
A Certain Milf Lover

Ceres, a magic swordman who has been treated as a burden in the party, is finally dismissed by Zect, the hero and leader of the party. He realized that all of his childhood friends belonged to Zect and there was nowhere for him to stay, so he decided to go off on his own… However, he’s actually a reincarnated person and used to be much older, so he didn’t really bear it that much when he was expelled. And he was… well, from here on out, you’ll have to read on to find out. ――――― Thank you 'Johnathon_Magus' for providing cover for this novel. Source of the cover is from manga/anime "Record of Ragnarok".

IndianWriter · Fantasi
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108 Chs

Chapter 22

I heard from Shizuko.

 That I'm weak...

 That I don't have much grudge against Zect and the others.

 Surely, I'm pissed that they kicked me out of the party, but it was almost like a 'freedom' for me.

 Like a heavy burden has been lifted from my shoulders.

 That's all I can think.

 You know, it was hard on my body when I was with them, and I was upset.

 But that's about it... I don't think about revenge.

 Because there are no labor laws in this world...

 If someone wants to be a merchant in this world, it's hard.

 If someone wants to be a craftsman, the apprenticeships are hard and poorly paid.

If someone wants to be a cook, he will have to learn to work while being yelled at.


 It's that kind of world, so that was not such a big deal.


 In the first place, I don't like Maria, Lida, or Mel as the opposite sex.


 But can I have them?


 If someone asked that question... I'm sure I can't.


 My love for them is not that of a lover or a couple, but more like friendship or family.


 I mean, my position is that I only babysat for them because they asked me to, and I quit when the kids I babysat for told me they didn't need me anymore.


 That's all.


 It might seem pitiful, but that's how I feel inside.


 "Shizuko-san, I appreciate your feelings very much, but I don't have to go that far."


 "Ceres-kun, aren't you upset?"


 "Sure, I'm a little upset, but not until I get back at you."


 "Ceres-kun is too kind, but what Zect did is not good. Think about it."

However, the more I think about it, the less I care.


 I mean, it's not all bad. After all, since I'm a member of the hero party, I've got the right to be allowed to have multiple marriages.


 "I've thought it over, and I don't have too much, or hardly any, hard feelings."


 "Ceres, don't hesitate."


 "Ceres-san, is it okay?"


 "Ceres-chan... are you sure you don't mind?"


 "Because, you know, don't you notice? My taste of women is like Shizuko-san, Nee-san, Misaki-san, and Sayo-san who are patient, kind, and beautiful... and none of them are in that party."


 """"Ceres (kun) (san) (chan)""""


 "I mean, I just kicked out of the party, that's all... I already got paid for that too... Besides, suppose I hadn't been in Zect's party. In that case, I couldn't obtain the 'multiple marriage' right, and now I'm here everyone, not just Shizuko-san."


 """"Ceres (kun) (san) (chan)""""


 "Although I've had some bad times, it's made me happy... isn't that good enough?"


 This should be good, right?


 "Ceres-kun is too kind, but even if you say so... it's important to scold a bad boy or girl."


 "Ceres, even if Ceres forgives Lida, I can't forgive her."


 Why are they saying that...


 "Ceres-san, what Mel did was the worst thing I've ever seen... and as a mother, I'll never forgive her."


 "Ceres-chan, I would never forgive Maria too."


 Really... even if I forgive Zect and the other, the four mothers will never forgive them, huh?


 I don't have a choice...


 "If you insist, let's punish them but let me think about it."


 I thought that if I didn't get involved, that would be enough... but they won't let me do that.


 I'll have to think of a better way...


 In the end, I asked the matter to be put on hold, and we decided to settle Misaki's and Sayo's problems first.

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