
Plans for the future

[Stephenwolf pov]

Opening my eyes after what i could only speculate to be hours of my first cultivation experience,all i see is darkness then i remember i enclosed myself in a cave(damn). After getting answers as to my peculiar surroundings i get hit with extreme hunger (that really hurts gotta find food fast). I examine the fruits of my labour from yesterday to find out i have broken into the peak of the mortal stage; stage 1 tier 10 (Awesome).

(Time to hunt) as that thought crosses my mind i walk towards to boulder that blocks my cave and roll it to the side,what greets me is the bright colored sky(smiles and breathes in)(hmmm i smell ripe gotta take a bath after this) with that i depart into the forest to search for my morning meal.

[A few minutes into finding my prey]

After searching for some minutes i encounter a deer drinking by the river side(grins upon seeing its prey)(deer shakes slightly;like it knows someones watching it) with that i make my way towards it at a fast speed before it can even get a chance to run but i see something going at the same speed as me towards it(hold on wait....wtf is that a fucking tiger nannana man damn...) i give way for the tiger but it relents and also leaves the deer to kill me,maybe for stopping its hunt(Shrugs in his mind).

[Third pov]

In a forest we can see a boy side stepping to a tiger as they fight it out for dominance and their lives on the line,the boy(our mc) is riddled with claw marks on his arm(left) and his chest and leg(right) the tiger itself doesnt fair any better loss of an eye from what appears to be a depressed punch line and bleeidng from its skull and a broken paw. Suddenly they both stop and give it their all the tiger brandishes his teeth,while the boy uses his fist which connects with the jaw of the tiger breaking it,it results in the tigers confusion ,the boy uses this time to charge at the tiger once more, upon getting close to the tiger he wraps his arms around its neck and cracks it resulting in the tigers death.

[Stephenwolf pov]

Ok that was a roller coaster of emotions there first fear,then anger and then joy damn....well at least i'm alive. This is dog eat dog world,only your strength speaks for you,thank god i'm not such a pussy to flinch in the face of killing(hmmm maybe that might happen when i have to kill a human in the future eventually....eah who knows...lifes a mystery that way).i gotta move this meat to my cave and cook it.

[A few minutes later and still stephenwolf pov]

I get to my cave to find some items i recognise 3 boxes(..hmmm i wonder who could have sent them?) as i look around the boxes i find a note from the same god that sent me here(it seems he's only going to provide me with stuff until i leave this forest then no more freebies...lol cool)(one for clothes,one for necessities the other for books..huh?...totally forgot about the language here dont wanna leave here and act like a cave man...).Now unto the matter at hand my meal.

[few hours after my meal and bathing in a nearby stream ]

i change a clothes into a yukata(comfy and breezy).now time to examine myself and the changes i underwent after getting to peak mortal stage.i check my LOHP

LOHP:Host condition

Name:Stephenwolf blodd


Cultivation:mortal tier 10

Body:Stage 1 tier 10

Soul:stage 1 tier 10

Weakness:no form of defense or offense,managed to kill a tiger...still a weak as mf

(you know i'm starting to think.....either this LOHP is sentient and has an attitude or that god is controlling it hmmm... )

[god pov]

echewww(some one must be thinking of me...hmmm...must be stephen guy hahha praise me more mortal)

[Stephenwolf pov]

well it seems i got stronger and theres no impurities present in my body since it was just made or they were just too tiny to spot. My senses seem heightened i can sense about 200 meters around me clearly(awesome). My body strength and flexibility seem to have skyrocketed as well....cool.

Now time to arrange my self for future events based on my hopeful analysis( i think i'm somewhat close to the plot) i see a paper magically appear before me; it reads<yeah you are about 5 years before it begins>...ok that answers that.

1~get to the immortal stage before leaving this forest should take me about 3 years give or take ,also gotta practise my martial arts as well(oh yeah can't forget general info fromt those books he sent me).....

2~upon leaving here establish myself at a nearby establishment before leaving to beacon a few months before the plot

3~troll anyone i can (maniacal laughter)

4~...also fuck the plot (yeah gotta remember that one,this is my life, my story not some fairytale rooster teeth show)

Now my agenda has been set,its time to grind my way to the top of the food chain.....(mc grins maniacally)

[Third person pov]

All over the remnant certain key figures in the original storyline suddenly feel a chill down their spine,some fear it while other show a face of interest and battle lust....