…" I thought to myself, while a big sense of sadness and fear formed into my heart.

After shooting, the boss kept breathing heavily.

"She's… dead… at least…" he said, while taking deep breaths.

A loud silence filled the entire area for some seconds.

But , suddenly, I heard the sound of footsteps again.

"Hahahaha… I told you…" Hina spoke again.

Once again, I felt a big sense of relief.

The boss tried to shoot again, but his pistol finished its munitions.

Despite my scream, Hina didn't seem to have heard it.

"FUCK…! I HAVE TO KILL YOU WITH MY BARE HANDS." He said, while taking out a knife.

Then, he looked at us in the room and ordered the man to help him with the fight against Hina.

The men stood up rapidly and ran towards their leader.

I finally felt the freedom of breathing again.

When they walked closer to their boss, they also closed the door, in order to don't let us escape.

I finally had a chance to do something and run away.

I couldn't see anything anymore, and considering that the door was closed, I immediately rushed towards Naomi.

When I got close to her, I gently hugged her to calm her down.

She was still in a state of shock, not understanding what was happening around her.

Her clothes were half ripped and you could see a piece of her bra from there.

"Naomi… are you okay…? I promise that we'll get out of here. I promise…" I said, while gently rubbing her cheek.

Naomi wrapped her arms around me, crying desperately.

"I'm so scared… IM SO FUCKING SCARED!!" She said with a broken voice while crying and sobbing.

Her grip around me was tight, and I could feel her body shaking.

"Calm down now… it's okay. I'm here with you now." I said while gently caressing the top of her head.

There surely was something I could do… the time was ending…