
The day

   I sigh as I finish my instant ramen putting it on my nightstand as I get up in my 'outfit' it was a skirt and cover up made of blankets held up by ribbons and a jump rope. I check the time '5am' I had to be quiet as I didn't want to be grounded for being up so late


  y/n gets up to go to her room as she opens her latop she hears yelling about yogurt on her dads controler and I freeze up as my dad walks into my room my eyes go wide as I feel one comeing and flinch efore he even makes it to me

  " WERE YOU USEING THIS?" my dad yells at me and I slightly nod winceing as I was about to get hit. this was like every other time , I shut my door, I got caught eating in my room, I was outside with out permission, I made a joke about my mom haveing two feet, I got bullied at school and complained about it at home. my dad called me a brat because a large mistake was going to seen by everyone in the school. I had anxiety okay I can't just brush something off. thats when he hit me I was smacked and this continued five times before I started to cry that just made him more mad

  " stop crying! baby" so he continued before my mom stepped in

  " stop it" was all she said before my mom and dad got into a heated argument and started yelling and thats the trigger thats 'it', when my breathing hitched and I couldnt breath, I couldn't breath, I was have my daily panic attack my parents didn't seem to notice this has I was struggleing to breath I was coughing too, while tears flowed down my cheeks. My dad never hit my mom, only hit me but, he yells at mom.

'end of flash back'

you see people have problems because they don't know they have them or don't realize it but I had problems because I didn't know how to fix them , my anxiety, trust issues, anger issues, no friends, I even had depression for a little bit. I sigh  I look over to my tv grabing the water squirter wich was my 'sword' as toga came on to the tv, pretending to attack an invisible ohacko urraracka. once she leaves the frame, I plop down onto my bed sitting up rubbing the slight sleep out of my eyes sometimes I wish I could be in a whole other world. I open my eyes I stare in shock... I wasn't in my room I got a bit giddy as I recognised the logo on the desk in the room 'U.A' I almost squeeled as the door opened ad a tiny mouse guy, I knew as my precious nezu he was even cuter In real life then he was on tv he stared in shock as he looked at me

  " who may I ask are you?" Nezu asked me waddleing over to his chair

  " Oh, I'm Y/n L-" I cut myself as I realize here In japan its last names first also if this really was the world of mha then i'd be heading to the league first so I make up some name useing comon names " fl/n fy/n" I say although my real name was Y/n L/n.

  " why, and how did you get in here?" Nezu asked faceing me in his chair.

  " I don't know" I anwser completely honestly.

  " you don't know why?" he said confused

  " no, I don't know why" I sigh " well I- I must get going" I say rushing out the door to get out of this verry akward coversation, I mean what the hell was I supposed to say? 'Im from another dimesion!' I look around the hall no clue where the exit was  I was running when I crashed in to someone I fell down and thats when I realised that I was wearing a school uniform and Im going to say I almost squealed.

  " your not supposed to be running in the halls! you should know that!"

I recognised that rule following engine calfed warning anywhere! " oh, I'm sorry" I see Iida standing there almost mad I was running then his face softened.

  " I don't recognise you, what corse are you in" he asked. I was cunfused the I realise he was asking me what corse I was in and I chose one that didn't come into contact with the hero course much

  " Im from buisness" I say too quickly " Now I must get going" I knew exactly where I was going, STRAIGHT TO THE VILLAINS!! muahahahah.

I continued walking around confused. I finally found the exit but I realised I need money to go anywhere so I stood idly by waiting for a student to walk by and when one did I grabed their wallet and took off, I didn't pickpocket alot but I did it ounce in a blue moon. I was Kinda waslking aroung aimlessly trying to find a train statation to get to the villains base, I was hopeing that I didn't enter the timeline after the base had been destroyed. I had ducked in to an alley to catch my breath when I felt a had on my shoulder.

  " girls like you shouldn't be in places like this"

my breath caught as I turned around to face the person as my eyes widened as I recognised the person, 'dabi'  or touya todoroki. and I internally screamed and I almost started fangirling right there right infront of my idol infront of dabi. but I played it of and calmed myself, I had to look decent Infront of patchwork.

" I-I um, what do you mean?" I said trying to get my ass together.

" I'm saying someone might hurt you, dollface" dabi said as he aproached me lifting my chin " so tell me do you know your playing with fire?"

                                                                                      I almost hugged him

" I-I y-e- yeah I, your the fire right?" I said not thinking about how stupid I sounded.

he chuckled slowly " yes, I am the fire" he had a slight smirk as he walked away tossing a buisness card by the looks of it behind him. bingo. I picked it up and it had print on it.

                                                                      giran broker, if you want information he's the one to call



I stare at the card It was to giran a well known broker for the league I walked out of the alley hopeing my luck wouldn't run out. spoiler, It did. I puller out my phone dialing the number, to be met with a bored 'hello'

  " Hello?" the man on the other side said

  " Hi?" I replied back.

  " where did you get this number? and what do you need?" he said.

  " I got this number from da-" I stopped myself I'm not supposed to know who 'dabi' is " A man with several scars and staples"

  " danm it dabi! couldn't give me a brake" he mutteres " anyways whats the info and I'll set the price" he cut straight to the chase

  " Oh, I need to get to the league of-" I cut myself of I was in the middle of the streets and people were around, so I walk into another alley and cut straight to the chase " I want to join the league"

  " Oh, is that so? meet me in yokohama city, kamino ward, I'll find you"


Thats it and It sucks and was kinda rushed

but who gives a crap...

Well I do but thats beside the point

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