
A certain Marvel Fanfic

What do you get when you take a guy with the worst luck in the Omniverse and put him in one of the most dangerous universes In all of fiction? Follow our protagonist as he tries to get his full powers back and become overpowered enough to escape this universe.

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7 Chs


Timmy: You can give me super powers?

( Timmy yells out loud and some people stare at him. Timmy quickly walks away feeling embarrassed)

Mai: " you don't have to speak when other people are around. I can read your thoughts"

Timmy: " I know I was just surprised to hear you can actually give me super powers other than being adorable"

Mai: " I can't exactly give you powers. but I have a theory on how you can get the powers you had in your previous lives."

Timmy: " so what exactly are you going to do?"

Mai: " in each of your reincarnations, you were given a different power and seemingly lost access to your previous ones. but when you got yourself trapped in that void with just your soul I found out that was not the case. a small portion of your powers are stored in your soul each time you reincarnate. I was able to use the stockpiled power to get you out"

Timmy: " so all you have to do is find out a way for me to access my powers again and boom I'm overpowered again. that sounds easy"

Mai: " it's not exactly as easy as you're making it sound but I won't bother explaining it to you. you're too dumb to understand"

( Timmy falls to his knees )

Timmy: emotional damage. does it please you to hurt my feelings?

( Timmy gets back up)

Mai: "I'm just stating a fact"

Timmy: " when can you just give me my powers? "

Mai:" I can start right away if you would like"

Timmy:" the sooner the better. "

Mai:" alright I'm starting now"

Timmy: " wait this won't damage my soul will it?"

Mai: " I'm done"

Timmy: "well that was quick. good bye dangerous universe" ( Timmy snaps his fingers but nothing happens). " I'm trying to open a poryal why won't it work"

Mai: "Firstly, the energy you currently have is too low to use any significant powers you will have to wait to acquire the energy to do so. secondly, I have no way of choosing what powers you activate. and thirdly you never had any universe travelling powers"

Timmy: "oh yeah! interdimensional portals was one of Charles' powers not mine. so I have no powers and I'm still stuck here for now. how am I supposed to help others or myself for that matter if I have no powers"

Mai: " Batman was able to do it"

Timmy: " yeah but Batman is Rich and I'm... that's it I just have to get rich. Being rich is also a super power. I'll just use some of the stuff that was popular on my earth and I'll be rich. every isekai protagonist does this"

Mai: " I don't think it's that easy. this is real life not an anime"

Timmy:" I'll figure it out somehow."

Mai: " you've reached your destination"

( Timmy stops in front of a library)

Timmy: " at least here I can get all the information I need"

( two hours later in the library Timmy is seen with a computer and surrounded by lots of books)

Timmy: "I was able to read 74 books on programming and technology in 2 hours. it seems this body has enhanced intelligence."

Mai: " the date is currently the 3rd of January of the year 2009. it seems the level of technology in this world is slightly more advanced than your earth especially since this company called Sage.co released their new phones two years ago"

Timmy: " this computer is from that company as well. it has a RAM of 100GB and this is just an average one. well at least with this level of tech I should be able to start my plan"

( Timmy starts typing quickly on the computer and stops after an hour)

Mai: " are you sure you want to do this? once you do, there will be no turning back. every organization in earth will be trying to find you"

Timmy: " with my luck people would be after me anyway. so it's better if I set the conditions first"

Mai: " fine. Starting synchronization in 3,2,1"

( in a secret building, a building so secret even the readers don't know where it is located. a man is seen holding a briefcase and rushing towards a locked room. he takes out his card, swipes it on the scanner, types a password and takes a retinal scan)

Man: the director is not going to be happy about this.

( the door opens and the man walks in to see a man with an eye patch reading some documents with the title of classified)

Man: excuse me director Fury. there's something of upmost importance for me to talk about.

Fury: what is it Agent Coulson?

( Fury closes the documents)

Coulson: a few minutes ago a signal was broadcasted that was able hack into every digital device in the world including our Network here at the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division.

Fury: we need a shorter name for that. were we able to trace the signal and pinpoint the location of the organization that did this?

Coulson: unfortunately not Sir. the code used to broadcast the signal was not under any known programming languages in the world.

Fury: were we at least able to find out what information he had access to?

Coulson: unfortunately not Sir?

( Fury is seen visibly getting angrier.)

Fury: those motherf***ers. they had access to confidential information, unmanned aircraft, missiles and even nukes but we don't know what they were after? then what do we know?

Coulson: during the broadcast a message was played on every device with audio and the person on the screen called himself X.

Fury : what did the message say?

Coulson: opens his briefcase, brings out a laptop and plays a video.

Sorry for the late updates I've had a lot of tests these past weeks

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