
The Dream


"And here is the announcement for entrepreneur of the year"

I'm anxiously waiting for the person to utter the winner's name. To get such a prestigious award is one of my dreams.

"It's none other than Sander Morgan from New Orleans."

Claps! Claps! Claps!

A thunderous applause fills the air in the big hall. Happy tears roll down my cheeks.

"Hi, Sweetie" a voice interrupts. It is my mom's.

I slowly open my eyes and realize it was just a dream. I rub my eyes and ask mom, "How long am I asleep?"

"Well, sweetie. Why don't you just get up and find it out yourself?"

"Okay, momm....." I push my soft, white quilt away and stand up cracking my knuckles. When my mom is about to leave my room, I call after her and say, "And, please don't call me sweetie again."

"Okay, big boy!" she exclaims.

When I step down into the hallway, a pair of hands blindfolds me. I sense that it is my dad's.

"Dad. This isn't time for blind man's buff." I groan.

He slowly guides me to the front yard and lets go of his hold on me.

"Surprise!" He cries out.

What I see is awesome! It's a brand new car.

"Thank you, dad." I hug him and he kisses my cheeks.

"Dad! You can't kiss me like this. I'm a grown-up now."

"You are still my little boy, son," he says cupping my face in his hands.