
A Certain Academic Mental Out

A big Toaru fan was about to be reincarnated in the world of MHA by a bored ROB to live out his power fantasy, unfortunately just before he was sent on his merry way he unwittingly mentioned that stories in which the heroes don't struggle aren't actually all that engaging. This revelation had made the ROB choose to reincarnate him as the weakest of the level 5 espers Misaki Shokuhou. If that wasn't bad enough, the ROB also added that if he didn't acquire a hero license from UA he would die. Now, with his dream of a power fantasy thoroughly crushed he must use his mediocre wits and meta-knowledge to pick up the pieces and hopefully not get destroyed by the timeline.

Anithoal · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

glowing guy

I snapped awake with the urgency of a kid who had just been woken up by his mom to go to school.

Except there wasn't a mom nagging me to get ready.

Hell, there wasn't even a room to wake up in.

Or anything for that matter.

All around me was white, just a pure void of absolute nothingness.

Well, this isn't my room.

Or maybe it is, maybe my mom decided to go in and renovated it while I was asleep.

The dimension renovation!

Turn your kid's room into another dimension altogether!

The vast emptiness helps to clear your kid's mind and prevent any unwanted distractions while they study!

Now that I think about it, there are some parents out there who would be intrigued by such a proposition.

My mom isn't one of them though so dimensional renovation sounds unlikely.

So how else to explain this whitespace I find myself in?

I guess I could backtrack.

What was I doing before?

Oh yes! I remember now!

I had just finished rewatching 'A Certain Magical Index' for the gazillionth time.

I binged it all in one day and fell asleep at three.

Maybe this is some illusion brought about by a severely sleep deprived sixteen-year-old?

Well, whatever the case I'm currently in a very unfavorable situation.

To express this sentiment I say what any normal person would in my situation.

". . .Well shit."

Only the natural reaction, anyone else would say the same thing in this situation.

I would have kept incessantly swearing but an extra presence had made itself known.

"Hey, you're finally awake!"

Not my mom's voice.

I turn around to see who made the Elder Scrolls reference and see a glowing figure.

A man by the looks of it, as white as the space we're both occupying.

The only reason he doesn't completely blend in is due to the gold hue emanating from his body.

He's positively glowing!

But now is not the time to admire his fabulousness! I have questions!

"Where the hell am I?" I ask rather a matter of factly

The glowing guy answers, a small smirk growing across his lips

"Well, you're rather forward aren't you?" a small chuckle leaves his lips.

"To answer your question, we are in the void between worlds, think of this space as the border between dimensions."

"Like the US and Mexico border?" I ask

". . ."

What's with the silence? I'm asking the right questions here!

Giving up on that front I ask a less important question.

"Ok, so I know I'm the dimension border thing a-ma-gig and all, but why exactly? Am I here?"

To which the glowing man dropped a bombshell.

"To put it simply: you died."

Oh well. Not like I was really living much to begin with. I kinda expected this to be the case.

My death doesn't answer all the questions I have though.

"Well that explains some things, but it still doesn't explain why I'm in the border between dimensions or what exactly business you have with me. You don't happen to have an FAQ would you?"

The glowing guy though comments on how unbothered I am by the news of my death.

"You seem rather unfazed by the revelation of your death," he notes.

"It happens to the best of us," I remark.

"I suppose it does."

Glad we could come to an understanding glowing guy. But you haven't answered my previous question.

"To answer all your questions, I am what you would refer to as a god and I would like to make a proposition to you. Given your . . .untimely demise I feel its only right to give you another attempt at life."

So you plan to isekai me basically, but I'm not dumb enough to believe he's doing this out of the goodness of his heart. There has to be some sort of catch to this and I need to figure it out. I should start by asking for his actual reasoning for sending me to another dimension.

"Why are you actually doing all this? I doubt it's due to pity."

"So you knew? I'll be honest with you then." he sighs before continuing.

"I'm only doing this because I'm bored"

Well, that answer definitely isn't what I expected. I was kind of expecting it to be more sinister or malicious but it turns out he's just a bored god trying to find entertainment. Can't blame him. Living forever is bound to get boring eventually.

You poor poor glowing man.

Still, I have to ask about the world I'm being sent to. I don't wanna go in blind. Hopefully, I get some op ability.

"Where exactly are you sending me?"

"Im sure you're familiar with the world, it's the world of a popular anime. You might've heard of it."

He pauses, likely to build suspense. If it's a popular anime im probably already familiar with it. Maybe potentially use meta knowledge to get a head start and grow immensely powerful, save the day, and prevent untold destruction. I wonder what anime it is.

I wouldn't have to keep wondering for long as the glowing guy had decided to reveal the world I'd be sent to.

"It's called My Hero Academia."

Aw shit.

My Hero Academia: the story of a crybaby turned crybaby hero trying his best to reach the top alongside his classmates who barely get any development. Couple that plot with an even shittier fanbase and you've got a show that's memorable for all the wrong reasons. Sure the show is entertaining but anyone with half a brain can see just how stupid it really is beyond the surface. And now I'm going to be sent to this world. What kind of fanfiction-esque shit is this!?? I'd rather be sent to a wholly original world now. Who would've guessed that glowing guy would turn out to just be a generic ROB?

I decide to voice my disapproval

"Can you send me to a different world?"

Not like this.

"I refuse."

Aw, come on. . .


"The choice of the world is non-negotiable."

So he's just not gonna answer huh? I guess I have no choice but to go to this world. Since the glowing guy's been revealed to be a ROB now, hopefully, that means I can at least ask for what power I want.

And I know exactly what power I want.

"So I can't choose what world I'll be sent to. Can I at least choose what power I want?"

"That you can, I do hope it's an interesting one."

Oh, it's more than just interesting.

"I would like to have Accelerator's power, vector manipulation"

Others would choose magic or some other stupid shit to go into the world of MHA with. But in a world of superpowers, those kinda abilities stand out and just don't match the vibe. I mean who'd ask for magic in a world of superheroes? Sure it's OP but it doesn't match the aesthetic and I'm a man who values aesthetics. Accelerator's power is not only explainable but also incredibly op. Not only that, but it also guarantees my survival in this new world. None of the series's main villains will even be able to lay a scratch on me. I'll be able to easily trounce any obstacle in my way. The most important reason though, is that I'm a massive Toaru fan. Hopefully, the glowing guy is able to grant me my requested power, as I haven't really thought of an alternative.

The glowing guy opens his mouth to speak.

"How intriguing this Accelerator, and he's an esper?"

"Yup!" I respond "The strongest of the seven level 5 espers in the Toaru series. His power allows him to control vectors, making him virtually invincible!"

I may be a little too enthusiastic about this.

God dude responds to my comments.

"Very well then, I shall grant you this 'Accelerators' powers."

I beam in excitement at this response but the glowing guy looks pretty downtrodden for some reason.

"Is something wrong?" I ask

"Nothing of consequence. I'm hoping you're escapades within this new world will prove to be more helpful in alleviating my boredom."

Of course. Well, I couldn't blame him for getting bored. All this guy does is watch people live out their power fantasies, getting everything handed to them on a silver platter, living their life with practically no struggle, and just overall facing no real adversity

Maybe I should lead this guy toward a path that actually alleviates his boredom. I can understand his plight to an extent. What with all the anime being mostly uninteresting.

"Maybe the reason you're so bored all the time is because you keep experiencing the exact same story all the time," I say with utmost sincerity.

The glowing guy looks at me perplexed.

"what do you mean?"

"I mean you're basically watching the exact same story with a new coat of paint every time you send someone over into these worlds. A person with an overpowered ability trounces any adversity they face and live a life free of struggle. I mean, don't we like to root for heroes because we get to see them struggle? A story where the hero overcomes every obstacle easily isn't a very entertaining one."

"You've put a few things into perspective for me"

The glowing guy puts a hand to his chin likely pondering what I've just revealed to him.

He soon opens his mouth to ask me a question.

"You mentioned Accelerator was the strongest of these level 5 espers. Mind if I ask which is the weakest?"

Not sure what thought process led to him asking me this, but the answer is obvious to any Toaru fan. Me included.

"Misaki Shokuhou or Mental Out." I respond.

Her ability Mental Out allows her to control the minds of people sure, but it isn't well suited for combat. Not only that she can't even control the minds of the other level fives so she's pretty much overshadowed by them in terms of strength. They can just do way cooler shit than her with their powers that it's not even funny. Not to mention, her power relies on a remote control.

The glowing guy goes back into his thinking mode and his figure lights up as if he had just come to a revelation.

"I've decided then. I want to experience the story where the hero struggles, so you shall now be reborn as Misaki Shokuhou"

Excuse me.

"What!?? I didn't mean you should make me struggle! I'd very much like to remain as Accelerator."

But the glowing guy ignores my protest.

"Seeing as you'll be entering the world of 'My Hero Academia you'll naturally strive to be a hero and attain a hero license."

So much for being nice. . .

"Failure to achieve this goal will result in your immediate death. I have full confidence you'll rise to the occasion and overcome your adversity, for that is the true essence of a hero! I shall see you off now, best of luck to you Shokuhou Misaki."

He said with such conviction I found myself not acknowledging my surroundings. I look at my feet only to see them slowly disappearing. The true weight of the situation only now becoming truly apparent.

Only shit I'm gonna get reincarnated as Misaki Shokuhou.

I yell out to the glowing guy in one last desperate attempt to salvage my situation.


My upper body fully disappears leaving only my head and shoulders intact. I keep screaming at the glowing dude even as my face slowly begins to disappear.


My face fully disappears leaving the White Void.

And in that instance Shoukuhou Misaki takes her first breath.