
Morning Routine

Early in the morning, like always Kelly and her sisters have a special routine to keep things together but it's also so they can fight without there mother knowing. "Jamie! May! Get up you lazy bums!" Kelly had said to her siblings, "Stop saying that to your sisters Kelly" Her mom said with a non-surprised tone. So as any person would do the original steps were, getting dressed, brushing your teeth, washing your face, etc. But with Kelly it's in a completely different order.

*Ring Ring* Kelly heard as she walked into the kitchen. "Hello?" Kelly had said to the person on the phone, but all she heard was heavy breathing "Who is this?" Kelly said with a nervous tone but once again all she heard was heavy breathing, so in her mind she thought it was a prank call and hanged up immediately. "Welp, that was uh…interesting?" Kelly had said with a confused look on her face.

I absolutely love this chapter because it’s the first chapter of my whole story! I really do hope you enjoy!

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