

Friends are the worst things you could ever have, ironic right?

you tell them your darkest and they go around spilling them. It hurts more than if it was just a stranger

When you need them to support you but instead they deny you

They always want to be better than you instead of you guys helping each other.

I mean isn't that what the concept friendship is about?

There's no such thing like "we are besties" "ohh Luna would never do that"

if Luna finds a way to be better than you even though it would hurt you, Luna will still go for it

If Luna finds a way to make you feel the same pain or suffering she is going through, she would jump at that chance

A "friend" is supposed to wish you the best and not try to make you fail

A friend is supposed to support you in your highs and lows not go around badmouthing you

A friend is supposed to make you feel good about yourself and not bodyshaming , "it's only a joke" she says