
A Beautiful Affair

Jean Mary is a young woman promised to be betrothed to someone only her parents know. She was anxious by the thought that her husband to be is a complete stranger but what was making her more anxious is the uneasy vibe that her parents gave her when they talk about her upcoming marriage. Is there something that her parents hide from her? "If you're hesitant to let him marry me, then just don't let him marry me" she uttered. Then her parents only hugged her as if that was the only last time they could ever hug her.

Navarro_Gemmie_Lyn · Masa Muda
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24 Chs

Her Pregnancy

"Grand." Jean Mary was surprised but thankful to see him.

Grand unlocked the car for Jean to come inside the car. Jean Mary went in right away then Grant started his car and drove away leaving Jan behind.

When Jean was already inside the car, she noticed that Grand was wet, so she wondered where he went.

"What happened Grand? Why are you wet? Where have you been?" She asked.

"I... I have been to..." Grand could give her a direct answer.

Jean Mary was starting to be suspicious. All her discoveries about Jan is making her a paranoid. She doesn't know who and what believe anymore.

She looked back but what startled her that the clothes she always sees outside her window is in Grand's possession. So Jean Mary stared him for so long with fear and wonder.

Grand noticed this, and told her an even more heartbreaking news.

"Jean, don't be so surprised. I have something to tell you." He started.

"What is it about?"

"Your parents are dead." He finally said.

Jean Mary froze because of the news. Tears fell, and she was left dumbfounded. Her parents, her only family were dead. Why? Death really follows her.

After a few second of her being speechless, she finally wailed and cried so hard. She was hysterical. Grand did not try to console her. He continued driving and let her spill her emotions. When Grand finally realized that Jan could not follow them, he decided to stop the car.

After Jean Mary's hysterics moment, Jean Mary picked up herself to know how did her parents die.

"Now tell me." She said to him.

"I received a phone call from your parents asking for help. When I reached your house. They are dead, and I saw Jan Reynolds with a gun. He shot your parents dead. He was changing his clothes when I found him. I had a gun too. He was startled by my appearance that he ran and left these clothes. I followed him then I found you." Grand tell her the details of what happened.

For Jean Mary, since her parents were gone, she will start a new, and she will escape from Jan Reynolds.

"Grand, help me." Jean Mary said.

Grand understood what she meant, so he said, "I will bring you to my country.'

While Jean Mary and Grand decided for their escape. Jan was busy looking for Jean Mary. He asked Mr. Smith to bring back Jean Mary at all costs.

"Mr. Smith, I need Jean Mary to go back. I will explain to her everything. She has to go back." Jan was crying because he was in distress by Jean Mary's disappearance.

For how many months, they were searching for Jean that caused but to no avail. He failed. This search of his was futile that he fell into depression. His psychological condition became worse than before.

On the other side of the globe. Jean Mary was there holding her round tummy. She lived with Grand in his home country and changed her identity. Grand suggested for her to take a plastic surgery, but she did not agree because after a month of their stay in her new country. She felt something was weird about her body. She thought that might be a result of her depression because of some uneventful events that transpire during the longest month of her life. Her first love was a failure. She chose the wrong person that resulted the death of her family and friends. But one time she collapsed. Grand brought her to the hospital and the result of her check-up came. She was pregnant with Jan's child.

"What?" @_@ For Jean Mary. She had enough of everything.

Upon knowing this Grand suggested to abort the baby but she refused because she values life. She doesn't want to become like Jan who doesn't take life seriously. She also decided to cancelled the plastic surgery Grand was pushing her into because of its potential harmful effects to the baby. Ever since that day, Grand became cold towards her.