
Chapter Five— A Glimpse Of The Past

Galaxia's POV

Beep Beep Beep

My alarm went off again at 5:00a.m. and I turned it off. I had been awake since 1:47a.m. and I had not been able to go back to sleep. I think I should stop setting my alarm since I wake up even before it goes off.

I got off my bed and made my way into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I changed into my workout outfit and performed my morning routine before showering. Then I headed into my closet to pick something to wear.

My Thursday, which was yesterday, was a normal day, no drama whatsoever. Once a week, I'd always go around my company to check a few things and probably fire employees that are slacking off.

When I first started this monitoring, a lot of employees were fired. I had caught some of them just standing there, talking and gossiping. They were beyond shocked when they turned to go back to work and found me right behind them with my signature emotionless face and arms crossed.

I fired them without hesitation and since then, I'd been going around. It became a weekly routine and it always makes my employees hardworking and paranoid because they have no idea what day I'd go around.

So, yesterday I did my weekly routine and unfortunately, there was no one to fire but of course, fear lurked around every corner I turned.

I checked on one of my employees, the one responsible for checking where my products are being sold and what mall or place they are delivered to. I went to his cubicle and stood there, just staring at what he was doing.

Immediately he noticed my presence, he bowed slightly and greeted, not once raising his head to look at me during my entire stay there. I stood there and watched him work while he was sweating profusely and his hands were shaking.

I grew tired and left. As I was leaving, I heard him heave a sigh. I went back to my office after visiting the whole building, even the security unit.

I continued drawing, listening to some music, my mom called to remind me of the dinner and made me promise not to be late. I only came out of my office when it was time to head home.

Well that was how my Thursday went. It was overly boring. I'm not going to the company today. I want to prepare for the family dinner I'd be attending later.

While making breakfast, a text entered my phone from Greg saying he was ready. I replied him,

"I won't be going to the company today. Prepare my private car and leave".

"Ok miss Galaxia".

I ate my breakfast and started preparing. I waxed, washed my hair, dried it, curled the ends and gave myself a manicure and pedicure. I picked my outfit for later tonight and laid it out on my bed.

I headed to the kitchen and grabbed the usual tub of cookies 'n' cream and bowl of chips. I went into my den and picked out a movie to watch. I was a sucker for action, thriller and superhero movies preferably DC and Marvel movies.

I detested chick flicks. While watching my movie, I fell asleep due to the inability to sleep at night because of the nightmares.

I was awoken by the same nightmare. I glanced at the wall clock and saw it was already 4:46p.m. I jumped up, grabbing the empty tub and bowl and ran outside towards my room to get ready.

There was one thing my mom hated and that was tardiness. It took at least one and a half hours to get to their mansion.

I quickly changed into my outfit of a blue flair dress with beaded neckline. The waist line was tightly fitted and the breast piece hugged my chest perfectly. I threw on a pair of heels and walked to my dress table.

I tied my hair and pulled it into a tight bun. I applied light makeover and grabbed my purse, putting in my phone and other essentials.

I rushed downstairs towards my car parked outside. I got into my car and drove off towards my parents' mansion.

I arrived there about an hour later. I drove at a crazy speed, passing a few stop lights. I looked up at my parents' mansion, where I spent the early days of my life. The ancient yet modern day look still fully intact. The compound comprising of a large swimming pool to the side with a side bar and a barbeque grill embedded into the ground just in case of a pool party.

The whole house plan took the shape of a semi circle. The drive way in the middle with flower pots surrounding the whole yard. There was still a full bloom garden of flowers, Hyacinth of different colours ranging from the colours pink to blue to purple, Lavenders and Gardenia, which were starting to bloom as the dark paints the sky shades of orange and purple.

My parents' mansion was not secluded like mine. It was located in the wealthy part of the city where most celebrities live.

All memories of my childhood started flooding in. I remember all my happy moments-- stargazing with my parents and brothers, where Adrien would start giving random and hilarious names to whatever constellations we found.

I remember all the picnics, the family trips and vacations, mine and my brothers' birthday celebrations, the hide and seek games with Anna and Sophia and so much more.

I moved out at the age of 16. Before moving out, from the age of 13, after the incident, I started accepting offers and signing contracts that will require me leaving the country for days, weeks even months.

After that dreadful event ten years ago, I stopped interacting with everyone, I started to hate celebrations and would take any opportunity I could get to leave the country.

Whenever I was home, I'd lock myself up in my room and just draw sketches of clothes, shoes, bags or purses I would produce while listening to music.

Music had always found a way of easing me and it helps in bringing out my best ideas.

My parents would always come to knock on my door and I would only open it slightly, respond to them and shut it back without letting anyone in.

I would only open the door whenever I asked my mom for anything and I'd collect it from her then shut it again.

My brothers would also come to knock on my door but as always, I wouldn't reply them. Eventually they became frustrated.

One day as I was locked up in my room, doing the usual and eating chips with cookies 'n' cream (it has been my favourite since a long time) , my brothers busted my door and barged into my room.

I paid no attention to them, thinking they'd go away, but no, they didn't. Adrien dragged the headphones off my ears, Kyle snatched my sketchpad and Noah grabbed my bowl of chips and tub of ice cream.

I glared at the three of them but they didn't seem fazed by it at all. So I said to them, more like growled at them

"What are the three of you doing? Why are you pestering me? Noah, shouldn't you be in college right now? Kyle, aren't you supposed to be preparing for your graduation ceremony? And Adrien, don't you have some girls to go flirt with or something?"

None of them spoke, not even a squeak. So I got angry and said again

"Are you guys deaf or something? Answer me" my voice going a bit higher.

Now Noah replied "Oh, so now you see how annoying it is to ignore someone"

Kyle also said "Exactly what you've been doing lately"

Then Adrien spoke "We're just paying you back in your own coin".

Now it was my turn to remain silent and I continued to glare at them. When they saw I made no move at all, they each dropped the things they were holding and said simultaneously

"Oh no, we are so not taking any of that, now get up" each standing with hands akimbo.

In reply, I rolled my eyes at them and continued glaring not uttering a word. They sighed and again simultaneously said

"We said get up" their voices going a bit higher. I just maintained my expression still not saying anything. I could see they were getting frustrated by my attitude.

They came up to me and carried me. Well, Adrien tried to but I wiggled vehemently against his hold and he dropped me. Then Kyle tried to carry me and I bit him. He yelped in pain and dropped me immediately, giving me a death glare. Then Noah carried me over his shoulder, I tried to wiggle out of his grip but to no avail, he was too strong. Then i contemplated on biting him but he started tickling me.

I was laughing uncontrollably and begging him to stop but they were also making fun of me.

When he finally stopped and set me down, we were in the living room and everyone was there plus my parents, laughing. My ribs were hurting from laughing too hard, so I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at them. Immediately they saw my glare, they shut up.

I turned to go back into my room but my brothers stopped me and they simultaneously said yet again "We are sorry".

I glared hard at them, I'm pretty sure if looks could kill, they'd be six feet under by now. They know how much I hate it when they do that. I used to think it was cute but now it's just messed up, acting like freaking triplets with telepathic powers, having similar thoughts.

"Now that you've forcefully brought me out of my room, what do you want? It better be an important thing or else I swear I'll---"

"Oh, shush now" I was interrupted by Kyle who rolled his eyes. Noah and Adrien were trying to stifle their laughs.

They kept annoying me by doing everything I hate. I was beyond annoyed, i was very angry. I pushed past them to go my room but once again I was stopped. I shouted at all three of them

"What the hell is wrong with you guys? Can't you just let me be? I don't want to be here, don't you get it?"

At this point, I was already crying because I was angry, frustrated and sad all at once and I hated these emotions so much.

"Don't you see I want to be left alone?" I sobbed.

After seeing me break down, all forms of amusement left their features and pain, regret and pity were evident.

My parents that sat there watching us all this while, hurriedly came and embraced them trying to soothe me.

My brothers tried to apologise but again they say it simultaneously. Albeit, this time I don't think they intended for that to happen because they glared at each other.

After my parents pulled away, the three of them hurriedly hugged me but it was comforting and it radiated love, regret and sympathy.

While hugging me, each of them started mumbling apologies "We're sorry", "We didn't mean to hurt you", "We were just trying to lighten your mood", "We missed spending time with you" "And we're trying to make up for not being there to help you during that tragic event" "We're--"

"It's okay" Adrien started to say but I cut him off. I pulled away and gave them a sad smile. "It's fine, I'm sorry I snapped at you, I went too far. I'm really sorry".

They shook their heads and hugged me again. "No need to apologise, sugar pie. It's our fault". Noah said and they pulled away. My parents also hugged me, muttering a "We're very sorry, darling".

I smiled at all of them and finally asked "Why did you drag me out of my room, anyway? It wasn't to piss me off, was it?".

My brothers looked everywhere but at me, scratched their necks and mumbled "Well..."

"What?" I said with a scowl on my face. "So you brought me out of my room just to annoy me?"

Then Kyle spoke "Well that, and there's this carnival thingy, you know the one with rides, food carts and stuff".

"I know what a carnival is, Kyle. So?"

"We were hoping you'd come with us. We got tickets and it's been a while since we spent time together, we miss you a lot and we'll be going back to doing other things. Like Noah will be going back to college, I will be busy with preparations for my graduation ceremony and Adrien will be going around flirting with girls, like you said" he finished saying.

"Hey" Adrien said, hitting Kyle on his arm while Noah and I tried to stifle our laughs.

I cleared my throat and spoke "So, you guys want me to go with you to a carnival?"

"Uhmm... yeah?" Adrien said unsurely.

"Guys, I--"

"Please!!!" I was about to decline but was once again interrupted by them, each giving me hopeful puppy eyes.

I looked to my parents for help but see them also giving me the same expression. I rolled my eyes and turned to my brothers.

I must admit, I really miss hanging out with them and I can't let that incident break the bond we share, so I answered them with a smile

"Okay I'll go with you guys, I also miss spending time with you".

"Really?!!!" They excitedly asked

"Well, if you don't want me to, then I won't" I answered

"No!!! We want you to go" they exclaimed and pulled me into a very tight hug.

"Uhmm guys, I can't breathe" I tried to say but I'm pretty sure my words came out incoherently because my face was squashed against Adrien's chest.

"Guys?" Then my parents spoke

"Boys, your sister can't breathe" my mom said

"Don't suffocate my daughter with your death hugs" my father said, pulling me away from them.

"Thanks guys" I said to my parents while taking deep breaths.

"You're welcome, honey/sweetie" they said simultaneously. I rolled my eyes. It's like that feature runs in the family or something.

I was literally pushed back into my room to dress up. I took a shower, dressed up and stared at my fake orbs in the mirror. I used to wear thick rimmed glasses when I was very young and people thought of me as a nerd, but after the incident, I started making use of contacts.

I became homeschooled in my sophomore year due to the incident, while Noah was in college studying abroad, Kyle was graduating from high school and Adrien was going to be a senior soon.

I got ready and we left the house.

"Two surprises await us at the carnival, Gala" Kyle said. I glared at him. I've always hated that nickname. I mean of all nicknames, they decided to go with Gala?

We got to the carnival and I immediately spotted my two best friends, Anna and Sophia. The only ones in the whole school that stood by me during and after the incident.

I got out of the car and they ran to me and hugged me. I hugged them back. I've missed them a lot. I finally realised how many people I had pushed away and how they could be hurting.

They pulled away and Sophia spoke "We're so glad you could come"

Then Anna "We thought you wouldn't make it. You know since you're always busy and don't make time out for us at all. You're popular now and we're nobodies, so you don't want to be seen with us anymore. We get it. It's--"

I cut off her rant because I was feeling so guilty already just by seeing their faces.

"Anna, you know that's not true. I love you guys so much and there's no one that can stop me from being friends with you both. I'm really sorry. I've just been going through a lot lately and you guys know what I mean"

"We do, Laxy. But just pushing everyone away and being distant isn't going to solve it. You need to forget about it and what better way is there than to spend time with your friends? Hmmm?"

"I'm sorry but I promise to make it up to you both. Really" I stated firmly.

"How about a sleepover at my place?"

Sophia suggested.

"Well..." I started. I've not been comfortable with staying in someone else's place since the incident.

Anna crossed her arms over her chest and raised an eyebrow saying "Here we go again"

"Okay then. Sleepover it is". I agreed. I can't afford to lose my friends.

Sophia squealed in excitement and a smile graced Anna's face as they pulled me into a hug.

My brothers finally spoke up after watching our little reunion "Since you girls are all made up, let's get carnivaling!" Adrien shouted.

We all nodded our heads in agreement and I finally took in my surroundings. My steps halted causing my friends and brothers to look at me.

"Gala, come on, let's go". Adrien said

I barely heard what he said as memories from the incident started flooding in. I started sweating profusely and my hands were shaking.

"Laxy, are you okay? You're pale" Anna spoke

I remember when during the incident everyone started walking towards me, closing in on me and trying to kill me.

It felt like everyone in the carnival was looking at me, trying to kill me. I couldn't breathe well. I started hyperventilating and couldn't hear the panicked shouts of my friends and brothers.

My legs finally gave up and I fell down. But before I could hit the floor, two strong arms embraced me and before I slipped into unconsciousness, I saw Noah's panicked face staring at me.

And everyone, that was how I found out that I had enchlophobia. I had a phobia for crowded places. And that scar to this day has not left me.

Sometimes I wonder, would I ever heal?...