
A Cybertronian's Conquest To greatness

Megano Strauss, An Average orphaned Human died while Working As an account in a bank. Given with a second chance by the allspark, Megano Will conquer Countless worlds, As a Cybertronian.

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Cybertron, The underground City Built by the Combined forces of Megano's People. The name cybertron, Obviously, Came from the Former World of these Cybertronians.

The underground City was divided Into three parts. Similar to the symbol of a pokeball, The city Had The west District, The East District And The Center or Like how The Cybertronians called it, The Pearl District.

When The city was officially Opened for Megano's People, There's obviously Some conflicts and tensions Between the Decepticons and autobots. Although They're all Completely loyal to Megano, The Previous Clashes Between the ideologies Of the two factions Still caused some Conflicts Among them all. So, After Listening to the reports his subordinates Gave him, Megano Decided To Split the City into Three Districts : The west, East and the center.

After The Division of Districts, Something very interesting Happened Among The Cybertronians. Megano, Who was Situated In the center district where His Castle Was located, Was also surprised when he heard about this.

The cybertronians That went to Earth before Started Spreasing Tales and Myths Throughout the whole city From oit of nowhere. Megano Didn't know why those People did that, But The Stories Continued to pile up nd spread, Creating A very Interesting outcome for the city.

Tales about western medieval Stories Like Dragons, Kings and queens and many more Became Popular among the decepticons. Especially the western Winged Dragon while the Autobots Living at the East district Also Began to Like the eastern Stories Told by the Autibots Like wheeljack, The wreckers and sideswipe. Especially their Eastern dragon.

Now, The Interesting thing that megano Saw About this Issue was the Emerging of yet another Conflict between ideologies between the two factions. The Western Dragon, The Winged dragon That the Decepticons Had taken a liking, Showed Nothing but Chaos and destruction from the stories Told to them. Very similar To Their way of Living Before getting summoned By Megano.

The decepticons Believed that Only through Pure Domination can A Ruler Lead his Subjects. Similar to how Megatron, Their Previous leader, Did things.

The autobots, On the other hand, Argued that Just Like what the Eastern Dragons Represented, which was Life and peace, A ruler can only be called a Ruler If It's Subjects Are completely loyal to them. Not out of fear, But By respect.

A Western dragon that represents Chaos and Death, Versus An Eastern Dragon that represents Peace and life. The conflict Between The Two factions Went on for a few months Before reaching a point that The decepticons And autobots Changed Their Faction's Symbol into A Winged dragon and a Coiling Dragon.

Imagine Megano's Shock when the representatives from the two factions Came up on him, Requesting His Permission to Change The symbol Of their factions. Megano, Who's plan Was to make some changes To his Empire to differentiate them from the Original Cybertronians, Was more than happy to Grant Them permission to change their Symbols.

Bearing the good news, the Representatives immediately told their People about Megano's Agreement And Just as expected, The Face of Megatronus which Became the symbol od the decepticons Before, was Now completely Replaced By an Intimidating Symbol Of a Winged Dragon.

The symbol Of the Autobots, The Face Of the Guardian Primus, Was replaced By a Peaceful, Coiling Snake-Like dragon.

The deceoticons, the autobots, And megano himself was very happy with the Outcome. Now, here's where the center District Or The "Pearl" District Came Into Play.

In the stories told by The Cybertronians That Came from earth, A Dragon, Whether it's A Western or Eastern One, Always have This thing called The "Dragon Ball". Just like What's In the Stories, A Dragon's Ball was the Dragons Essence, Or souls like how the humans Call them.

Without These "Dragon Balls", The dragons, Both winged And Without, Will become Increasingly weaker As the days Without the dragon Balls Flew by. So, Why Is the Center district Called "Pearl" District And not The "Balls" District? Well, Here's the thing.

When the cybertronians Realized how the Dragon balls Were very important to the dragons, They've all couldn't help but compare it their Current situation. Two districts, The West and east, Otherwise known as the Western Dragon District And The Eastern District, Was Sandwiching The Central district where the important Places Was located like Megano's Castle, The hatchling facility, And The Fountain of energon. Which, Serves As their unlimited supple of energon to keep themselves Breathing And kicking.

Just like The dragon balls, The central district was Very important to the Cybertronians living in the Two Dsitricts. Without Megano, Their leader, The Hatling Facility and the energon, The City will gradually weaken, Until the day Their Energons are completely burned out. But the question still remains here. Why is the central District Called the "Pearl" district and not the "Balls" District.

Well, Actually there's two main reasons why the central distract was called The "Pearl" Distract. One, The words "Pearl District" Obviously Sounded much greater than the "Balls District". About the Second Main reason, It actually had something to do with Megano.

You see, When Megano was out To inspect the progress of the underground city that is being built, He Accidentally eavesdropped On A pair of Cybertronians Talking to each other.

Megano listened and heard How their Symbol was changed into The Dragons, And so on and so forth. After deciding That he has heard enough, Megano Was about to Continue his inspection when He suddenly Heard his Name And the Central District, Forcing him to eavesdrop Once again.

Megano Heard How the people From Both districts started Calling the Central District The "Balls District" And that Only people With Big balls like Megano can only Live there. Megano then unexpectedly threw a fit both from anger and embarrassment, Making the People from two factions change the Nickname to "Pearl" District since it sounded nicer and Pleasing to their Ears.

Along side the Change of their symbols, The Profession "Knights" Also Came Into Existence When The two Cybertronian Knights Slug and strafe was summoned by Their Great lord Megano.

Unlike the Police and military force, The Profession "knight" Can only be Acquired After being Recognized by the legendary warriors. And how do they get the recognition of the Cybertronian Knights? Through Battling them. If the Dinobots Approved Of your Performance During the Trial, You will immediately Be Hired As One of the Knights Guarding The Sacred Palace of Their Lord, Megano.