
A Beautiful Affair

Jean Mary is a young woman promised to be betrothed to someone only her parents know. She was anxious by the thought that her husband to be is a complete stranger but what was making her more anxious is the uneasy vibe that her parents gave her when they talk about her upcoming marriage. Is there something that her parents hide from her? "If you're hesitant to let him marry me, then just don't let him marry me" she uttered. Then her parents only hugged her as if that was the only last time they could ever hug her.

Navarro_Gemmie_Lyn · Masa Muda
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24 Chs

Mall Trip

Jan and Jean Mary reached the Reynolds mansion and both them went straight to their bedroom.

Jan was bothered by the fact that Jean had a stupefied reaction when he mentioned Kaye to her. Jan could only sigh.

In her bedroom, Jean Mary was staring blankly at the ceiling. She was thinking about the actions of Jan. How on earth did he knew about her assignment? How did he get a hold of her notebook? Is Jan her stalker to know her movements? But what irks her more was the fact that Jan seems to know Kaye more than hers.

"I know that Kaye had a crush on him from the start but Jan didn't seem to pay attention to her." Jean Mary is starting to suspect that Jan did something to Kaye. For Jean, Jan is unusual and very obscure.

Despite the thoughts running in her, Jean decided to forget it for the meanwhile. Jean looked around her room, and she now only noticed that her room lacks vibrant. She thought of a bright idea to make her weekends productive. She would start the make over from her room. She thought that the Reynolds' mansion would be her own house in the future, and she liked to remove the gloomy and cold aura that the house exudes.

The following morning after breakfast, Jean Mary decided to follow Jan.

"Uhmmm. Good morning." Jean smiled awkwardly.

Jan just nodded to her as a sign that he noticed her. Since Jan was in his normal-silent-mode-self, Jean continued to talk not minding his frigid response.

"Jan, I decided to make changes in my room if you won't mind."

"Suit yourself." Jan replied.

Here comes again the one-sentence-man, Jean rolled her eyes discreetly.

"Well, I want to buy some paint and other stuff to decorate my room. I will be going to the mall this early morning, so I could return early too."

"Ask Mr. Smith to do it for you." Jan casually said.

"No, I would do it myself." Jean Mary refused Jan.

"I insist." Jan said.

Jean Mary pouted her lips and a disappointed-look flashed on her face. Jan doesn't have a cold attitude only but domineering as well. And then she thought of an idea, "If you don't want me to go the mall alone, might as well you accompany me." Jean Mary sneered in her heart. She knew that Jan would not dare to go since he looks someone with extreme shyness.

Jan paused for a minute and think about deeply what Jean Mary suggested to him. Jan knows himself well, he doesn't go to crowded places because when he tried to go to a park when he was young, he experienced a panic attack, he was trembling, had difficulty breathing, his heartbeat was fast, he was sweating, and had an upset stomach. He was left alone in the crowd because he lost Mr. Smith by then, because of too much anxiety, he fainted and lost consciousness. From then on, he was forbidden to go to the park, and he was subjected to visit a psychologist. Jan was diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder and in fact, he had been into counselling for years but was paused when he went back to this city.

"Are you willing?" Jean Mary asked again.

Jan went back to his senses and decided to agree since he had already accepted the fact that he has feelings to Jean Mary that he wanted to change and fix his disorder. He was just thankful too that Jean Mary's attitude counterbalances him.

"Okay, give me 15 minutes and I'll be ready." Jan agreed and went ahead.

"Wait, whaaaatttt?" @_@ Jean Mary couldn't believe what he said.

Exactly 15 minutes Jan was ready to go.

"Such a western attitude, on time." Jean thought, luckily, she was already prepared when she asked him because if not, Jan would wait for him definitely. Jean also noticed that Jan wears the same black clothes.

Mr. Smith drove the car. When they reach the mall Jan couldn't take a single step outside the car. Jean noticed that Jan was anxious, and she felt sad when she understood what was going on. She remembered what Mr. Smith told him the other day.

Jean took a deep breath and gathered a courage to hold Jan's hand.

Jan was dumbfounded of Jean Mary's gesture. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, opened his eyes, met the gaze of Jean, and smiled towards her. He felt touched because he knew she understood him. Together, they went to the mall.

Jean Mary didn't let go of his hands.

"Let's go inside. I want my room to be pink in color, I want to change my wardrobe too, I will buy a dresser, and a side table. I also want to change the beddings of my bed." Jean explained to Jan.

"I'm sorry that I didn't consider your taste before asking you to transfer into my house." Jan said apologetically.

"Woooaaahhh. It's a miracle. You speak a lot of words today." Jean teased him.

Jan felt shy and gave her an awkward smile. But in all honestly, Jan in his heart felt so warm for the first time.

Jean Mary served as his tour guide, and they literally stroll the mall until they reached the department store.

Jean stared Jan's outfit. He dragged Jan towards the men's clothes section.

"Won't you consider buying new clothes? You were still wearing your clothes yesterday."

Jan again felt that he was hit with bullseye because of Jean Mary's remark for him. "I changed my clothes. My clothes do not lack in number it only has a similar design and color."

"Ooopppsss" @_@ "Sorry I misunderstood you again." Jean Mary quickly apologized. "Anyway, I want to buy some clothes for you. I want to teach you how to become fashionable at your age." Jean told him.

"Okay, that's fine with me." Jan replied but his facial expression says otherwise. However, Jean didn't notice the uncomfortable look he had because Jean was excited to buy clothes for him.

It was already late in the afternoon when they went home. Jean's plan to decorate her room has been delayed but it was okay because for her, that day was worth it and it was the first step of her plans to gain the trust of Jan. Her plans to unveil the mystery of Jan's family matters the most for her.

Jean Mary fell asleep that night with a big smile on her face.