

Tara woke up after some hours. She rubbed her eyes as it adjusted with the light of the room. She sat up slowly and looked around when she realized she fell asleep. She looked around for her purse when she found it on top of the middle table on the other side of the room.

Looking around she realized the room was looking clean. Her clothes that were discarded on the floor were now neatly folded and placed on the couch. But that wasn't the problem, the problem was that it seems like she missed her shift at the restaurant.

She immediately stood up with the bed cover covering her up but felt that aching pain in between her thighs. When she walked towards the clothes she noticed there was a piece of paper laying on top of her purse.

She picked up the paper and read it.

'call me once you're up, you don't need to go for your shift '. _Ray.

She dropped the piece of sheet and opened her purse. She took out her phone but then realized she didn't have his contact so she kept her phone back. She walked to the bathroom where she took a warm shower.

When she was done, she walked out of the bathroom in silence. Once she looked up and saw Raymond standing in front of the window. He gradually turned around.

"Why didn't you call?" He asked.

"I didn't have your contact". She said.

"I saved it myself ". He said.

"Oh I didn't know". She said and he just nodded.

His eyes stopped on her neck where the hickeys he left on her neck still laid beautifully. She followed his eyesight and the next thing he was walking quickly towards her. Before she could react he was already kissing her neck and out of the incredible feeling she arched her neck with a light moan.

"Do you want to?" He asked in between her kisses.

"Can I say no?" She asked instead.

"Yeah it's your right to, but why?" He asked as he looked into her eyes and she was too entranced in his to look away.

"Because I hate showers and I'll have to take another one". She blurted out and surprisingly he just smiled at her.

"Funny". He stepped away with a soft smile.

"Hope…you aren't angry?" She said cautiously.

"No, it's calm". He said. She nodded as she slowly walked towards her clothes and picked them and was about walking back to the bathroom.

"What did I say earlier about us?" He asked and she spun around to look at him.

"That we are like a married couple without love instead of a contract". She replied.

"Good so other things can be included except love okay?" He said with a smile. "If you have something you want us to try or anything you want to say you can tell me anytime we can even be friends".

"I got it". She smiled lightly and was about taking a step forward towards the bathroom but instead walked back to the bed where he sat.

She stood beside him but a bit far as she picked up her inner wear curtly as she peeped if he was looking but he wasn't so she wore her clothes quickly. When she checked again, he was on his phone.

She walked to where her purse was as she took out a hair scrunchie and packed her hair in a simple ponytail. She was about walking away when she noticed the sheet of paper where he wrote earlier, had nothing on it. She picked it up and turned it both sides and there was nothing on both sides and Raymond just watched her with a lopsided smile.

He was now on a phone call and she needed to ask where her shoes were placed.

He noticed that she just stood there and looked like she wanted to ask something. When he looked down he noticed she wasn't wearing her shoes.

"No will go there tomorrow". He said seriously as he walked to the closet and opened the shoe wardrobe and brought out her shoes.

He kept it for her and she murmured a thank you as she put it on. She still wondered about the paper. He ended the call.

"Are you ready to leave?" He asked.

"Yes". She nodded

"I'll take you home". He said and she knew there was no point arguing with him because she will lose.

"Okay". She nodded as they walked out of the room. They walked down the stairs in silence.

"Um…why did you come back?" She asked.

"I was done with work ". He said but one thing she didn't know was that the card was a trick card when being touched the owner could sense it and if it was read, the writings will fade away.

"Oh okay". She nodded.

"Master Jailin". The middle aged lady who is the housekeeper called as she walked towards them.

"Hmm…" He hummed.

"Dinner is ready". She said he just motioned his fingers to show he understood before walked away and left them together.

"Would you like to have dinner?" He asked.

"No, I'm fine thank you". She smiled and he nodded.

They entered the elevator as they kept quiet. They finally arrived downstairs as he opened the car door for her and she murmured a thank you before getting in.

As soon as he started the car her phone rang.

"Hey Tara". Sean said.

"Hi Sean, wassup". She said.

"Am good in all ways. Are you going to join us at the party?" He asked.

"What party?" She asked.

"You should really start checking the group chat baby". He laughed. "It's at Davina's house in case you decide to come ".

"Okay thanks". She cut the call and breathed out.

"What are you majoring in?" Raymond asked.

"Chemistry". She said with a stutter.

"Why?" He asked.

"Um…no reason actually just because I'm good at it". She said.

"So you have no future ambition or what so ever in mind?" He asked as they stopped in front of a traffic light.

"No". She said.

"Why?" He asked.

"I just think that, I shouldn't think big". She said frankly.

"Think big?" He asked.

"Yes, thinking big is only for the privileged". She responded.

"So you aren't the optimistic type". He stated.

"I think so". She chuckled.

"What if you become privileged?" He asked.

"Um…I'll probably be an economist or be a detective, I really love finding out the suspects and stuff like that ". She smiled in thought.

He glanced at her with a smile before he continued driving when the traffic light turned green.

"You asked me about the wolf?" She asked.

"He said hello". He smiled.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Yes". He smirked.

"Oh…am not so thrilled". She said with a shiver.

"He's friendly, trust me". He smiled.

"As you say". She said in horror. They finally arrived in front of her house.

She stepped out of the car and walked away. She rang the doorbell and Anne came to open the door.

"Hey". She let me in as she looked at the car in front of their home.

"You're back, I was almost done with dinner". Tia smiled as she chopped carrots.


"Who owns the car parked outside?" Anne asked.

"A friend". She simply said before going upstairs.