
A Cybertronian's Conquest To greatness

Megano Strauss, An Average orphaned Human died while Working As an account in a bank. Given with a second chance by the allspark, Megano Will conquer Countless worlds, As a Cybertronian.

DaoistCybertron · Komik
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12 Chs


Three days had passed since Ruffian's Arrival in this world through his Summoning. Within these Three days, Megano and Ruffian was busy finding mineral veins to Supply their Ammunitions and other necessities.

Also during these past three days, Megano learned and discovered many New things Such as the Currency Of his system, The Complications regarding his Alt Transformations, Ability to build Facilities Or Infrastructure Using Said currency.

It was After he sent Ruffian into a Reconnaissance Mission to look For The Mineral Veins, Megano Accidentally Discovered when he was fiddling with his System While he's bored that By Accepting Mercenary Missions From the System, A New feature Megano discovered that's fact same day, He will be able to Collect Or be rewarded with BP coins or Battle point coins.

Using This BP Currency, Megano browsed through the shop Feature Of his system and saw many Very useful Things For a Cybertronian like him.

There, He Saw a Cybertronian Shuttle fighter Costing Over 1000 BP coins. There's Also this Automated Artillery Turret Being Sold for Around 5000 BP Coins. There's also this Scalpel Thingy that was responsible for Repairing And Construction Tasks. These scalpels Were sold for 100 BP Coins each With a Daily Limitation of 10 Units per day.

Megano also saw many Human Technologies there such as War vehicles like Tanks, jet Fighters, Attack Helicopters, Armored Vehicles and many more. Seeing this, Megano's Plan of enlarging and strengthening the Cybertronian Army in this world Was becoming more and more feasible with he Help of the Divine Artifact in his possession, The Allspark.

With the help of the Allspark, Megano Will be able to increase Their numbers by Giving these lifeless War vehicles Life By turning them into A Sentient Self-Configuring modular robotic life form.

There's Also many Cybertronian Weaponries being sold there That can always be seen Being used by both factions In the Movies like A Standard Decepticon blasters, Spiked swords, Improved Cybertronian frag grenades, Scrap, There's even Shockwave's Hulking Big fat Giant Cannon!

Seeing all of these enticing Things but having no abilities Of acquiring them made megano Feel as if he was being burned by the Crimson fires of hell.

So After Seeing this, He immediately Went to the Mercenary Mission Feature and saw a few available Daily Missions Placed into here. Although the Word 'Mercenary' Was used to name this Feature, Megano saw no Related things to being a Mercenary like being hired for protection, Assassinations or even infiltrations that was usually shown in the anime Franchise "Naruto".

On the Mission board, The missions Placed in there merely ranges from Picking Herbs, Killing animals or slaying monsters! There was also the Construction Mission Category where Building certain Buildings Related to a mission will grant Megano BP Coins.

So, After seeing that Ruffian might not be Coming home that early That day, Megano wandered around the vicinity, Looking for any Animals or Monsters To kill to Collect BPs From the Missions.

After making sure that his Tracking System was activated, Megano confidently Strided Through the Trees that he Eventually Realized was Bigger than what an average Tree was. Even with his towering Height of 20 meters, Megano still looked like a child Standing next to an Adult when he was Close with these trees.

Curious by the trees peculiar Characteristics, Megano took his time and Observed the tree's Appearance. Pine tree like appearance, A Tree trunk So thick that It might take Three of Him Clasping Each other's hands to Completely hug this Humongous Tree.

However, While observing the tree, Something in his mind told him that this tree was too frigging Familiar. It was as if He had already saw This kind of tree somewhere in his Previous life.

Throwing the giant tree one last Glance, Megano Proceeds to his Bounty hunt mission for Animals and monsters To kill.

But it didn't even took him a few steps when A few more Set of Faint Footsteps Registered themselves In his Mind. Coming to a Sudden halt, Megano Have his surroundings More attention and Discovered that the Faint Footsteps Was getting louder and louder until they Became Numerous loud stomps.

With his photon Hands cannon activated in his Right Hand, Megano Calmly anticipated the arrival of this potential Threats. Watching the shadows of the Towering Trees, megano Noticed a Few Silhouettes standing In the shadows, Coldly Observing him just like how A predatory cat would do to its prey during its night hunt.

Watching These group of shadows, Megano's Attention was Disrupted when a Huge Thing suddenly Came charging out behind the Trees. It's arms Dangling Behind it Like A puppet, The Giant thing 'Flew' Towards megano before he Aimed his Photon Hand cannon and Made the thing Eat A Freshly Baked Photon Round.

Not bothering to See the Unfortunate outcome of his Assailant, Megano activated his Retractable Heat Blade When he Saw that the Other Giants in the shadows Made their move.

With it's edge glowing Yellow and orange, The Retractable heat blade Easily Sliced through the Giants When Megano Swung His Left hand to his right before Giving The Other one in his right a forceful Kick That sent it Crashing To a Huge tree.

After that, Megano Grunted when A Fist Suddenly Struck his back, Forcing hi. to take one step forward before he Planted his Hand cannon to the Giant's Chest Before Firing another round of his cannon, Splattering Steaming blood and flesh in every direction Before he resumed His battles with the Other Ones.

Deactivating his hand cannon, Megano's Claw grabbed a String branch Before swinging Himself forward to give A Fourteen Meter tall giant A Strong kick that sent to straight to the ground before Pulling A Steel Combat knife and Throwing it to another Giant's Direction Which immediately Imbedded it self to its Throat with the Knife's Tip Sticking iut of its nape.

After killing that one with his Combat knife, Megano brandished His Retractable Heat Blade before Slashing at The Giant that's ad lurking behind a Tree trunk, Looking for opportunities to Kill Megano.

Like the Previous Outcomes of the Slain Giants, the heat blade sliced through the Giant's Neck like A Heated knife would to a Stack of Butter.

Steam surrounded Megano as he stood there Calmly. His Battle Mask And Blaring Blue optics gave him a Somewhat Holy yet Demonic appearance. Turning his Optics to his right, megano set his sights On the last Giant Remaining From the Group.

Standing at the height of around 7-8 Meters tall. Short, blond hair And Fish like dead looking pair of eyes. A Cold and maniacal Grin plastered to its face and A Very unbalanced Body Proportion Type Of Stature. Completely Naked like a group of Extremists and exhibitionists, Lacking any form of Sexual organs like nipples or Genitals, Yes, Without a doubt, after confirming all of his suspicions while battling this Newly arrived Monstrosities, Megano was confident to day that the Ones he faced Earlier was none other than the terror and abomination of Eren's Life, The Mindless titans.

No wonder Why that Huge trees Made megano feel like he saw them before since as A Mech And sci Fi Fan, Megano obviously Watched All of the seasons of the Rising Dark horse of the Following years, Attack on titan or in Japanese, Shingeki No Kyojin Since Both This anime and many other Mecha Animes Have similarities, Especially The Piloting of Robots and Shifting Of the Titan shifters.

Even Though Megano knew that the titans he killed and The one standing Before him was also once a Human just like him, it doesn't change the fact that These Unfortunate souls Won't be able to revert back to their human Lives Unless they consumed A titan shifter that will grant them freedom and 'Humanity' Once again.

Shaking his head with pity, Megano activated His Photon hand cannon And aimed it To the Titan standing before him. The two watched each other As the Hand cannon In Megano's hand began emitting Humming Noises.

"May you rest in peace, brother. You have suffered enough Sufferings By Turning into a titan. So, Farewell and I wish you a happy new life In the other side", Stated Megano with sympathy and Pity.

Maybe it was because of the Light being Emitted by his Hand cannon but Megano Felt like the Lifeless Eyes Off the Titan Lit up with Clarity as it's Cold, Maniacal Grin changes Into that of a genuine one before his Entire Right arm Rocked Slightly backwards as A Bullet coated with Energon Enchanced photon Enhancement Turned the Titan's Entire Body into smithereens.

then, At that Exact moment, It might be hallucinations but Megano Suddenly heard A faint laughter of a young boy. A laughter filled with joy and relief.

'Thank You'

Closing his Optics with The sudden arrival of silence, Megano Peaceful Retracted his hand cannon Back Before Walking towards the trees.

After that fight, megano Earned A total of 280 BP Coins after killing a Group of seven titans. With this amount of money, Megano Can afford to buy two Scalpels to repair Any Injuries He or Ruffian will Get in the Next few days.