
Camp Carbon

Shades of mercenaries and assassins program artillery to towers, at a campfire's flickers and flames, in the woods, to separate from darker undersights. As snow shallowed forest creatures hollow, dusk follows and towns and camps night. A world of mercenaries and assassins set by shallow zones, wooded and plagued by darker creatures. 1, leader of corps, keeping borders at hand, A, leader of the city, keeping mirrors, and 8 of the others, keeping side.

HamzehA · Horror
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22 Chs

Of crows and beasts

At first there wasn't chaos, cloud sky ash, and night camos for trekking woods, woods don't shade woods aren't forests. At barks and twigs spread, carbon has been proliferated since then. Life dazzed, things looked chemistry, things were streaming. Things are animated. What stood against was shadeless, what stood around was par-less. Trees ivied, sound cured, moving grass, blossoms turned. Most ideals are rejected because they're bad not because other ideals are better.

Leaving library studio homes, watching others leave their linear housing, heading towards the interstate where new cheap plastic biochemical biohazard signs made new highlights, 'Bioactivity ahead', having that carbon life and carbon living, it was seen as a way of avoiding going carbine, it bothered most the least. No wonder their moms liked them that much, he thought, as sentience is. 'Lake crow', security para sign pointed, "grass is turning yellow" one snow camo mentioned to the other. The worst of a migraine is right under the eye, on the further right side of the face. Lake crow was that. Swathe and not technical, the areas bordering the opposite territories and the para nature and its grass walls were artillery managed.

Lake Crow, not to be mistaken with the Halloween we all know, is the darkest and mossiest area mapped. They didn't quaint at Lake crow, they took 'darkness' sentiment readings at lake barbara. A new take on the level they were all used to. Mist is too low on the lake. Worse than the ground. It was one of the things that must be moving other things around.

On the other side, to the science of the stomach, a shadow cut, to let the soul out. Luminescence and solubility, first things to look for forward to out of the sea. 

"Almost killed an encyclopedia," said one of the snipers aiming through ropes of trees at stones of Kelee.

Hooded capes they had from the trees. Remedy was campfires. For those other times, Radon Med was responsible for the tab living pads to the ventilation and garden scanners.

Aneuresmic, nets showed up behind the walls again, two snipers clad, shadows closer to Kelee. Red mystified at shoulders, they ranked a new crosshair, a new target, a bigger aim. They ran shot another bullet through the grey of an expression. and Kelee lit orange. "I don't really want to think about the rest of us", the other said. 'I know it's cold' he smiled.

"I know it's cold", Miya Ret thought.

Foxes were different in the desert, they weren't foxes.

Dead carbon, that's what the lake resembled. The end of a forest. The end of snow covers. The end of ash. End of cloud systems. Start of the end of the sky.

The team quickly arranged light projectors towards the mist, deployed, and started scanning the inner wall of the lake.

Soil would crumble at different ends to the lake.

The departure from the lake was always that of loss.

Nothing was ever found.

Loss of signals, loss of lights, loss of soil, and loss of ground.

Less crt, no rgb, no mundane, no magic.

His borne was there in full graph at every time. Dark thin space suits covered in graph looking like monochrome world map.

Silencers hanging out and suppressors hanging in.

Many couldn't imagine a river underground of deads of olds of parents decaying by the trees.

The most beautiful sight ever, two dark green tanks arrayed to each other with covering huge flashlights sunk towards the lake slowly.

They knew what the lake was about, flashlights beaming through the fog, trickles through the mist.