
A Curses Guide To Living

(An Homage to both A Cursed Gamer and A Gamers Guide to Necromancy, Made by Master4thWall and Dark_Wolf_Shiro (4thWall is on WebNovel and Wattpad, Shiro is on Ao3, as far as I know) It was natural, being betrayed, it wasn't uncommon or required a soh story to happen. All it took was one person, and one mistake. Calling my life a 'sob story' would be fair, but a sob story truly only worked if the person was worth the damn. And with how quickly I was left half dead in an alley, I'd assume I wasn't worth much, not much more than the rotting corpse. [Reincarnation Initialized: You've been chosen by [The Librarian] for a System] [Reincarnation: Complete] Fuck, I'd rather go back to sleep then deal with it, nto like I have much choice. I suppose it can't be all bad if I was chosen, better than hell I guess.

DarkTheLibrarian · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Arc 1 - Chatper 2 - Conflict and Learning


3rd PoV

He was careful, or at least he tried to be. Kenjaku was a tricky one, but he could at least listen to them. Not like he really had anywhere else to go right now, plus they're decently powerful. You don't survive a Special-Grade without being as so.

"While I'm confident in my 'abilities,' I'd greatly appreciate your assistance in this endeavor. I'm currently looking to seduce a male by the name of Jin Itadori." Her words came off so casually, standing there with a small smile plastered on her face.

'Seduction, this fUCK, WHO- no... Volatile fucking emotions. She only wants my powers, I should be playing into the 'Control Curse' role.

Despite being called a 'Control Curse', he really didn't feel like he was in control.

(I'm only gonna say it once, I'll be spoiling the manga)

[Quest Generated - The Plan

Kenjaku is trying to reincarnate the twin brother of Ryomen Sukuna, using Jin Itadori as a vessel to create the perfect body.

Objective - Assist Kenjaku in creating a perfect vessel for the [King Of Curses]

Rewards - Increase Relationship With Kenjaku, 3 Stat Points]

A glimmering blue translucent screen appeared in front of him, monetarily taking his undivided attention. The screen offering an okay quest.

He couldn't recall if it was truly 'okay' as he'd hadn't seen a system screen in a piece of fiction for a while, but the rewards were partly good in his eyes regardless.

Increased relationship being the more favorable from a stronger snd highly resourceful individual. The stat points are probably great, but they're negligible depending on how his system worked. Possibly being able to train, do basic quests, or naturally gain them elsewhere.

He took a second to think, "I'm not very skilled in my Cursed Technique right now. But, if you can make it worthwhile, I won't mind helping out an old friend. "

It was truly an odd feeling, having some control, though he hadn't fully accepted it yet. Regardless, he liked it. It was almost enjoyable to him, suppose a benefit of being a curse.

"Of course, Control. I owe you a great deal, after all." Stepping closer, Kaori reaches her hand outwards, a pact with the devil. "Come, I have much to teach you."

He stares at her hand for a moment before shaking it instead of holding it. "I'm no child, I don't need my hand completely held." He takes a step past Kaori, herself turning around to follow him side by side.

"Of course. Oh, and might I suggest a new name, with your unique Curse, it might do some good." She wasn't trying to hold his hand. She also seemed to know a lot, letting him know he had a 'uniqueness' to him as they stepped into the open street.

'Unique Curse? What does that mean? I suppose Control is pretty unique, but how unique?'

[For now, the system recommends the Name: Eros. Further assistance will be given as needed. When you're alone and lay undistracted, I may give you a 'tutorial'. Unless undesired or you find everything out beforehand]

Internally nodding, the two of them walk by several individuals, a couple of people glancing at them, both of them.

"Eros is fine. But can people see me?" It was an odd idea, curses were meant to be invisible, weren't they? I understood Kaori being visible, but both of us?

"You are, a perk of being the Control Curse is being able to swap between the two. It is best to control people through emotions, after all."

The two kept walking. Where to? The now named Eros had no idea. But he figured it had to do with Jin for now, that or Kaori's personal business. It's best to ask questions at least.

"So who's this Jin?" He opted to get straight to the point. He could've eased it in, but why seem manipulative towards a 'friend'?

"Someone special," she kept smiling, not really dropping it often, only the rare blank face, but she seemed happy. Whether it was real happiness or not was up for debate.

"Special? Didn't take you for the type to fall in love."

"Love? While I'm capable of love, it's not that kind of special. I believe you might be able to recall a Ryomen Sukuna? Unknown to many, he had a twin, a twin who supposedly had a Heavenely Restriction, but that was also eaten in the womb. I managed to come across a part of their soul and place them into a new body."

Eros took in her words, he'd known some of this, but not all of it, he rarely got to hear about the manga information. But he knew enough to keep up.

"Sukuna? I'm pretty sure if I died and lost my memories again, I'd still remember him. Though a twin? Suppose it explains his strength a bit more. Regardless, why seduce him, though? So what if Jin is the brothers reincarnation? What use does he have?"

Kaori thought for a moment, internally contemplating what she should and shouldn't say. "You know, I owe you a great deal. You've helped me several times throughout these years," she stopped, glancing behind her, down the street.

Turning, she starts heading into an alleyway, "Teaching those sorcerer's to become vessel cursed objects, much less making them, would've been harder without your help. Prove that I can still trust you, and I'll tell you more. For now, I'll let you know this. I'm attempting to make a vessel for the King of Curses, Ryomen Sukuna, through an offspring of his reincarnated brother."

She didn't trust him completely yet, due to a lack of memories and a new personality, it was hard to do so. Her trust was decently important to her. So why no try testing it now?

Stopping, she glances over her shoulder, a sorcerer behind her. Neither of them recognized them, though, probably a low rank. 'This was an opportunity,' was the first thought that came to her mind.

"Ma'am! Please sto-"

"And how may I help a fellow Jujutsu Sorcerer?" The words rolled of her tongue so easily, Eros thought he could do the same. Just not as proficiently as she could.

"H-huh?" The young man stopped, probably only nineteen at most, a recent graduate. At least from a glance, though his own eyes were focused on the hu- no curse, standing beside the woman.

'A Sorcerer walking around with a Cursed Spirit, don't tell me she's a-'

The young sorcerer was quite fast to react, but she was faster. "You needn't worry about him," Reaching over, she pulls Eros closer, though he subconsciously pulled away slightly, not enough to be noticeable.

"It's a tamed Cursed Spirit, only a Grade Four. They simply look human because they're blessed with a Cursed Technique that can make people feel 'rejuvenated' and what better rejuvenation is there than someone my own age. Quite lucky for a young woman like me, huh?" Flimsy personality, carefree, and overly happy was the type of personality she was going for.

"I-i see, I wasn't made aware there were curses like that, or others patrolling here," he was still apprehensive, but he was naive.

Reaching her arm down, she lightly grips Eros' arm, her eyes still on the Sorcerer. It was a rare occurrence for this to happen, finding a Sorcerer randomly, Eros thought.

"I'm taking it out for a walk is all," If she was trying to make him annoyed, it was working. Regardless he watched on, he knew what she wanted. And if he hadn't, well, the quest notification would've let him know regardless.

[Quest Generated - Trust

Use your Cursed Technique on the Grade Three Sorcerer to build trust with Kenjaku.

Objective: [Control] The Sorcerer

Reward: Increase Relationshop With Kenjaku, 1 Stat Point, Cursed Energy Properly Unsealed]

'Unsealed, so it was sealed? Or is it because using my Cursed Energy would technically unlock it? I can use it regardless as I am living Energy, but I guess I'm not aware enough to manipulate it.'

Though he momentarily questioned why using his Technisue earlier didn't unlock it.

Releasing an internal sigh, he attempts to use his technique. It was rather annoying as it required negative emotions and for him to find out how it worked. Thankfully, his annoyance and earlier use of his technique, on accident, helped in this task.

It was light, almost nothing, but his technique did activate. His [Control] over this Sorcerer was weak, but because the Sorcerer was sort of accepting, it worked better, his defenses were also lower, and he wasn't repelling or resisting.

Though he didn't voice it, Eros didn't like this. It was too convenient to have a sorcerer just around, and that so happened to be here for him to control. He was surveying, right? So why stop? Just because of a Grade four with a moman,did he just find Kaori attractive?

He didn't buy it, but that thought process was only his own. Kaori, on the other hand, was already aware of there being a sorcerer in the area. It was a common thing she did. Find out who patrolled what areas to certain and varying extents.

[Control - Compulsion: Feel Rejuvenated]

"Woah," the Sorcerer looked down at his hands. He did feel weird, but also better. He didn't know why he did, but he did. "Are you sure that a Grade Four? Must be at least Grade Three with such a Technique!"

"I assure you, it is only a Grade Four, it's physical capabilities are lacking." Each time he was referred to as an 'it' caused more annoyance, but he watched on, waiting.

Why hadn't his Quest finished? Was there a secret to it? He didn't deem it impossible, so what did she want from him?

Since he couldn't figure it out, he instead tried to nudge him forward, the Sorcerer thinking that he's simply getting closer out of respect and to talk easier.

[50% Cursed Energy - Please Refrain From Overuse of Cursed Energy]

He was already at fifty percent? He did feel a little exhausted, but still, guess controlling others did that to his Cursed Energy.

But he also felt annoyed. Keeping his emotions in check was difficult when using Cursed Energy.

"This is getting irritating. I can handle you calling me an 'it' but another person calling me a 'that'?" It was almost unusual for him to get this angry. Normally, he could keep his emotions in check, but it was like two forces were repelling, causing internal chaos.

The Sorcerer didn't hear him, but Kaori did, so she pulled him forward a bit, confusing them both. Was she testing him further, then he thought?

He was a curse, and this was a sorcerer. Did she want him dead? Could he k- that was a stupid question. Killing is easier than beating someone to a bloody pulp if you ask him.

It was a fucked morale compass, but death had relief, it ended the pain. Getting beat was painful and torturous, and it was straining. In his eyes, death was peaceful and easier, and just beating someone.

Maybe it was because he'd rather die than continue getting tortured, no, maybe it was just him forcefully believing it to ease the thought. Regardless, he could do it, but this invidiual was stronger than him, and she knew that.

He felt a sharp object place itself in his hand, a Grade Two Curse Tool knife. Did she always carry it?

"See, he's rather friendly. He just feels ominous due to his innate Curse Technique," she shifted her upper body, the Sorcerer being able to barely see her mid chest and up.

"Huh, innate Curse Technique, why would -" she'd used her comment to cause him mental confusion, why would rejuvenation cause an ominous feeling. It wasn't until a swinging hand came for his head that he realized his mistake.

As the blade reaches his temple, a curse infused hand almost blocked it, but it lagged behind from her statement. The squelching blood sprayed from the side of his head, slowly trickling down the side of his head.

[Quest Complete - Trust

Objective: [Control] The Sorcerer

Reward: Increase Relationshop With Kenjaku, 1 Stat Point, Cursed Energy Properly Unsealed

Hidden Objective: Prove yourself further through any means

Reward: Relationship Increase, 3 Stat Points, Grade 2 Dagger]

[Skill - Cursed Energy Manipulation Unsealed]

[You've Obtained Grade 2 Dagger!]

[You've Obtained 4 Stat Points!]

[Your Relationship With Kenjaku Has Grown Sharply!]

[You've defeated a foe stronger than you, 1.5 XP!]

[You've leveled up x2!]

(My xp source and requirment? No)

His rewards were better than completing the request from Kaori? Were hidden quests just better? Or was there more to 'The Plan' quest.

Either way, he felt good. Killing actually felt nice. Was it the curse or man that felt this. Why did he feel happy but still angry, the seething feeling digging into his back like needles.

The needles pierced his skin, and he hated this. 'Build trust' what bullshit, he just listened again, and again. This was supposed to be a second life, wasn't it? It didn't feel like living. This didn't feel like him, but what did 'he' feel like.

Eros grabs the side of his, scratching his hair roughly, "THIS IS BULLSHIT."

Hearing this, Kaori continued to smile. She'd expected this. It was in his nature. She noticed he seemed to simply listen to what he was told, which completely went against him nature. And it was making his personality shaky. She could only imagine how he felt internally.

This was supposed to be his second life. He was supposed to live to his own desires... to his own desires, huh? What exactly would he call them?

Kaori noticed the shift in his mood. He'd filled his Control, so his nature must've been easing up now.

"Kaori..." He glanced to his right, his eyes meeting the mastermind. "Yes?"

"From now on, I plan on living how I want, I can't say what that entails, but I'm going to," he was asking for permission, it wasn't intentional, but it was what he was used to. It was a roundabout way of doing so, but Kaori figured it was enough for her to trust him, after all, Control only worked if the one in control had the will, desire, want, and power to do so.

"Of course, I'd expect nothing less from you. You can't expect somebody to control Control now, can you? Remember, you're the one in control, no one else." Despite her manipulative like tone, she did mean it, Control was something she'd like to be on friendly terms with, and someone she trusted dearly in the past, so it was the least her she could do, ignoring her debt that is.

For once in his life, Eros would try to live for himself.


I tried to still make him a bit human, as well as not ignore who he was and the things he went through, plus how he dealt with it mentally.

I figured playing into the 'nature' thing would give a good enough reason as any, trying to get Kenjaku's personality down, but its also an acting and younger one (not like they'd probably change much), plus as I've said they were close to Control at one point so I figured it worked.

Currently Working On: Living Singularity Chapter 9, The World Traveler Chapter 4, or Curses Guide to Living Chapter 3