
Chapter 4

"I need a map of the area." she said as she had completely changed as they went outside into the crisp cold air.

"Kit?" Mitsuhide asked as he saw the change in her.

"This is what I do in my office Mitsuhide." she said. "You guys go out and do things. I research and make deductions between all of our skill sets we can at least look for her while the cops waste time and ask questions."

"Good plan." the leader said as he walked by. "Get her the maps."

Soon they were all at the back of someone's pick up truck, and she was pouring over one of the maps and then another, she repeated the process a few times as she began to think. Someone lit a cigarette around her, and her head popped up. "Can I have one of those?" she asked.

"You smoke?" one of the asked.

"Not normally." she said, "Unless I am completely stressed out."

"Then here you go." he said as he handed her one and then lit it for her. As she inhaled deeply and then let it out, she looked at the smoke. "Are the helios up?"

"They should be within a few minutes." the one who had made the call replied.

"Tell them to look for smoke." she said.

"What?" one asked. "Why?"

"I taught them all how to make a fire out of hardly anything. She may have left her phone in the car, but she probably had her flint stick on her belt." she said with a smile. "If she can, she will make a fire to stay warm."

They all caught the if in her sentence and for the first time they all really hoped the girl could make a fire. No one was going to say it either way. "Smart idea." the one said. "I will pass it on."

"Tell Soucey I said thank you as well." she said with a smile, "Make sure to say that and that it is Kit's kid."

"You know Soucey?" he asked with his mouth open.

"Neighbors growing up." she replied and hid the smile she had.

"So what do you see Princess?" one of the guys said trying to refocus her mind on the maps.

"I see a lot of green." she replied. "Forests, parks, and trails."

"That doesn't bode well." the leader said.

"Actually it does." she said. "I grew up here if you haven't already guessed that. So did Rin. If there was one thing, I did a lot when they were little it was get them out of the house. We went to all those parks and forests and hiked on those trails."

"So she would have an advantage if she is capable?" one of the guys asked and then winced at the use of the word if again.

"Look, guys. We have to get one thing straight here and now." she started as she turned. "I know the odds of finding her completely unhurt. I also know the odds of finding her dead. I don't like the odds either way, but I do know them. I know you guys are trying not to upset me either and I do appreciate that fact more than you know. The holding my hand stage is over right now. We do this, we have to do it right. I know Rin, she wouldn't go down without a fight, so I have to have some hope that she is somewhere, but we have to find her. The if's are a possibility. Don't hold back because I am right here. I won't hate you for saying the truth."

"Alright." they all collectively said.

"If she is capable she would know the trail, yes. I can tell you exactly where she would go as well." she said.

"Where is that?" Mitsuhide said in back of her.

"Exactly where you are supposed to go, high ground." she said with a smile. "Rin is five foot five and a hundred twenty pounds, but she worked on a farm and is surprisingly strong. She would fight back if she could and then she would move to higher ground."

"Alright, I will pass that on as well." the one said as he moved away to make the call.

"Now the thing we need to do is focus on where they could have gone." she said.

"They were picked up here." one pointed to the map of the route the two were just pulled over at.

"This is the mall." someone else pointed to the map in a different place.

"They live over here." she said pointing to the other map she had arranged. "Do you see it?"

"See what?" one of them asked.

"That other map." she said.

"What about it?" Mitsuhide said as he picked it up to look at it.

"There are no points located on it." she said as she moved closer to him. "That is where she will be. Somewhere on that map."

"How can you be so sure?" the leader asked.

"Ever watch a show on serial killers?" she asked.

"Sure." he said.

"Ever hear of them doing a geographical profile?" she asked.

"I have heard the term before." he replied.

"It is where a killer lives and works so to speak. The difference and the blank areas are often where they try to finish the jobs. That map is our blank area. That is the place she would be." she said.

"They aren't serial killers though." she heard one of them say in back of her as she studied the map.

"I should hope not." she replied, "It works for nearly anyone though. You don't want to work to close to your home, and you don't dump them somewhere close to where you work."

"Makes sense." someone said.

"That forest." she said pointing to the map.

"What about it?" Mitsuhide asked.

"There is no cell service." she replied.

"So?" someone asked behind her, but it was Mitsuhide who turned and answered.

"Her phone was never off. It just lost service."

"She is there." she said. Mitsuhide looked at the others and nodded as they all hopped into their cars and started them.

"Do you want me to drive?" Mitsuhide asked.

"Would you?" she asked.

"Of course." he said as he helped her into the car. They took off in the middle of the pack as he reached over and took her hand in his. She looked at him as he kept his eyes on the road.

"You think I am grasping don't you?" she asked quietly.

"I may have in the beginning but now no." he replied.

"What made you change your mind?" she asked.

"You did." he said with a slight grin that if it was any other time she would have melted into a pile of warm goo and dripped into the seat.

"How did I do that?" she asked.

"Mouse, if your daughter has half your strength mentally then you are set." he said. "You processed everything unbelievably well tonight and was able to act when necessary. That shows a strength of character we rarely see. If she is remotely like you, then we will find her."

"Thank you." she said softly.

"After this, you are taking me to get a drink." he said. "After the dust settles and she is home."

"That sounds like a deal." she smiled. They passed the other cars and were the first ones there in the parking lot. She could hear the helios coming closer to the area. She hopped out of the car and started up the main trail. She didn't need a flashlight as the moon was high and almost full. "RIN!" she screamed out. She continued up the trail with Mitsuhide following behind her. She could hear the others calling out to Rin as well. She knew there was a another trail off the main on that led to the pond not too far away, and then something in her heart sank. She went toward the trial and led him off the path. She was still shouting as well as the others. She could now see the pond as the Helios were searching around the area. "RIN!" she screamed again. She looked along the waters edge, and she saw a sight that stopped her. Mitsuhide almost walked into her because she stopped so suddenly. He looked down at her and then to the water and whereas she couldn't move because of what she saw he bolted toward the water and jumped in regardless of the temperature. She watched him swim to the form she had seen, and he then moved it back to the main shore. He lifted Rin's body out of the water and placed her on the sand near the edge. He felt for a pulse and then yelled, "We need an ambulance. SHE IS ALIVE."

"Rin!" she said as she rushed her daughters side. She felt for the pulse as well. It was still strong. She was unearthly pale though. Kit ripped off her jacket and threw it on Rin as she then took off her sweatshirt and handed it to him.

"What is this for?" he asked.

"You!" she said.

"I don't need that." he said.

"Take it." she said.

"Mouse you are going to freeze." he said.

"Says the person soaking wet in winter." she said.

"Better me than her." he said.

"Rin?" she said again.

"Ma." Kit heard and the tears came out.

"It is okay Rin. More help is here and on the way." Kit said as she touched Rin's freezing cold hands.

"How?" Rin asked.

"I have some really co-workers." Kit said. "Don't talk right now. Help will be here soon."

"Hi, Rin. I'm your mom's friend. I am going to carry you closer to the main trail now, okay. Your mom is going to be right here with you." Mitsuhide said as he picked Rin up and began to move her closer to the parking lot so the ambulance wouldn't have to search for them. As they got closer, the leader saw the small group of people and ran over as he saw the girl in Mitsuhide's arms. He took her from Mitsuhide and moved quickly down the trail as the EMT's arrived they began to work on her immediately.

"He needs to be checked out as well." she said as she moved Mitsuhide closer to them.

"Whhhhhyyyy wwwwwooouuuulddd yyouuu doo ttttthhat." he stuttered.

"That is exactly the reason why." she said.

The other emt's rushed to him as he tried to shake them off, "I'm okay." he ground out. "It isn't all that cold."

"That is hyperthermia setting in idiot." one of the guys said behind him. "Just knock him out if you have too."

"Kit was it?" the leader asked as she nodded. "Show me where she was and tell me what happened. I will stay behind and fill the police in so you can go with her."

They went back up the hill quickly, and she showed him where the pond was and point to where she saw Rin and then filled him in that Mitsuhide jumped in and got her. He nodded as he quickly jotted down notes and then they went back to the two ambulances as they were loading them both up. Mitsuhide was still insisting that he was fine.

"Which hospital?" she asked. The emt's told her, and she nodded. "I will follow. I am her mother."

"You can ride in with us." the emt said.

"My car." she said.

The taller man whom she hadn't seen since he left to go on a hunt for Rin walked out of the darkness, "We will bring it, sweetheart." She nodded and threw the keys to him as she went in and grabbed her purse and then headed to the back of the ambulance to sit with her daughter. They shut the doors, and the two of them took off together.