
A Cursed Child's Dilemma

All her life, she grew up not knowing who or what she even is. Her name, her parents, everything's all but unknown to her. However, one thing she did know is that no matter how hard someone tried, she couldn't die. Growing up in a special research facility, she endures countless experiments, however, one day, her life takes a dramatic change when someone takes her hand.

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112 Chs

And So It Ends

It all happened so fast, but as soon as Charlotte let go of my hand, she grew out her nails, her eyes turning scarlet red as she lunges straight for the man's throat. I would've thought he'd die right then and there, but he intercepted it at the last moment before, hitting Charlotte's arm away, opening her up for a follow-up up attack as he buries his fist in Charlotte's stomach, sending her flying across the room, smashing into a wall.

I was left speechless as I watch Charlotte slowly get up from the ground, but the man quickly closed the distance, smashing her face back into the ground.

"Ch-Charlotte!" It was when Lisa came rushing over to me, wrapping her arms around me did I finally get the strength to cry out.

"You made a deal, did you not?" The man says whilst still holding Charlotte's head pressed up against the floorboards. I however was more focused on Charlotte's face than the man as I could see a bit of blood has spilt out of her mouth. "You want to free that girl? This is the only way."

"Fuck you..." Spitting out the blood in her mouth, Charlotte responds to the man. I can feel the anger coming from her even from back here, however, the man's smile remained.

"Why are you so mad? This is what you signed up for. You know they won't allow her to live normally, so why refuse?"

"I don't want her to see what you see." Suddenly, at Charlotte's words, the blood she spat out quickly began to form as a sharp spike before it starts flying straight up for the man's neck, but in the next instant, the man raised his other hand as the blood spike disperses onto the ground as a gust of wind could be felt. With the man distracted for just a moment, Charlotte manages to escape from the man's grasp before going in for another attack.

Lisa and I watch on a the two of them exchange blows back and forth, hitting away eachother's arms with Charlotte making use of kicks as well, but they too were also stopped by the man's hands.


"That's a ruling class for you." I voiced what I thought as I watch both Charlotte and the man constantly parry one another. Charlotte looking like she's out the kill. But Lisa's words just now piqued my interest.

"Ruling class?"

"That's what Charlotte is. She's what we call part of the ruling class vampires. But to take on a hybrid is a bit..." Her words fall silent there, but I did manage to learn a couple things. Charlotte is apparently a ruling class vampire, which I'm not really sure what that means. But arguably the most important is the fact that the man is a hybrid... Like me.

But while I thought that, their battle would soon come to an end as Charlotte was suddenly grabbed by her neck, now being lifted up from the ground. The man's arm however was not that of a human's, but instead much like the wolf-like creatures I saw back in the other world. His arm covered in white fur.

"Charlotte!" I end up prying myself away from Lisa, but that was when the man turned to face me. His gaze stopping me in my tracks as he still has Charlotte's neck in his hands.

"See Lieutenant? Your scaring your precious child." Charlotte then looked over at me from his words, her eyes now slowing fading back to their golden color as her body gradually loosens in his grasp. "That's more like it." And after sensing that Charlotte had given up, he gently placed her back down on her feet, letting go of her neck in the process.

My feet end up moving on their own as I quickly run to Charlotte's side as the man's arm turned back to a human's. His suit now partially torn.


"I'm okay... Sorry you had to-" I don't let her finish as I wrap my arms around her, clinging onto her tightly. When I saw the blood coming out of her mouth, and her body growing limp from all the blows she endured, I thought...

"I thought you were going to die..."

"Like I would risk my life like that, hah." But instead of hearing a reply from Charlotte, instead the man made a comment that only made my body grow hot. How can he laugh like that?

"Shiro, don't." I was about to turn around and try and wipe that smile of his face, but Charlotte held me back, this time wrapping her arms around me as well.

"If I killed this one here, her mother would have my head." His next words however eased my worries, if only just a little as numerous questions started going through my head.

"Her mother?" The most important question though come out of my mouth as I continue to hold Charlotte in my arms, not bothering to look at the man's face.

"Oh? You don't know? Well, I'll let you two talk about it on the drive back. Now come on, let's go."

"Charlotte..." Lisa's voice breaks out after the man's words, causing both Charlotte and I to look her way.

"It's alright. I was stupid to think I could get around this."

"I-I'll try and find a way around this!"

And so, while leaving the bags we brought back from the other world, the man escorted us out of the house, with Lisa wearing a painful expression as she sees us off.