

Rachel woke up from a coma After four years...she was happy that she finally meet with her mother and her boyfriend Raymond. but things did not go the same way she remembered... her best friend is engaged to her boyfriend.... Rachel feels heart broken as she decide to go into a contract marriage with her arrogant boss. Did Rachel make a right decision??? will she succeed in her new relationship... will her relationship work with Nelson...the business tycoon .....

Deborah_Gabriel_8307 · Fantasi
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chapter six

Another breaking of the morning. But this morning makes my face blush red.

Maybe because I was too excited about the next day, and finally here it was.

The blissful day with Raymond my boyfriend.

I could remember the last date I went with Raymond after college.

it was not very much romantic cause Raymond keeps bringing the issue of taking our relationship to the next level.

Story cut short I just feel overwhelmed to go out in a romantic blue date with Raymond.

I close my diary after the last sentence was written as I locked it with my diary padlock.

Mom got this diary for me when I was in middle School and it helped really.

Knowing full well how I love putting my heart down and be me.

" Rachel come help me out in the kitchen " mom shouted.

And I just realized that I was past seven.

" What the fuck " I said as I woke up from the bed stop daydreaming and ran downstairs.

" Mummy am here already " I said as I held her by her waist and hugged her.

" What kept you so long ..... daydreaming about your date" ....

" Stop that mom you cause keep teasing your daughter"

" Ofcourse am not teasing you am just happy that you are happy....ok I can't bear not to see you smile."

Mom said as tears fell on her cheek and roll where down to the ground.

Oh my goodness is this going to continue mom always crying for me .....

" Mom stop already no more tears or I will return back to coma.

" Don't say such things Rachel or mummy will be force to hit your face" .

" Alright.... alright I won't say that but promise me that no more tears from you....

" Ok dear I promise you Rachel that I your mother will not let tears fall from my eyes never again.

" Okay....okay mom enough with the seriousness ...your aren't speaking with a corp.

" Ok let my clean the dinning table you take care of the kitchen ....I miss your cooking " mom said as she left the kitchen.

" Mom you ....." I said and smile I really love my mom and I will do everything to make her happy.


" Ok mom food is ready to be serve " I said as I let the aroma kill me .

" Oh wow this smiles eatable ....I can wait to get this baby in my stomach" mom said and we laughed.

" Oh oh oh .. I can't believe I came at the right time" .I heard a voice that sounds way to familiar.

" Charlotte....." I said as I dryed my hands and ran out.

" Yes baby it me live and flesh " she said as she threw her pause and also ran towards me.

" I miss you Charlotte " I said as I finally gave her a hug and it felt good .

" I miss you too Rachel and you too Rachel mom " .

speaking of Charlotte I don't know how to describe our friendship .... because she is more than a sister I never had.

We have been friends since like forever back then when we where still little children.

" Rachel am so sorry that I didn't make it to see you yesterday I just got the news from the hospital and I came to pay you a visit baby girl 💕"

" That is nice to hear Charlotte that you can still care about your friend"

" Off course mom me and Rachel are friends and nothing can change that right Rachel.

" Oh yeah right " I responded with a big smile ...

" Now that your done with your chit_chat can you please bring the breakfast cause am starving" mom said and we both laughed.

" Oh yeah let me help you got there ...you know it will be rude to just sit and eat while doing nothing.

" Don't bother Charlotte your my guest and let me treat you like one ...."

" Why but I really want to help and sitting down is not helping " ....

" Okay.... okay you can help but not in the kitchen you can help me shop for my date.....

" A date..... seriously with whom is my beautiful damsel going on date with ....

You know am good at choosing those kind of dress for you."

" Oh stop that Charlotte definitely not want your think.

" So what am I thinking baby girl..."

" Ok first of all it a date just a date with Raymond " .

" Raymond did you just say Raymond I thought he is already...

" Oh yeah she thought you guys broke up " mom caught her sentence...

" Broke up no where Charlotte we never broke up" I responded a bit wired.

Why will Charlotte think that I broke up with Raymond and what is the tension with mom .....

" Charlotte can we talk in the study room.... Rachel you get the food ready we will be there in a sec. "

Mom said as she drag Charlotte hands to the study room.

And that was weird .

" Is everything alright..."

" Yes darling I just need to get her do some chores for me in the study room.

" Don't worry about me Mrs Smith won't bite me "

She said and I laughed she is always that funny type .

" Oh what is this .....this looks way too delicious " Charlotte said as she took a bite of the cookies I bake.

" Charlotte it cookies " I said sarcastically.

" Oh you don't spoil the fun just continue with this vibe.

" Ok if you say....just finished up fast so we can get to the mall for a nice outfit.

" Oh this baby girl is on 🔥 fire " Charlotte said as she took another bite of the cookies.

" Alright that is enough I can't tolerate you guys making noise in the dinning parlour.

What did I teach you guys when you where kids.

" Always pray before eating to Jesus Christ and secondly 'RESPECT TABLE MANNERS ' we both chorused and kept serious faces.


" Finally we can talk now " Charlotte said .

" And what is this talking you say about ...get dress let go to the mall.

" Rachel am been serious here and am worried about you....

Are you sure about the relationship between you and Raymond.

" Yes off course ....why did you ask "

" Nothing ...just wanted to know if your really serious because this can turn into something else you know .....

" And what is that....I asked her.

" Don't tell you too naive to know what happens when your boyfriend invite you to a dinner".

" Stop that Charlotte.... Raymond isn't like that he promised me that he won't come too close to me until we wed.

" Okay you saint mary don't say I didn't warn you...

" Oh girl can we go now" I told Charlotte as I opened my room door....

" Okay baby here I come ....we are definitely using my car not your mom car.

" Okay let go " I told her as we went downstairs .


Thanks for reading of to chapter six of this book.

Sorry for late update am really down in health and I will appreciate 🤲 your prayers.

Stay tuned with Rachel as she discover her life that she lost for four years.

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Instagram gabrieldeborah332@gmail.com.

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Love you and I hope you love me too🥰🥰🥰☺️☺️☺️.