
A bit of fun

Is this going to be weird? Yes. Cringe? fuck yeah. Entertaining? WHO KNOWS I own nothing except any ocs I create, and my mc.

Doge_Blade · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs


"Oh no no no no fuck" I quietly muttered in disbelief, looking around, I took a deep breath to calm myself as I realized how fucked I could be. Mutilated bodies sprawled across the floor, robots shooting civilians and in the center of this cruel circus? The grimm, the negative emotion smelling, child eating grimm. 'god... I'm fucked aren't I?' I thought as I took a couple more deep breaths to calm myself as I slowly got up and attempted to analyze my surroundings, praying to find a way to escape from here, hopefully with my body and mind intact. Noticing a small alleyway that went into the direction of beacon, I hardened my heart and hoped that some huntsmen or huntsmen in training were still at beacon.

Walking there as quietly as I could, I mentally sighed in relief as I reached the little alley safely. But as my luck would have it, I heard a growl from behind me; daring to sneak a look behind me, I notice a bear grimm, an ursa, glaring at me with unbridled hate. 'Not fucking dealing with a motherfucking pissed off Baloo today, no thank you' I thought as I booked it right on out of there, not bothering to see if the overly aggressive teddy bear gave chase. Well, he did, I found out as I felt a sharp pain in my leg before falling onto the road. Turning my body around I noticed the fact that Mr. Murderous Baloo had a leg in his mouth; looking down to the rest of my body, I realized that it had my favorite leg in its mouth. I covered my mouth and began to scream, as the shock wore off and the pain kicked in. ' SON OF A COCKSUCKING WIFEBEATING CHILD MOLESTING WHORE ' I mentally cursed as I writhed in pain, to busy being in pain to notice the ursa approaching me.

Gaining a sliver of my mind back, just in time to realize the giant paw coming down on me, rolling out of the way just in time to avoid it, I began trying to crawl the fuck out of there; not fast enough though, the pain in my stomach and my inability to move as I was lifted into the air by the jaws of the ursa proving so. As I pitifully tried to free myself from the grasp of the ursa, it shook its head around, and me with it, as if it was playing with me. Well, the dumb grimm wasn't careful enough apparently, as the upper half of my body was sent flying into air, before crashing into the wall of a very familiar dust shop, the oh so famous 'Dust Till Dawn'. With black spots approaching me and a cold numb feeling enveloping me, my eyes slowly started to close. 'No no no no, fuck, no, I don't want to die, not this early on, not to a fucking ursa, not this pathetically. No, I refuse to, DAMN IT'

Then it happened, the blood spoke to me, whispering to my very soul, promises of power, of chaos, of fun. All it wanted in turn? My humanity. Quickly deciding that humanity was overrated, I accepted the offer.

Immediately, my mind cleared up, the pain disappearing as my body began to reform itself. I shakily began to stand up as I slowly started to feel more and more powerful. Looking around to see if I could find that fucking ursa that nearly killed me, a fair bit too pissed to care about what just happened. Quickly noticing the ursa from before with my newly enhanced senses, I immediately dashed at it, quickly arriving before shoving my hand into its neck, killing the creature with it. With the anger soothed and my mind starting to think somewhat clearly, I realized what I just did. "I fucking killed a ursa with my bare hands" I muttered in disbelief.

A grin slowly making its way up my face, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my stomach, realizing it was hunger I began to slowly walk in the direction beacon was at. Making it there with the occasional grimm attempting to kill me, failing miserably, I grinned as I saw a hunter in training finishing off a beowolf. Walking towards him, I yelled out "HEY!"; swiftly catching his attention as he started running over to me. Reaching me, he stopped walking and asked with concern, "Are you alright?"

"Gimme some sip" I muttered. "What?" he asked, perplexed at the simple request. "I SAID, GIVE ME SOME SIP" I repeated, before quickly lunging at him and tearing his throat out, lapping up all the blood that came out like a african kid to clean water. Licking my lips, I grinned as I made my way into beacon, with a new soul sitting comfortably in my stomach.